NovOS Social Thread 1, Pain Caves!
Let's see where that OS Bike Magic happens!!! In the past, we've seen some very posh motivation stations and some very threadbare pain caves. Throw up a pic of your lovely sweat lodge and let see where the bike fun goes down.
All you folks lucky enough to train outdoor in the winter can throw up some of your best scenery for us basement dwellers to be jealous of.
host to my first ever FTP test this morning!
My SO and I share...
This is a little pool house behind my garage next to my pool. It doubles as a home office when when in pain cave use. Pain cave use is a little rare. I enjoy riding outside way more....
Here is a link to an oldie, but a goodie....
mah "pain cave." AKA, SART (santa ana river trail).
If it makes anyone feel any better, this ride can kick up some serious headwinds, sidewinds, and once in a blue moon, tailwinds. But it's *my* pain cave and I love it.
This is part of the basement that my husband finished off for me. There is space for the tm, computrainer, tv/dvd/stereo system, and weight bench. The mirrored doors open to the real basement. Having a more finished space has really helped and I have no excuse not to use it.
Nice to see all the pain caves. As a tardy OS Captain I'll try to get mine up tomorrow.
Not much different from my first OS in 2010 except my sister-in-law is loaning me her 42" plasma TV. Too bad I have crappy basic Dish (not much to watch).
30/30s tomorrow eveing! cant wait!!
Pretty spartan, but it works. No TV or video for me. Just an ipod, powermeter, and thoughts of Placid...
Pretty messy - but it works. I share the space with a car on the other side of the garage plus plenty of "junk", toys, and a bunch of bikes that you can't see for my 2 kids
Laptop goes on the white towel on the bench.
Nothing fancy...I love my movies, music and TV, a/v equipment, etc though, it's like a movie theater on a bike.
What I do like is this photo app from Microsoft called Photosynth, which allows me to easily create a panorama pic like this. (Disclaimer: I'm not a Microsoft stockholder or anything, just a fan of this app).
Here's my basement pain cave:
Wait - this is a thread about cycling pain caves?!
Oh my, how embarassing!
Here's the real basement pain cave. Laptop and DVD player for TR that is hooked up to the TV. Remotes sit on top of the ductwork that is along the ceiling but out of view of the picture. Fan for cooling, and the chair is actually a critical component - it holds the USB ANT+ stick on a USB extension cable for TR because otherwise the signal can be spotty.
Wow.. I guess the bag behind the seat is pretty damn reflective.
I live in west LA, so outdoor pain cave here
. I'm about 10 minutes away from some great climbing in the hills of Bel Air (as made famous by "Fresh Prince"):
I also do an out-and-back run loop every week that takes me past the Playboy Mansion!
I think this is hysterical!! HA
That is badass!!! Now I want to know what 's on that piece of paper? What does it say? Something like 'shut up, legs'?
Not a pain cave, just a pain corner. I copy the workouts onto a post-it note and stick to the wall next to my head so I know what I'm doing, then crank up the music and I'm good to go!
Dammit, my pic didn't load. Let me try again. All this high-tech stuff, sigh...
Kate - I can not figure this out either! My smart phone pic is too big to upload. If you figure this out - please include in your post!
Ha ha Ben - no, it's just the day's workout if it's going to be too much to remember in the middle of a hard workout.
@ Dino - thanks for the advice. i went to the wiki. I tried uploading via snapfish, won't work. I did directly from my harddrive, won't work. I officially give up. It's just a bike in the corner of a room anyway. No mojo for me
Here's my 1st ever "hotel room" pain cave.
And yeah, the camera angle makes the seat look worse than it actually is. It is angled down in the front but not as bad as this picture makes it out to be.
Here is my little corner of training space. Nothing fancy but it does the job.
Really messy in this photo, but it's usually a pretty clean set-up. If riding for more than 1.5 hours, the CT is replaced with a set of rollers, and the TT bike replaced with my road bike.
I DO need better fans, though.
My winter pain cave!
Apple just called - they want to use this in their ads as a product placement.
I find that the aero bottle really helps in the cave.
One other thought - mountain bikes make excellent clothes hangers.