Low back pain
Going to see doc today to hopefully get MRI done, but wanted feedback. My low back has been hurting for a couple weeks now. Have been doing bike/run short sessions with no additional pain, but still uncomfortable. Pain is general ache in entire pelvic region and occasional pain in left glute area. Stayed horizontal yesterday, not better today.
Any ideas ? By the way, there was no "event " that caused this. Just showed up a couple weeks after Clearwater.
Could be a few things.
Hard to say without being able to poke around twist, bend etc.
Any weird stuff- numbness, tingling, weakness in the leg?? What have you done for it so far treatment wise??
I had a lower back problem last year, it was from sleeping on a really bad futon mattress. It seized up something fierce and I had to go to the ER! I swear I was in labor!!! Anyway, CAT scan said I had some disc issues that have probably been there for some time due to me being overweight for many years. I'm sure your MRI will be fine and they'll give you some strength exercises and flexibility exercises. I was told to be wary of what another poster added about numbness and tingling. Hopefully you just strained it and it will work its way out, it is a very frustrating injury. Good luck to you.
When Leigh says this "Hard to say without being able to poke around twist, bend etc", your answer should be No I feel fine, All better now.
just a quick note, re MRI (coming from a surgeon - ie I LOVE to cut people open
Going to see chiro/ART guy today. I typically see him once/wk just to keep various things in order...hips/hammies/achilles etc, esp during IM training. For the record, I fit into that >40 cat !
Trust me, I will do EVERYTHING right before any cutting is done...thanks all for the feedback.