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Has anyone used this?  What is your experience with it? 

I was looking for an iPhone app for tracking my workouts and such when I came across the site.  It looks like you can upload the EN plan so you always have the exact workout with you and can punch in what you actually did. 


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    I used it for about a 1 1/2 yrs. It's pretty basic, but also very easy for the most part. It certainly doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles or at least didn't when I last used it, which was late this summer. It can be a little cumbersome -  for example you can't log a brick, you have to log two seperate workouts and you have to enter and go to a new screen for each. I don't have an iphone, but I have a bad case of iphone envy! Maybe there is a new and improved version for the iphone? I just keep track of everything in WKO+ now. I am sure there are better methods, but I am lazy and having to deal with more than one program is just more work than I want to invest.

    Hope that helps!

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