Road bike vs Tri Bike
Hi Everyone -
I only have a road bike and would appreciate your thoughts/recommendations on completing my first IM with a road bike or a tri bike.
Thanks, E
Hi Everyone -
I only have a road bike and would appreciate your thoughts/recommendations on completing my first IM with a road bike or a tri bike.
Thanks, E
Beyond that, it's simply a matter of budget and prioritization of your goals. Some people are perfectly happy just to participate and complete races for the joy and accomplishment of finishing and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. However, I do feel I should mention one other commonly cited argument that always comes up with this question; comfort. A properly fit tri bike, with appropriately developed positional fitness, should be no less comfortable than any road bike. Furthermore, if properly ridden, the tri bike will have you go faster for less energy, resulting in less total time on the bike, less fatigue, and overall leaving you more prepared to enter the run.
So in summary, a tri bike is almost universally the better choice assuming the obvious caveats of budget, fit, fitness and proper execution.
Agree with whats been written here. I would just add one more factor to consider and that is "mental" comfort i. E. are you comfortable training in aero bars? Not so much physically, but how stable and balanced are you on the bike? Can you handle cars blowing by you when you're in the aerobRs? For me thats a major concern and key reason why i havent made the transition yet.
This question is, Should I use (presumably therefore buy a new) TT/tri-bike for an IM? An Ironman is a HUGE committment and choice, and needs to be approached with respect and awareness of the rigor of both the training and the effort on the day itself. We're not talking about what equipment to take to one's first sprint triathlon.
Bottom line, to me: if one is doing an IM as "One and done", just to participate and tick off the Life List, then find a similar sized friend who has a TT bike, and cajole them into letting you use it, and get it properly fitted. If Triathlon is something which looks like a multi-year endevour, irrespective of your desire to go fast or look good, get a TT bike which fits your body type and your budget. You're not planning on running the marathon in canvas sneakers, and nor swimming 2.4 miles in a surfing wet suit.
A TT bike is going to bring you forward on the bike and then down low in the front (read: aero). I have seen people, super fast doodes, just slam their seat all the way forward, remove every spacer under their stem and then flip the step upside down. This is will bring you forward and bring you down. After that, get yourself a set of clip-on aero bars. Presto - forward, low and in the bars. Want to change it back? 10 minutes and few allen keys and your back on your roadie....
Just something to think about....
I was in the exact same situation as you were….Debating the difference and need to go with a TT bike vs. continuing to use my road bike. I was riding a Cannondale Synapse with a set of clip on aero-bars and a forward facing seatpost. I did a ton of research this past summer while doing 2 sprints, 2 Olympics and a HIM all on on my roadbike. In September I made the decision to go with a TT bike because:
> I discovered that I really enjoy doing triathlon and that it’s not likely to be a “one and done” endeavor for me
> I plan to step up to longer distances where the benefits of TT bike become greater
> I really want to test myself to see what I am able to do and I feel like a TT bike is just the right tool for the job, at least for me
Good luck with your decision!
Knowing that, I focused on creating a strong "engine" through last OS and all through the summer and spring. I feel the most comfortable (since I am fairly a novice biker) riding on the hoods or drops.
Now, Coach Rich suggested I install "shorty bars" to my road biek over regular bars since they are more size appropriate for road bikes. I did not feel comfortable doing it 6 wks before the IM, so I just recently had them professionally installed and my fit tweaked a wee bit. I used them on the trainer yesterday for my 1st OS test and loved the position, but again I am locked into a trainer and not on the road.
My suggestion is to try the set up I have (Coach Rich approved
It does also depend on what IM you have choosen to do. I did Wisconsin, so lots of climbing. Could I have used an aero position on race day? YES. Did I have one? NO was I fine and able to complete the bike faster than some peeps in full $$$ bike set up, race wheels and aero helmets? YES.
It's all what you are used to...and work on the engine first in the OS!! Happy training!!
Also - This notion of comfort boggles me. I am as comfortable as possible on my TT bike. I have had Todd Kenyon fit me and have also had a retul fit to tweak it ever so slightly. At the risk of sounding silly, I will proclaim my TT fit to be dialed in. That being said, my road bike is far more comfortable then my TT bike. I can also make more power on it, it climbs better, descends like a demon and corners like it's on rails (although, I did break a frame this year in a crash while descending
If TT bikes were more comfy and had a better ride, they would do every stage of the Tour de France on TT bikes.... The TT bike is good for Triathlon, IM in particular, because of the flat to "flattish" courses, the steady riding required and the no drafting, solo time trail nature of the bike leg, in my humble opinion.
Sorry for the thread highjack....
This is a good time to keep an eye on craigslist for a used bike. I got a 2 year old bike for 1/2 price... Also, lots of places have end of year sales so you can get 30-40% off a TT bike.
The only reason they do not is because of drafting. If the TdF was no drafting, they would mostly ride TT bikes because they're aerodynamically superior. Sure, there would be considerations in the mountain stages where the handling of the road bike would overrule the aero aspects of a TT bike but they would ride the faster bike if the race were a solo effort. Drafting, especially in the huge packs at the TdF, makes being aero a non-issue.
Yes, a poorly trained individual will not be good on any bike so the engine certainly accounts for a lot.
That being stated, it's science. A tri bike puts the rider in a more aero position which results in less drag which results in greater speeds. That's irrefutable. As you said, you were more than fine doing an IM on a road bike but you would have been faster on a tri bike. More than fine does not mean optimal. Once you have the engine... it's the bike.
Any of us with a power meter and a tri bike know exactly how much faster a tri bike can be by following a very simple test done on the same stretch of road in the same wind conditions. Sit up on the bars and ride at a predetermined wattage (use 80% for example) for a mile and check your average speed. Now get aero, ride the same watts and check the speed. Odds are you'll see at least a 2 mph difference in speed. Wind speeds dependent, of course. A strong headwind makes the aero position even more important. A 2 mph difference over 112 miles is a substantial amount of time. The difference between 18 mph and 20 mph over 112 miles is 38 minutes. The difference between 20 and 22 mph is 31 minutes.
Any bike will get you from point A to point B. I'd just as soon do it the fastest way possible.
Totally agree Bob! However, the question of being able to complete a first IM on a road bike (if that is all you have) is YES!
Eva, try the road bike. If you have the $$$ for a tri bike, by all means get one. However, don't think that you can not complete an IM on a road bike. True, it will be a slower split than on a tri bike, but it can still be done well.
Now...for my money tree to sprout so I can get a tri bike!!
Annie - if you find a money tree sprouting tri bike money let me know