Body Bugg
I did a search and saw Eric Beach had mentioned using one. I was curious what you guys know about these devices, they certainly look pretty cool I know a few people who have used them.
Background my union purchased a few of them and they are available for checkout as part of a wellness fitness dealio we are doing. I guess it was something about more firefighters dropping dead of heart attacks than being burnt up in a fire.
My take on the calorie logging thing is that it works. I used the fitday desktop program about 2 years ago for 6 months straight and had great success. I also learned where my calories came from and where it was easy to cut them. If I start to have a run of bad eating I get back to calorie logging. I really like the idea of the smart phone applications. I am holding out on getting a smart phone for as long as I can.
Dan- I have the body Bugg, it is pretty cool. My only thing is that the food logging is not as good as other food logging sites out there, IMO. The other thing is it really needs to be opened in windows explorer, and maybe sfari(?) If I wanted to use it with my droid, I woul d have to get the newest arm band, not worth it to me. You have to have a subscription to use the software. There are free calorie logging services out there that are better. I will not renew when my current subscription expires. Will go to Lose it, which is now available on the web, not just iphone. Lose it also in process of developing app for droid
Dan- yes, I add food. For the most part it will come up if I enter it. There have been times where I know I have entered a food, but it is not there. or it may be saved under say breakfast, but it does not come up in " my regular food" if i enter it in a different meal. It could be me though. I have been looking at other sites, they seem better. I get frustrated with the food logging, and then don't log and defeats the purpose.
I believe John Stark has also used the bodybugg.
I used Training Peaks for food logging for about 9 months. I had to do a lot of adding my own food and nutrition info. But if you use Training Peaks already for training tracking, it's one less piece of software to deal with.
@Dan - What Kurt said. Once you log the food you eat over a couple of weeks it remembers and the inputting is really easy as most people don't fluctuate too much. The UI is easy as well.
One thing I really liked is if I run a 5 mile run at Z1 and then I ran the same route at Z3 it would give me a bigger calorie burn number for the faster run. Pseudo-TSS, if you will. Unlike most apps or food logging sites that gives you one number for the 5 mile run whether it is fast or slow.
Is it accurate? Nothing is 100% accurate. But it is consistent. So if it is consistently 5% off then that is fine.
What I love is when I am training I can see how my calories I burned on that 3 hour bike with 3 x 15's and the rest at 85%. It is an excellent way to make sure you refueling properly and without going over the mark.
With the web interface, l like the way I can instantly see in pie charts and percentages how many calories I am taking in each day. It is an excellent way to see where you are at with fat, carbs and protein. And you see those foods that contribute the most to each so you can adjust your post training recovery food to make sure you are eating right.
Lastly, and as noted below, food logging is the most important part. In fact, Coach Rich's Wiki about body comp says the same thing.
So, have you bought a BB yet? If not, I can send you mine to try out before you shell out the cash. It is the new, sleeker black one.
Dan-I think it is consistent. On my work days, it seems to be in same range.( usually well over 2000 calories burned without any workout for a 12 hr shift)
After reading other comments, maybe I will play with the food diary more
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I agree with what John said about the calorie burn. It gives you calories burned /min in a graph, so more work, bigger cal/min, bigger spikes- rather than an lump number for a run.
Overall though, I think it is a useful tool. I like to see what I am doing
@John I might check one out and play w/ it since we own several. I actually bought an RMR test at a silent auction on Friday. As well as a v02 max test from my old coach. Not looking for any huge body comp changes but always keeping it in the back of my mind. I'm 6'2 173ish so pretty lean. I can alway do a better job w/ nutrition though. I can get to 195 pretty quickly.
Just out of curiosity, do you guys wear that arm band around all day? How well does that go in a business casual environment? What do SO's have to say about it?
Jeff, yes all day. It goes on the right arm and easily up under the short shirt sleeve without issue. No one see it. It is pretty slim.
That is, unless you wear a muscle shirt of tri top to work. :-) Then you might look like a dork. :-)
I thought the goal was to do as little work as possible? Time efficiency and all that...
You're running a 17:xx 5K at 173 pounds and you want to lose more weight? How low do you think you can go or is your goal to avoid getting back to 195?
I like the body bugg. I thought the food logging was pretty darn good, way better than From a calorie burn perspective I found it to be accurate and lost 60lbs using it.
It is a great motivator and book-keeper all rolled into one tool.
i have 2 complaints.
The first is obvious - monthly fee. I think that sucks. But, the tool works.
Second, it is very easy to focus on trying to get a higher and higher calorie burn instead of doing the training you are supposed to and eating more/less as determined by your goals. It is real easy to get into the..."I'll just add a quick 45 minute run here and here to burn these extra calories...and next thing you know you need an unscheduled rest day/week.
Just looking to maintain, maybe lose a few but I don't have a ton to give.
I can totally dig that, the two (weight loss and fitness) are somewhat mutually least for me.