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Newbie question

Yesterday, the snow forced me to do the workout on the treadmill... which meant that my heartrate went through the roof... the program had me do 2*1.5m @Z4 - which as far as I can see is HR 172-178 and 15.45 km/h.... When running this on the 'mill, my heartrate hits 192.... do I slow down, or keep the pace?


  • @ Bo, for the runs the only thing that you need to maintain is pace in the proper zone. Do not worry about HR. HR is only for the bike if you are minus a PM.
  • I'll add a few random thoughts:

    Just like people can have different indoor and outdoor FTPs, it's possible to have different indoor and outdoor VDOTs (for some it's easier, for others it's harder).


    So if you did your VDOT test outside at a track and now are doing intervals inside on the treadmill, that can explain some of the difference.


    It's also possible the treadmill (and/or footpod) isn't calibrated properly.


    As usual, listen to your body (although calibrating RPE between indoor/outdoor can be tricky) - if you're destroying yourself on the treadmill with those paces, back off.
  • What Craig said. Very, very likely that your treadmill isn't calibrated and we all know that 10-20" of pace, either way, can make a BIG difference

  • The obvious, but as yet unstated, conclusion of what Craig and Rich have said, is that one should (a) do a 5K run test on a treadmill and (b) use the resultant run pace on future interval sessions, using that same machine, keeping consistent the grade and temperature (i.e., use a fan!)

  • Just to add to Al a little. I don't wear a HR monitor very much on runs but will now and then to see where its at on some TP stuff and when inside on the treadmill in 65 to 70 deg. with little air moving (even with fan going) it seems as my HR always is on the high side. I'll even open a window in the winter to get cold fresh air in to keep it down to normal levels. But I do agree the only way to know what your true vdot inside is is to do the dreaded 5k treadmill test. FWIW my indoor vdot and outdoor vdot are about 10" difference which is enough to make a big difference in your workouts without knowing that.
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