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Run Pacing (Feel vs GPS watch)

Hey team-

I have a strong running background (XC from 7th grade-college, running HMs after that) and have a question about pacing.  I have never run with a fancy GPS watch or anything that tells me current or average pace. I have always been able to feel my pace zones (I know exactly what a 7:00 mile feels like and I can stay relatively steady for the length of a race) or I would go by HR. 

I know EN is very data driven but what are the actual advantages of using GPS watch?  Am I missing out on big gains in my running by not knowing my instant pace and being able to go back to my computer and look at every mile split, and charting my heart rate, elevation and distance?   Is there a big advantage for someone like me?


  • Ok, I'll take a stab at this:

    What you think a 7:00 mile feels like on a hot day or when you're dehydrated may be very different from a 7:00 mile on "normal" day.

    In Haus, we use a few tools to get our training and race execution done.

    Actual Hard data:
    Pace: a 7:00 mile is always a 7:00 mile

    Variable Data:
    HR and PE
    HR: how your heart reacts to that 7:00 mile depending on heat, altitude ect.
    PE:How you feel when doing that 7:00 mile at that particular time in that particular environment.

    At EN we're looking at training the muscles via work, if your body moves 1 mile in 7:00 via your muscles, you're doing a certain amount of work and imparting a certain amount of stress on your muscles. We're looking to work that mechanism via the Training Zones. So regardless of what your HR and PE say, if the training plan calls for a 7:00 mile, it's goal is to stress the muscles to do a 7:00 mile whether it feels easy or hard or if your heart is coasting or pumping furiously.

    So a GPS watch is a tool to monitor your pace and keep you honest about the actual work you're doing as the plan calls for. Is it an absolute requirement? No, but you'll probably get more from the plans if you do use one.

    Hope this helps.
  •  To second Cary's point ... One of the reasons training at high altitude (above 2500 meters) is problematic, it's very hard to run @ IP and TP for the proper length of time to get  the required training effect. The HR and RPE are in, Z4, and the pace is at Z3. Do that for a few weeks, go back to sea level, and your FTP or VDOT goes down. Thus "live high, train low".  Work, not effort or HR, works.

    Having said that, if Andy does have "perfect pitch" when it comes to pace, as distinct from HR or RPE, then he would not need a pace watch. Remember, though, old time track and swimming coaches always had a stop watch in their hands. Probable cause it ( pace) works.

  • Truthfully I also like a record of all my training with as many variables as possible recorded. I like to to look back over the years and see how I've improved (or not), how good worrkouts and bad workouts looked, etc. Many people ascribe zero value to this but I find it useful.
  • I think one issue could also be race distance. Do you think your RPE for 8 minute miles at mile 6 of an Ironman is the same as mile 22 of an Ironman?
  • Actual advantages of using GPS watch for me (Garmin 910XT)

    Accuracy- I thought the treadmill at the gym was on point not so much. It was slower than what it was telling me.

    For Testing-my 1st 5k I blew up after mile 1. With the data I can see if it was pace or something else. This has helped with my bike FTP bike testing as well. Being able to look at the data after the fact. priceless

    Strava-It’s a website that records your rides either from your GPS watch or your phone. It recognises climbs and records them as Segments. When you have ridden or run and uploaded your workout you’ll see your ranking on each segment. You can create your own segments and can follow other riders. You may see a friend on there and try to race against them. You can even post comments. It makes you feel as if you are in a group even on lonesome rides. It doesn’t matter whether you are riding on or off road either.

     Most GPS units aren't running only. I use my in the pool,open water swimming,weight training,biking, and much more.

    Sure its a chunk of change to spend on a a fancy GPS watch. I'm sure you will get every penny out of it and then some.

  • @Al - No perfect pitch here! I have been fine without a GPS watch so far in my running history. But now that I am moving to longer distances, I think it may be time. Good point on altitude also.

    @Dino, you are absolutely right! I haven't raced anything above a half-marathon open or a half-iron tri and I am sure it's a whole different animal.

    @Everyone- THANKS!! I was thinking that having that data would be a good idea and would help me be more efficient in my training. I was looking at the 310xt or the 910xt... I am sure there's a thread comparing the two. TO THE FORUMS!!
  • Andy, I'd also try the D.C. Rainmaker review site (just google it). He does exhaustive reviews and has some good info for both of the products you are looking for.
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