Rest Intervals on Run and Bike
I haven't had a problem reading the interval sets, but after reviewing posts from others, I worry that I am screwing up the rest intervals. For example, a running interval might be:
3 x 1 mile (5') @ TP/Z4/Hard
I have understood this to mean run 1 mile at Z4 pace, and take a five minute break before doing it again. During that five minutes, I walk around, get some water, maybe stretch for a second, and generally prepare for the next interval. Except for the first couple of seconds, and the last couple of seconds, I am not running during the rest interval. Others seem to be running during the entire 5 minute break, and some of them are running only 45 seconds a mile slower than their Z4 pace. Should I be running during the rest interval, and if so should I be running at my Z1 pace or faster?
Similarly a bike interval might be:
2 x 10' (3') @ 95-100%/Z4/Hard
During the 3 minute rest interval, I drop into the small chainring and spin really easily (noodling on a beach cruiser easy), towel off, grab some water, and sometimes get off the bike to adjust the resistance nob on my trainer for the next interval. Should I be pushing the rest interval harder?
Usually, I'm a fan of finishing the interval, then walking for a bit until heart rate settles down and then comfortably jogging/running until it is time for the next one.
When doing 30/30s on the bike all bets are off. Sometimes, I just drape over the handlebars.
Thanks to all who have replied. I didn't expect to get multiple responses withint 30 minutes. I can certainly run or jog during the rest interval, I just haven't been. I will give that a try this weekend and see how it goes.
I also try to aim for Z1 during run recovery periods and 60% on bike.
just to add another rest interval hack:
5 minute rest intervals are pretty long. i usually just wait until my heart rate settles and then i go again. i'll walk like 15-30 seconds and then start a really slow jog, almost shuffle, then i go again.
if i WAS to do the whole 5minutes, i'd do as stated and then speed up to a z1 jog before going again.
that last post was for the run, of course.
i don't focus too much on the rest time for the bike, since i am outside usually and sometimes i can't control things that get in my way, etc. i just make sure to get the work intervals done.
@David and Jeff. Good tip. I will try that. Thanks!
Below is my method for the fast run intervals at Z5 pace:
I generally do the interval then jog walk recovery until heart rate is at or just under 120bpm and then start again.
I have been able to hit all my intervals at the required pace. I don't try to get my HR down quickly but this method prevents me from taking an overly long rest period. My rest intvals for 200m- 800m @z5 works out at about 1:30 to 2:15
According to Daniels Running Formula, all recoveries in running are to be done at recovery pace, which is pretty slow jog, for a VDOT 53 is about 9:20 pace. It does not suggest walking. His implication is that if you are walking on any recoveries except R-pace, you have done interval too hard. R-pace is the only place where he allows "what ever it takes" to get yourself in a condition to repeat another 200 or 400 at R-pace.
When you combine walking during a long 5min recovery, just my 2 cents, I think there is some loss in quality of the workout. One of the purposes of T-pace running is to accumulate lactate, process it during interval, recovery is to reduce levels, but not eliminate entirely, so that you are starting your next interval at an already elevated level. Also keep in mind that true T-pace cruise intervals, like
3-5x1mi are done with 1min recovery, which allows very little lactate reduction. We at EN do a modified cruise interval work. 5min is a very long recovery, so is 4min and 3min. If you are walking or standing, you will have had most of the lactate processed ie. full recovery.
Do what you think you should in the end. Don't let this post influence how you execute the workout.
Nice reading all the posts and seeing the differences/similarities with how people recover.
For running workouts at Threshold, I slow down to a slow paced jog afterwards (EP + 30-60 seconds) and then gradually bring it up to Z1 speed for the rest of the recovery period. I'll also shave a minute off the recovery time if I feel good.
On the bike, I'll sometimes get up and get water/get another towel/etc after the 2nd 2x20 before starting the Z3 work. But usually I'll just pedal at an easy pace.
Yes. Takes me usually at least 1 min to get it back down, at least. Might be an age function too. Don't know.