Adding time to your plan.
I started an Intermediate Training program for the Philly marathon back a few months ago. As matter of fact I was really looking to train, putting effort into something longer than the SC stuff I have been doing since I felt I could salvage some resemblance of a season. Some folks know some don't, so I had a pulmonary embolism in Jan that wiped me out for months. So that was why I did SC events this season.
I wanted to go long again but didn't know how my body would respond to that kind of stress. As time went by I bit into the idea of a marathon done the EN way. So before P put the plan on the site, I bought it from MN and wanted to fire myself up a get into some longer training.
I started to train and found I was responding very well and actually bumped up my Vdot in doing so. Good sign as the blood clots were in my lungs. By the time I financially committed to the marathon I was 4 weeks ahead of myself as in I'd peak 1 month prior to the marathon date.,
It really turned out to be a good thing banking so much time and the reason I write this is to share perhaps something the team might use.
1, The extra time allowed me to repeat a week since I wanted be comfortable with the stresses involved in the training.
2. It allowed me to go on vacation during the summer and repeat that week as I was doing shorter runs and spending more time with the fam.
3. Going long , lots of 30 mile plus weeks, I could do a do over because I really didn't need pressuring myself into pushing on.
4. On my job the hours changed , which threw an unexpected challenge my way but I had another week in my bank.
The only price I pay is staying focused for so long but as an IM I surely been through worse.
Your thoughts ? 

I'm not sure your question but I was curious if peaking one month prior to your marathon was truly a benefit?? If so did you back it down a week or so before building it back up??
Thx for the response anyway appreciate it
THe last 2-3 winters, I have started my OS several weeks early, to account for taking time off to go skiing. I'm not sure there's a value to it, but it makes me feel less guilty as I don't skip any OS weeks. This year, I'll use ski time as transition weeks before starting HIM plan for St George
FWIW, though I wasn't on plan per se, I went to Spain two weeks before an important- to- me 10 mile race. I was using the race to gauge my readiness for a HM three weeks later. While in Spain I went off the HM plan I was following from the wiki. I ran two 4+ milers and rode two times all around Mallorca at a leisurely pace though there was some hill climbing on a touring bike lol. When I got home, I did a 4 miler, 5 miler and two easy trainer rides, took the day before the race off, and nailed the race. I totally believe work works, but I also believe rest and recovery works too :-) next weekend is the HM so we will see if my theory works as I create a "taper" for the race.
@David, glad you have recovered so well and are feeling good!