Marine Corps Marathon
Race Report for MCM
Friday: Rested as per plan. Started to lightly carbo load and hydrate. Slept okay but remember waking up Saturday tired.
Saturday: Rested no running. Followed Core Diet plan for carbo loading. Big breakfast, pasta for lunch and dinner, hydrated throughout the day with Perform and water. Went to bed around 10.
Sunday (Race Day): Woke up at 2:00, tried to go back to sleep but was unsuccessful. Finally got out of bed at around 3.
Morning Nutrition: 3lbs of Apple Sauce and coffee, bagel, banana and protein. 2 s caps. Hydrated with perform. Turns out the apple sauce was not natural but had high fructose corn syrup. This may of may not have contributed to my gastric distress. Water and a GU about 30 minutes before race time.
Left for race at about 4:15, while driving my stomach started to act funny. Became bloated and started to cramp. Had to find a bathroom to use quickly. I'll leave the rest of the details out. Finally made it to the race at about 7:00, still with bloating and cramping. Had to wait in line for the porta potties till couple minutes before race start. The race had already started. On my way to start line had to make a B line for bathroom again. At this point became a little concerned that this may be a problem during the race.
Race: Due to late arrival to the start, was forced to start towards the back. Essentially started race with no warm up or without stretching. During the first half of the race was forced to run at a slow pace ( about 9:00-10 minute miles) due to the sheer volume of people. After a while decided to just run the race and try to enjoy the experience. The cramping and bloating continued during the race. Starting at about mile 6-7 began to experience hamstring and calf tightness. Felt more like a strain and less like cramping. As the race went on, my feet began to really hurt. By mile 24 the suck had offically hit. Feet were burning, hamstrings, calves and hips were tight but I kept on running. Finally the finish. I have no finishing time or race pace data to provide.
Over the course of the race must have stopped to urinate 5-6 times and use the porta pot 2 x.
Race Nutrition: Decided to go with what the race was providing. Not a good idea but at this point what could I do. Drank Gatorade every 2-3 miles and ate about every hour. Over course of race also took in 1-2 s cap every hour.
At this point not really sure what caused the GI distress. Suspect it was probably the apple sauce as my system is use to the perform etc. I don't think my body can digest that much applesauce. I think the high fructose corn syrup made it worse. May have to find another pre race alternative.
Overall great race experience. Course was pretty much flat and the crowd was awesome
Thoughts or input greatly appreciated
Is that the Core Diet guidance...3 LBS? As in three POUNDS of applesauce?
Or is that just a typo?
Just thinking about that, while sitting at my desk, makes me want to go to the bathroom.
Too bad about the GI issues. Not the way you want a race to start for sure, and I cant believe you were able to do it anyway! Good job "gutting" it out and getting it done. Rest up!
this was my first marathon around 20 years old (46 yo now). My current stand alone marathon time is about the same.
really really sorry about the GI.
3lbs of Apple Sauce and coffee, bagel, banana and protein =
(to say the least)
Congrats on your marathon , pretty damn tough!
For me apples/applesuase = laxitive. Especially 3LBS! Wow - I might have been in P-O-P for hours! Not something I would want to try even in a race rehearsal. My prerace meal for 15 of my 19 marathons has been P B&J 2 to 2.5 hours before gun time. Never had a GI issue and never needed much more than a few Gu on course.
Congrats on your finish. Like Tim said "pretty damn tough!"