welcome Charlene! Glad to have you and it sounds like you've got a great plan to gear up for your tris with teh HIM goal next year. Swimming is the part I like, which makes me an oddball among triathletes. You've got the really hard part down and it sounds like you're smoking fast, so as long as you can finish the swim without drowning (which I strongly suspect you can), you'll likely be bringing home hardware in no time!
@Jennifer - oh no. That's horrible. I'm so sorry to hear that about Betty, especially since she's still a puppy. I'm not sure if Kristen O is active this year (but is on FB), she's a vet (I think), maybe she has some advice. And don't sweat your race, do what you can do and, more importantly, do no harm. You've got plenty of time and races ahead of you so just have fun (accepting you're not where you "should" be). It's worked for me the 2 races I've done this year.
@Nemo - temps were actually mild, well, as far as EM goes this year. That's not to say it wasn't hot as heck, but it's been so much worse.
So, I'm not feeling particularly inspired to write a race report for EM perhaps because I didn't really feel like it was a race bc I knew the run would be disappointing. So here's a down and dirty recap: Ahead of time I made the decision to really try to push the swim. I haven't been swimming a lot and felt tired at the end of the OLY a few weeks ago, which was a huge wakeup call for me. So, I got my tush to the pool the last few weeks and did the speed and endurance work as scheduled. When I plugged my numbers into the bike pace calculator, I estimated a bit on the strong end (estimating a sub 6 finish with a .80 or .85 IF), knowing I wasn't going to run the run). I've only been running about a month, perhaps 5 weeks, with the ART/Graston specialist's blessing. I did the OLY running 4-2s. Since then I've done 2 90 minute runs, the first 3-1 and the second 4-1. I've done a few 30 and 45 minute runs straight (not doing the set workouts, just trying to get my endurance and running legs back). I decided that I'd run a 5-1 for EM and give it a go hoping I'd be ready to tackle 13.1, my longest run since IMFL in November. Gulp.
It was warm and sticky at 4:30 am when I got into my car. The water was 81. At least Vigo learned his lesson from last year's uncommonly warm water temps and had a plan B - the last wave was for those who wanted to race in wetsuits. I don't know if anyone did. I can't imagine that. Heck, I didn't even pack mine as I'd been checking the water temp all week. After a bad swim followed by a bad mood at Timberman last year I've stopped timing my swims because in the grand scheme of things, it just doesn't matter that much and I'd rather not know if I did "badly" so my head stays in a sort of happy place. I lined up wide left of the buoy line but in the front row to start - and avoided the mosh pit of people which was a relief. I did find myself in the buoy line for most of the swim and at times there was some posturing, but nothing bad. I felt really good and was very happy with how it went. I wasn't tired like I was after the OLY a few weeks ago. That said, I think the swim was long again or something was up based on the times. Mine was 42 (up from 39 last year and 35 the year before). I checked and the woman who won my AG was 28 and the next few were in the 32-35 range. My first EM swim (with a wetsuit) was 35, so that's kind of what I was expecting... Oh well, I felt great and at least everyone else's times were also slow.
I suck at transitions and that's just how it is. I was limping as I jogged in which worried me a bit. I sat down to put my shoes on bc the specialized roadies are a pain to put on with wet hands, the spindles/spools are hard to twist and I've been having trouble with them even with dry hands lately (the wire is getting warped and twisted). Anyway, I just kept calm and got my stuff done and was off again.
The bike was sort of similar to last year, kinda windy the whole way, a bit stronger at Egypt Rd but not by much. After a 20 minute warm up, my gear 2 watts target was 149 and my gear 3 for the super windy sections was 156. I was going to try to keep my PN at 150. "Try" is the operative term, my PN for the ride was 144 and my avg speed was 19.9! I was totally shocked - not only that my watts were too low but that my speed was so good. I wasn't slacking for sure but I just couldn't hold watts any higher with comfort or without worry that I'd be sabatouging myself on the run. It felt great out there. I passed lots of folks and that was a first for me on the bike. I wasn't trying to, mind you, I knew I still had a run to do (that I was ill prepared for), I was following EN race protocol and keeping my numbers in mind. I was drinking infinit every 15', taking S! caps every hour, and 3 sport legs at the 2 hour mark. I also took water at a few aid stations to dump on my head, which felt heavenly!
T2, slower than T1. The woman next to me on the left misracked her bike and I couldn't get my bike on the bar. I was a little ticked. So I took her bike off the bar and rolled it under the bar and rebalanced it resting on the brake levers. Then I was able to squeeze mine in there. Annoying. Sit down to get my shoes off andslide on my sneaks. Fortunately the wire cables didn't stick and I could actually get my feet out of my cycling shoes! (as much as I love those shoes, I think I need tri shoes with velcro to make life easier) I also took the time to spray sunscreen on and fish my chapstick out of my bento box to put into my jersey pocket. Then I was ready... I walked out of transition while fiddling with my watch to get it to my run program... so my T2 time wasn't really all that surprising in the grand scheme of things. Whatever.
So, the run...even though it was shy of 100 out (which is downright cool for EM), there was lots of carnage on the run as there always is. I'd planned to do a 5-1 run-walk all along and had my watch programmed for it. I kept to it and also walked the water stops (how annoying that they didn't correspond to my programmed walk breaks. ). The first 7ish miles felt good. My run segments were around 9:30 and then the walks I tried to keep under 15min mile pace... the last few miles were harder. My foot was aching, my ankle was tightening up, I was getting warm and frustrated... My running pace was starting to creep over 10, my walking pace was whatever it was. I stopped to use the bathroom (shockingly the first time all race) in the last mile and a half. Then I shuffled my way back. I'd told myself I'd run the last mile without the walk break but when my watch beeped, I walked. Those minute breaks became a crutch... broke the run up into bite sized pieces that I could handle. Amazingly enough it was as I entered the finishing chute that my last walk break was set to start, so that was one I could manage to skip!
Post race I was limping pretty significantly. It hurt a lot. Next day the foot loosened up and my quads have that post-marathon lead feeling. Hurts to get up and get moving. Hurts to tackle stairs. Still there today... considering my longest run/walk effort in 6 months has been somewhere in the 8-9 mile range, I can't complain too much!
All told, my swim was 0:42:08 (div rank 31); T1 3:21; bike 2:48:35 (19.93 mph) (div rank 29), T2 4:44; run 2:24:02 (10:59min mile)(div rank 39) = 6:02:50 (div rank 39)
Becky, can you explain or point me in the direction of the bike information you indictae as EN protocol. I have been through the Wiki but not sure I found the right link. For a slow poke like me, it sounds like you had a pretty good race even with the foot issues. I would love to have your times.
@Mary, it's part of the racing with power download (it took me a while to find it myself when I actually started looking for it). Did you get that set of stuff? If so, it's part of the "EN Power Racing Calculator" I'm not sure if it's on the wiki - I looked and looked, too and didn't find it. But I might have been looking in the wrong place.
Just a quick update- looks like Betty is responding well to the steroids. She is finally starting to look like her old self! Thanks again for all the thoughts!
Thanks for sharing your EM race report Becky.....Great stuff.....I wasn't there this year but happily the Aussies were represented! I have been shopping around for my 2012 70.3 races recently and EM looked like a nice course. Hope your injury free soon :-)
Ummmm, I wouldn't call Eagleman a "nice" course :-) Flat, yes. But it's always hot as hell, usually very windy (especially in the last 20 miles of the bike), and there can be jellifish in the water. But it's a very fair course I think, and it's timed good with similar (hot, humid, windy) conditions as Kona which is why I think a lot of top pros show. Plus it's really supported well by the local community- they get the fact that this event is bringing people in to their town and they seem to really appreciate it.
It's a great race- but "nice" wouldn't be my choice of words!
@Nemo/Jane - LoL. I second that. It's a great race insofar as it's put on super well and the aid stations are the best around. period. It's a great qualifier, which is why, I think, so many folks come out - which makes it cool that I have an international caliber event in my backyard on a course I can train on if I so choose.
For the second year, no jellyfish (prob bc water temps were so high). Winds were tolerable (no scary cross winds that send lil peeps like me flying off their bikes), hot run. No getting around it. even though it was prob 10 degrees cooler this year, it wasn't an appreciable difference. That run is the great equalizer. Lots of carnage. It's all about pacing, nutrition, and strategy. If you think you have a shot at qualifying for Kona or Vegas, I'd say anyone should put this race on their calendar. I'm still really, really thinking of CDA next year which will mean a year away from EM. But I'm sure I'll be back. Despite the brutality of the race, it's so well done and it's close.
As for me, I've enjoyed my week off tremendously. I did ride my trainer for an hour yesterday. legs were sore to start but opened up. I'd planned to run for 30 today but slept in instead. Gonna meet the running group tomorrow morning for an hour and try to meet up with a cycling group Sun morning (where I'll bail out early, at the first water stop). Monday I start IM training in earnest. Wow! The time will fly. I've asked for a second telework day, if not permanent at least through the IM so I can get my training done, get to the grocery (at lunch), do laundry, etc... admin that I won't really have time for on the weekends with epic rides, etc.
I just had to replace the HVAC unit in my condo... argh. That was an ordeal. First they came out and told me I needed a new compressor and had to wait for it to come in. Then they put it in and it blew up... then they came back out and told me I needed a whole new flippin unit. I would have gotten a second opinion on price but I was already into them for the compressor (which I didn't feel like I should have to pay for since I followed their recommendation) and they didn't charge me for it. Anyway, that's gonna hurt - especially since I need to pay for Africa in the next 2 weeks. Stop the bleeding!!
Started talking to Mike about stuff. He was open to the conversation and agreed things are different and he's not sure how he feels. He said he's been feeling more friendly than romantic lately (I've noticed)... I'm glad we're talking. I guess we're gonna keep trying to figure it out. If my training schedule doesn't make us stronger it will kill this for sure. Glad I finally listened to my gut and took action. He's a great guy and I like being with him (and the sex is outstanding, to be honest), but I'm not sure if he's the one. I'm afraid I may never find HIM. Kinda of makes me sad. But I have to be honest with myself.
Becky- so sorry to hear about the AC troubles. This time of year it isn't fun to be dealing with a broken unit and it always seems to cost more to fix than you think it should. Glad to hear you are having good convo with Mike. Sounds to me like you learned a lot from the relationship with Dan last year.
@Becky - Thanks for the input! As I'm getting better at swimming, who knows, maybe I'll end up liking it over the other 2. I just can't quite tell yet. So far, I still like running just because it's the thing I'm more comfortable with right now.
@Jennifer - Glad to hear Betty's doing alright! I have a very soft spot for pets.
Hiya! day 3 of my IM training and so far I'm only down 1 swim. Anyone who knows me (or remembers my IMFL training last year), knows that's about par for the course of my training! At least I made it past the 1st day sticking to the schedule. I do plan to make the swim up, likely tomorrow as it's my telework day. I may continue my trend from last year of taking Fridays off altogether (skipping the swim, don't know why the coaches equate a swim only day with a rest day)... and getting the swim in at the outdoor pool over the weekend (after the long ride and, hopefully, lunch, and a nap). We'll see. If I'm in the pool twice a week and hit all my other workouts I'll call the week a success. If I swim 3x a week I'll consider myself an EN superstar trainee!
How's everyone else doing?
I'm still toying with the idea of CDA next year. Although reading the article that the Lake temps are in the 50s is a bit scary... I have a few days to figure it out, but I'm leaning towards it for sure. With 2 friends here doing it and Kate Green contemplating it... why not?!
I was ready to bag things with Mike over the weekend and wrote an email to start a conversation but never sent it - wanted to let it breathe as opposed to sending it when I was in a funk. Then when I talked to him and saw him Sun night it seemed to be okay and stress free... Hmm... just taking it as it comes. The kids will be out of school soon and off to camp for a good bit of the summer (back here and there) so a lot of weekends will be free for him (granted, I'll be training). I wonder how that will go.
Michele and Jonnie are coming in a week. Should be fun. They'll do the tourist thing (not sure if I'll play tour guide... I suppose when I'm not at work or training) hopefully with some riding thrown in for fun.
Ooooh, how fun that Michele and Jonnie are coming to visit! That will be a lot of fun for sure!
I've been sick this week- fighting a head cold. So I've done Nada since Saturday. I'm hoping I can do a short run tomorrow to get started back up again. Normally I'd use swimming as my re-entry to physical activity but in the case of a head cold I think I'd rather stay out of the pool a little longer.
I'm in the process of searching for a cyclocross bike that will fit my short body. Sooooo frustrating because there are so many really cool bikes- but the cross geometry just doesn't mesh well with little peep bodies. Anyway- I've been pouring over geometry tables and options and I think I finally have the field narrowed down. Hopefully I'll have the trigger pulled on something soon.
Oh- and Becky. I'm with ya on IMCDA. I know that lake is always cold (or has been for the past 3 years), and yet was just starting to convince myself that I could still do it, but low 50's??? Uh, yeah, maybe not! I'm on the fence.
Carly- wish I could feel "excited" cause I'm mostly just frustrated! It just sucks being short. There's no way to test ride anything (no shop carries cross bikes in the smallest size) so I'm doing this totally by looking at charts and asking questions.
Nemo I hear ya. I am chronically buying bikes that are too big for me, I am realizing. Afraid of the 650 wheels. It's a bummer not to be able to test ride. I hope you are happy with whatever you purchase. Is this going to replace the road bike? Or just add to the collection ;-)
Ah, good question. For now it will be an addition to the collection. However, I keep hearing from folks that I'll love the cyclo-cross bike so much I'll never ride the road bike again. But I'm not ready to put Hobbs out to pasture just yet! That little guy has gotten me through two TOCs and after the modifications I made this past year, I was quite happy on him at this years TOC.
I officially have a second telework day for the summer! Woo hoo! That will make my life, and training so much easier! Not only will I be able to get a touch more sleep after the weekend's brutal workouts but I'll be able to do my run in the morning before work, do laundry during the day, possibly go to the grocery store at lunch, and get to the pool when I'm off the clock at 4:30 and be done before the water aerobics class starts at 6:30 taking half the lanes). Happy dance!
Hopped on the scale today for the first time in a while... not a good number. Despite my heavier training load this week my diet has been a bit off (finishing up ice cream I bought, drinking wine with dinner, etc)... 11 weeks to get my act together! Watching my calories it came down somewhat before EM, so I have to get back on that wagon again but I can't go too crazy bc of the training. Hope I can figure out the balance.
Weekend one of epic IM training bike rides... trying to plan my attack and figure out where to go. Should be interesting to do Sat's intervals on hills. I'll do what I can! Sun I'm hoping to link up with others and just try to keep up and ride strong. Not gonna pay attention to staying in Z3, but I will try to keep my VI under control.
Hope you're all doing well. Happy summer, officially (although we've had several bouts of heat and humidity already).
Nemo- sounds like you've been having lots of fun on your new bike
Becky- Congrats on your second telework day, we are praying that we get telework soon at my office, we will see. Hope that you have fun with Michelle and Jonnie visiting!
Betty is still doing ok, I'm nervous because I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow and my brother is watching her for the week and her medication dosage goes lower. Hopefully it will all be fine! But I do finally get to see the Grand Canyon this week, and I'm soooooooo excited. These next two days at work I'm sure are going to be brutal waiting for my vacation to begin.
Did my RR for Muncie on Saturday, and although the place I go to ride is hillier than the Muncie course I was pleased because I managed to hit my GW perfectly, and I ended up going faster speed-wise than I expected. So I'm excited to see what will happen on race day. And I finally got a 1/2 mile swim in yesterday and was pleased that my form was ok, the swim will be interesting, but I won't be setting any records I'm sure considering that's my only swim since IMWI (mental note: early season race + living in Chicago + no access to indoor pool = interesting swim). And I did a local 5k and managed to match my best vDot time. So all and all I'm back to my best form from last year which makes me really happy considering the not-so-hot OS and HIM plan training due to injuries. I'm hoping to crush my end of the season race in September
I'm thinking ahead and I was wondering what some of your opinions were as to how you made the biggest gains on the bike. I'm still working on what I think my ideal race weight is, but it's really only probably 5 pounds away, so that's not going to be a huge factor. If you've made some significant gains in watts on the bike, did you do something additional outside the OS? Maybe a killer weekly ride where you just hung on for dear life? Something else? Any opinions would be welcome!
Jennifer- I wish I had advice for you on the FTP, but alas, I have no answers there. OTOH- I hope you have a GREAT time at the Grand Canyon. Actually, I know you will. It really is one of those things you just can't appreciate unless you see it for yourself. Have a blast!
Happy end of June, ladies! I have been so off the grid with training for CDA and trying to still be a mom and a working woman....exhausted most days. So, now that the race is over, I hope to rejoin the group and be a more active participant.
So happy to see many of you signed up for IMCDA today. I loved the race. I would love to join you all, but it looks like I may try to do IMSG next year. I think I'm crazy.
My first IM done! Turned out faster than I thought it would (although I didn't have any great expectations as I just wanted to "let the day happen"). My husband, two kids, and mom all came which was really awesome. My sons REALLY enjoyed the day and all of the excitement. I don't think they would every let me do an IM without being able to be there with me.
Just want you all to know that I think this group is the best thing going.....
Congrats Stephanie! Great to see you have such a fantastic day. And yes, you are CRAZY for signing up for IMSG!!!
BTW ladies, despite all my plans to NOT do another WTC race next year, I did in fact register for IMCDA. One of my very best friends is doing it and begged me to join her. We used to race together all the time (she's the one you sometimes see holding my hand coming out of the swim at IMWI in the pics on the bottom of the forum) but since I moved we've not had much luck getting our schedules to connect. So despite that cold water, and the fact that it's WTC, I registered :-) Good news is there are several other EN Chicas going too- so it will be great to have lots of company out there on the course!
@Stephanie - congrats!! I hope you'll do (or have) a race report. I signed up for CDA, too and will be reading them all with great interest. So glad your family was there to support you and that you had a great time!
@Jennifer - I'm not exactly a monster rider but my watts did come up nicely during OS (147-83), although I fear what my first test in the IM plan will hold as I haven't come close to hitting those new numbers this past week and a half. I did all trainer rides in OS, that's all I could do. I also tested on the trainer. I played mental tricks with myself - every 5' I'd pick a number a few PNorm ticks higher than I was at and shoot for it... it broke each segment down into pieces. I also stayed in aero for the first 15' and let myself sit up to hammer the last 5'... also another little mental trick. I have to say I was surprised with my jumps the last 2 tests bc with the new numbers my first few weeks of workouts would be brutal and I never felt like I could get there or hold the Z4 watts for the intervals. Who knows. I tested right before my HIM, then went to WI to train and didn't really focus on numbers, then raced, and took a week off. I'm on the trainer once a week now and it was brutal last week. I suspect it will be brutal again tomorrow. I tried like heck to hit my zones for the intervals on my ride outside Sat but riding hilly courses makes it hard to do--- I'll push as much as I can but if I'm on a flat or a descent it just isn't gonna happen... but it's a lot of fun trying. :-)
@Nemo - I didn't plan to do an IM next year at all... but my year off was a concession to Dan as much as anything else. When my friend Julie said she was doing CDA and I thought about the timing I starting thinking. My A race next year will be the NYC marathon, a june IM will give me plenty of time to knock that out. When I mentioned my toying with the idea to Kate she told me she was also on the fence... so having 2 friends to train with locally is such a huge incentive... it's so much more fun to not be going out for 4.5 hour rides alone! IF I do one in 2013 it will definitely be on the cheap (i.e., Chessy Man). Glad you're gonna be out there with us!
Wow...haven't posted in sooooo long. Just too depressed about moving and leaving our youngest daughter plus trying to dejunk and get the house ready to sell. Crying out loud....three dump loads later and many many contributions to a fundraising garage sale later and I think we could still get rid of things. Some of you who have been avowed non-hoarders on here would be proud. I even gave away my old Christmas dishes.
I'm just going to jump in where I am. I will be doing boot camp style training to get ready for the 1/2 IM in August. It might help that I'm going on Habitat 500 in less than 2 weeks which I'm also not ready for!!!
Oldest daughter is cooking at the camp in Maine again this summer and will be here in about 1/2 hour to spend the night. So grateful!!! Maybe she just likes our booze
Nemo....so fun to see you sign up for IMCDA.
OK...I'll try and put my big girl pants on, quit whining and get back on track!!! I know with you chickas it is possible!!!
My geeky husband and I walked downtown tonight after dinner and there was a bag pipe "band" marching around practicing. Now he is looking up how to join. No way can he practice bag pipes again unless we buy in the country!!! LOL
@Sheryl - so good to hear from you! Hang in there... so much change, but you are loved and will not be forgotten just because you're in a new state. Good luck with the Boot Camp! Can't wait to hear about your progress.
Jonnie and Michele arrive tomorrow afternoon! gonna be a super fun weekend!!! well, except for the IM training part of the weekend. but, having company on the rides will be awesome! especially the company of kick ass riders who can teach me a few tricks! Looking very forward to catching up with Suzanne and Tracy at dinner Fri... then having Tracy and Kate join us on the ride Sun!
Becky, I can't wait to volunteer and see you all at IMWI!!! Thanks for the encouragement. Got up to go to the pool this morning and threw up twice. So glad that Kelsey was here to take care of me!! So blessed with great kids....Ok...enough being a braggin parent!
welcome Charlene! Glad to have you and it sounds like you've got a great plan to gear up for your tris with teh HIM goal next year. Swimming is the part I like, which makes me an oddball among triathletes. You've got the really hard part down and it sounds like you're smoking fast, so as long as you can finish the swim without drowning (which I strongly suspect you can), you'll likely be bringing home hardware in no time!
@Jennifer - oh no. That's horrible. I'm so sorry to hear that about Betty, especially since she's still a puppy. I'm not sure if Kristen O is active this year (but is on FB), she's a vet (I think), maybe she has some advice. And don't sweat your race, do what you can do and, more importantly, do no harm. You've got plenty of time and races ahead of you so just have fun (accepting you're not where you "should" be). It's worked for me the 2 races I've done this year.
@Nemo - temps were actually mild, well, as far as EM goes this year. That's not to say it wasn't hot as heck, but it's been so much worse.
So, I'm not feeling particularly inspired to write a race report for EM perhaps because I didn't really feel like it was a race bc I knew the run would be disappointing. So here's a down and dirty recap: Ahead of time I made the decision to really try to push the swim. I haven't been swimming a lot and felt tired at the end of the OLY a few weeks ago, which was a huge wakeup call for me. So, I got my tush to the pool the last few weeks and did the speed and endurance work as scheduled. When I plugged my numbers into the bike pace calculator, I estimated a bit on the strong end (estimating a sub 6 finish with a .80 or .85 IF), knowing I wasn't going to run the run). I've only been running about a month, perhaps 5 weeks, with the ART/Graston specialist's blessing. I did the OLY running 4-2s. Since then I've done 2 90 minute runs, the first 3-1 and the second 4-1. I've done a few 30 and 45 minute runs straight (not doing the set workouts, just trying to get my endurance and running legs back). I decided that I'd run a 5-1 for EM and give it a go hoping I'd be ready to tackle 13.1, my longest run since IMFL in November. Gulp.
It was warm and sticky at 4:30 am when I got into my car. The water was 81. At least Vigo learned his lesson from last year's uncommonly warm water temps and had a plan B - the last wave was for those who wanted to race in wetsuits. I don't know if anyone did. I can't imagine that. Heck, I didn't even pack mine as I'd been checking the water temp all week. After a bad swim followed by a bad mood at Timberman last year I've stopped timing my swims because in the grand scheme of things, it just doesn't matter that much and I'd rather not know if I did "badly" so my head stays in a sort of happy place. I lined up wide left of the buoy line but in the front row to start - and avoided the mosh pit of people which was a relief. I did find myself in the buoy line for most of the swim and at times there was some posturing, but nothing bad. I felt really good and was very happy with how it went. I wasn't tired like I was after the OLY a few weeks ago. That said, I think the swim was long again or something was up based on the times. Mine was 42 (up from 39 last year and 35 the year before). I checked and the woman who won my AG was 28 and the next few were in the 32-35 range. My first EM swim (with a wetsuit) was 35, so that's kind of what I was expecting... Oh well, I felt great and at least everyone else's times were also slow.
I suck at transitions and that's just how it is. I was limping as I jogged in which worried me a bit. I sat down to put my shoes on bc the specialized roadies are a pain to put on with wet hands, the spindles/spools are hard to twist and I've been having trouble with them even with dry hands lately (the wire is getting warped and twisted). Anyway, I just kept calm and got my stuff done and was off again.
The bike was sort of similar to last year, kinda windy the whole way, a bit stronger at Egypt Rd but not by much. After a 20 minute warm up, my gear 2 watts target was 149 and my gear 3 for the super windy sections was 156. I was going to try to keep my PN at 150. "Try" is the operative term, my PN for the ride was 144 and my avg speed was 19.9! I was totally shocked - not only that my watts were too low but that my speed was so good. I wasn't slacking for sure but I just couldn't hold watts any higher with comfort or without worry that I'd be sabatouging myself on the run. It felt great out there. I passed lots of folks and that was a first for me on the bike. I wasn't trying to, mind you, I knew I still had a run to do (that I was ill prepared for), I was following EN race protocol and keeping my numbers in mind. I was drinking infinit every 15', taking S! caps every hour, and 3 sport legs at the 2 hour mark. I also took water at a few aid stations to dump on my head, which felt heavenly!
T2, slower than T1. The woman next to me on the left misracked her bike and I couldn't get my bike on the bar. I was a little ticked. So I took her bike off the bar and rolled it under the bar and rebalanced it resting on the brake levers. Then I was able to squeeze mine in there. Annoying. Sit down to get my shoes off andslide on my sneaks. Fortunately the wire cables didn't stick and I could actually get my feet out of my cycling shoes! (as much as I love those shoes, I think I need tri shoes with velcro to make life easier) I also took the time to spray sunscreen on and fish my chapstick out of my bento box to put into my jersey pocket. Then I was ready... I walked out of transition while fiddling with my watch to get it to my run program... so my T2 time wasn't really all that surprising in the grand scheme of things. Whatever.
So, the run...even though it was shy of 100 out (which is downright cool for EM), there was lots of carnage on the run as there always is. I'd planned to do a 5-1 run-walk all along and had my watch programmed for it. I kept to it and also walked the water stops (how annoying that they didn't correspond to my programmed walk breaks.
). The first 7ish miles felt good. My run segments were around 9:30 and then the walks I tried to keep under 15min mile pace... the last few miles were harder. My foot was aching, my ankle was tightening up, I was getting warm and frustrated... My running pace was starting to creep over 10, my walking pace was whatever it was. I stopped to use the bathroom (shockingly the first time all race) in the last mile and a half. Then I shuffled my way back. I'd told myself I'd run the last mile without the walk break but when my watch beeped, I walked. Those minute breaks became a crutch... broke the run up into bite sized pieces that I could handle. Amazingly enough it was as I entered the finishing chute that my last walk break was set to start, so that was one I could manage to skip!
Post race I was limping pretty significantly. It hurt a lot. Next day the foot loosened up and my quads have that post-marathon lead feeling. Hurts to get up and get moving. Hurts to tackle stairs. Still there today... considering my longest run/walk effort in 6 months has been somewhere in the 8-9 mile range, I can't complain too much!
All told, my swim was 0:42:08 (div rank 31); T1 3:21; bike 2:48:35 (19.93 mph) (div rank 29), T2 4:44; run 2:24:02 (10:59min mile)(div rank 39) = 6:02:50 (div rank 39)
I'm not sure if it's on the wiki - I looked and looked, too and didn't find it. But I might have been looking in the wrong place.
Nice work, Becky! You will be seriously flying by IMoo time!
Jennifer -- so happy to hear about Betty! Continued good thoughts!
@Jennifer - great news about Betty!
@Beth - thanks... have a lot of training to do between now and Moo camp... hopefully I'll be able to see a difference! Good luck at HHH!
I have been shopping around for my 2012 70.3 races recently and EM looked like a nice course.
Hope your injury free soon :-)
It's a great race- but "nice" wouldn't be my choice of words!
@Nemo/Jane - LoL. I second that. It's a great race insofar as it's put on super well and the aid stations are the best around. period. It's a great qualifier, which is why, I think, so many folks come out - which makes it cool that I have an international caliber event in my backyard on a course I can train on if I so choose.
For the second year, no jellyfish (prob bc water temps were so high). Winds were tolerable (no scary cross winds that send lil peeps like me flying off their bikes), hot run. No getting around it. even though it was prob 10 degrees cooler this year, it wasn't an appreciable difference. That run is the great equalizer. Lots of carnage. It's all about pacing, nutrition, and strategy. If you think you have a shot at qualifying for Kona or Vegas, I'd say anyone should put this race on their calendar. I'm still really, really thinking of CDA next year which will mean a year away from EM. But I'm sure I'll be back. Despite the brutality of the race, it's so well done and it's close.
As for me, I've enjoyed my week off tremendously. I did ride my trainer for an hour yesterday. legs were sore to start but opened up. I'd planned to run for 30 today but slept in instead. Gonna meet the running group tomorrow morning for an hour and try to meet up with a cycling group Sun morning (where I'll bail out early, at the first water stop). Monday I start IM training in earnest. Wow! The time will fly. I've asked for a second telework day, if not permanent at least through the IM so I can get my training done, get to the grocery (at lunch), do laundry, etc... admin that I won't really have time for on the weekends with epic rides, etc.
I just had to replace the HVAC unit in my condo... argh. That was an ordeal. First they came out and told me I needed a new compressor and had to wait for it to come in. Then they put it in and it blew up... then they came back out and told me I needed a whole new flippin unit. I would have gotten a second opinion on price but I was already into them for the compressor (which I didn't feel like I should have to pay for since I followed their recommendation) and they didn't charge me for it. Anyway, that's gonna hurt - especially since I need to pay for Africa in the next 2 weeks. Stop the bleeding!!
Started talking to Mike about stuff. He was open to the conversation and agreed things are different and he's not sure how he feels. He said he's been feeling more friendly than romantic lately (I've noticed)... I'm glad we're talking. I guess we're gonna keep trying to figure it out. If my training schedule doesn't make us stronger it will kill this for sure. Glad I finally listened to my gut and took action. He's a great guy and I like being with him (and the sex is outstanding, to be honest), but I'm not sure if he's the one. I'm afraid I may never find HIM. Kinda of makes me sad. But I have to be honest with myself.
@Jennifer - Glad to hear Betty's doing alright! I have a very soft spot for pets.
Hiya! day 3 of my IM training and so far I'm only down 1 swim. Anyone who knows me (or remembers my IMFL training last year), knows that's about par for the course of my training! At least I made it past the 1st day sticking to the schedule.
I do plan to make the swim up, likely tomorrow as it's my telework day. I may continue my trend from last year of taking Fridays off altogether (skipping the swim, don't know why the coaches equate a swim only day with a rest day)... and getting the swim in at the outdoor pool over the weekend (after the long ride and, hopefully, lunch, and a nap). We'll see. If I'm in the pool twice a week and hit all my other workouts I'll call the week a success. If I swim 3x a week I'll consider myself an EN superstar trainee!
How's everyone else doing?
I'm still toying with the idea of CDA next year. Although reading the article that the Lake temps are in the 50s is a bit scary... I have a few days to figure it out, but I'm leaning towards it for sure. With 2 friends here doing it and Kate Green contemplating it... why not?!
I was ready to bag things with Mike over the weekend and wrote an email to start a conversation but never sent it - wanted to let it breathe as opposed to sending it when I was in a funk. Then when I talked to him and saw him Sun night it seemed to be okay and stress free... Hmm... just taking it as it comes. The kids will be out of school soon and off to camp for a good bit of the summer (back here and there) so a lot of weekends will be free for him (granted, I'll be training). I wonder how that will go.
Michele and Jonnie are coming in a week. Should be fun. They'll do the tourist thing (not sure if I'll play tour guide... I suppose when I'm not at work or training) hopefully with some riding thrown in for fun.
I've been sick this week- fighting a head cold. So I've done Nada since Saturday. I'm hoping I can do a short run tomorrow to get started back up again. Normally I'd use swimming as my re-entry to physical activity but in the case of a head cold I think I'd rather stay out of the pool a little longer.
I'm in the process of searching for a cyclocross bike that will fit my short body. Sooooo frustrating because there are so many really cool bikes- but the cross geometry just doesn't mesh well with little peep bodies. Anyway- I've been pouring over geometry tables and options and I think I finally have the field narrowed down. Hopefully I'll have the trigger pulled on something soon.
Carly- wish I could feel "excited" cause I'm mostly just frustrated! It just sucks being short. There's no way to test ride anything (no shop carries cross bikes in the smallest size) so I'm doing this totally by looking at charts and asking questions.
Hopped on the scale today for the first time in a while... not a good number. Despite my heavier training load this week my diet has been a bit off (finishing up ice cream I bought, drinking wine with dinner, etc)... 11 weeks to get my act together! Watching my calories it came down somewhat before EM, so I have to get back on that wagon again but I can't go too crazy bc of the training. Hope I can figure out the balance.
Weekend one of epic IM training bike rides... trying to plan my attack and figure out where to go. Should be interesting to do Sat's intervals on hills. I'll do what I can! Sun I'm hoping to link up with others and just try to keep up and ride strong. Not gonna pay attention to staying in Z3, but I will try to keep my VI under control.
Hope you're all doing well. Happy summer, officially (although we've had several bouts of heat and humidity already).
Becky- Congrats on your second telework day, we are praying that we get telework soon at my office, we will see. Hope that you have fun with Michelle and Jonnie visiting!
Betty is still doing ok, I'm nervous because I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow and my brother is watching her for the week and her medication dosage goes lower. Hopefully it will all be fine! But I do finally get to see the Grand Canyon this week, and I'm soooooooo excited. These next two days at work I'm sure are going to be brutal waiting for my vacation to begin.
Did my RR for Muncie on Saturday, and although the place I go to ride is hillier than the Muncie course I was pleased because I managed to hit my GW perfectly, and I ended up going faster speed-wise than I expected. So I'm excited to see what will happen on race day. And I finally got a 1/2 mile swim in yesterday and was pleased that my form was ok, the swim will be interesting, but I won't be setting any records I'm sure considering that's my only swim since IMWI (mental note: early season race + living in Chicago + no access to indoor pool = interesting swim). And I did a local 5k and managed to match my best vDot time. So all and all I'm back to my best form from last year which makes me really happy considering the not-so-hot OS and HIM plan training due to injuries. I'm hoping to crush my end of the season race in September
I'm thinking ahead and I was wondering what some of your opinions were as to how you made the biggest gains on the bike. I'm still working on what I think my ideal race weight is, but it's really only probably 5 pounds away, so that's not going to be a huge factor. If you've made some significant gains in watts on the bike, did you do something additional outside the OS? Maybe a killer weekly ride where you just hung on for dear life? Something else? Any opinions would be welcome!
So happy to see many of you signed up for IMCDA today. I loved the race. I would love to join you all, but it looks like I may try to do IMSG next year. I think I'm crazy.
My first IM done! Turned out faster than I thought it would (although I didn't have any great expectations as I just wanted to "let the day happen"). My husband, two kids, and mom all came which was really awesome. My sons REALLY enjoyed the day and all of the excitement. I don't think they would every let me do an IM without being able to be there with me.
Just want you all to know that I think this group is the best thing going.....
BTW ladies, despite all my plans to NOT do another WTC race next year, I did in fact register for IMCDA. One of my very best friends is doing it and begged me to join her. We used to race together all the time (she's the one you sometimes see holding my hand coming out of the swim at IMWI in the pics on the bottom of the forum) but since I moved we've not had much luck getting our schedules to connect. So despite that cold water, and the fact that it's WTC, I registered :-) Good news is there are several other EN Chicas going too- so it will be great to have lots of company out there on the course!
@Stephanie - congrats!! I hope you'll do (or have) a race report. I signed up for CDA, too and will be reading them all with great interest. So glad your family was there to support you and that you had a great time!
@Jennifer - I'm not exactly a monster rider but my watts did come up nicely during OS (147-83), although I fear what my first test in the IM plan will hold as I haven't come close to hitting those new numbers this past week and a half. I did all trainer rides in OS, that's all I could do. I also tested on the trainer. I played mental tricks with myself - every 5' I'd pick a number a few PNorm ticks higher than I was at and shoot for it... it broke each segment down into pieces. I also stayed in aero for the first 15' and let myself sit up to hammer the last 5'... also another little mental trick. I have to say I was surprised with my jumps the last 2 tests bc with the new numbers my first few weeks of workouts would be brutal and I never felt like I could get there or hold the Z4 watts for the intervals. Who knows. I tested right before my HIM, then went to WI to train and didn't really focus on numbers, then raced, and took a week off. I'm on the trainer once a week now and it was brutal last week. I suspect it will be brutal again tomorrow. I tried like heck to hit my zones for the intervals on my ride outside Sat but riding hilly courses makes it hard to do--- I'll push as much as I can but if I'm on a flat or a descent it just isn't gonna happen... but it's a lot of fun trying. :-)
@Nemo - I didn't plan to do an IM next year at all... but my year off was a concession to Dan as much as anything else. When my friend Julie said she was doing CDA and I thought about the timing I starting thinking. My A race next year will be the NYC marathon, a june IM will give me plenty of time to knock that out. When I mentioned my toying with the idea to Kate she told me she was also on the fence... so having 2 friends to train with locally is such a huge incentive... it's so much more fun to not be going out for 4.5 hour rides alone! IF I do one in 2013 it will definitely be on the cheap (i.e., Chessy Man). Glad you're gonna be out there with us!
Wow...haven't posted in sooooo long. Just too depressed about moving and leaving our youngest daughter plus trying to dejunk and get the house ready to sell. Crying out loud....three dump loads later and many many contributions to a fundraising garage sale later and I think we could still get rid of things. Some of you who have been avowed non-hoarders on here would be proud. I even gave away my old Christmas dishes.
I'm just going to jump in where I am. I will be doing boot camp style training to get ready for the 1/2 IM in August. It might help that I'm going on Habitat 500 in less than 2 weeks which I'm also not ready for!!!
Oldest daughter is cooking at the camp in Maine again this summer and will be here in about 1/2 hour to spend the night. So grateful!!! Maybe she just likes our booze
Nemo....so fun to see you sign up for IMCDA.
OK...I'll try and put my big girl pants on, quit whining and get back on track!!! I know with you chickas it is possible!!!
My geeky husband and I walked downtown tonight after dinner and there was a bag pipe "band" marching around practicing. Now he is looking up how to join. No way can he practice bag pipes again unless we buy in the country!!! LOL
Sure have missed you all!!!
Jonnie and Michele arrive tomorrow afternoon! gonna be a super fun weekend!!! well, except for the IM training part of the weekend. but, having company on the rides will be awesome! especially the company of kick ass riders who can teach me a few tricks! Looking very forward to catching up with Suzanne and Tracy at dinner Fri... then having Tracy and Kate join us on the ride Sun!
Becky, I can't wait to volunteer and see you all at IMWI!!! Thanks for the encouragement. Got up to go to the pool this morning and threw up twice. So glad that Kelsey was here to take care of me!! So blessed with great kids....Ok...enough being a braggin parent!