OS bike/run focus hack
Decided to start a thread for those of us who are doing a bike or run focused OS, and perhaps discuss the not-so-trivial task of managing an extra workout every week.
The flowchart for the modification can be found HERE.
I'm doing a run focus. Basically this hack simply repeats one of the weekly workouts on one of the rest days, so we get one rest day a week. I'm fully aware that this will make excessive fatigue a realistic possibility, and I'll have to be extra diligent about recovery and not burning myself out with other workouts during the week. In any case, I'm totally willing to pull plug and go back to the normal plan if thing start getting ugly, but hopefully I can do that as a preventative measure instead having to respond to digging myself out of a hole if I wait too long.
Anyone else doing a bike/run focused OS?
Now that I think of it, I wonder for whom this OS hack is really intended? Obviously, as the plan states, you should have at least one OS under your belt so you know just how hard the work is, and realistically how much you can actually handle. I chose to do the run hack because I know from experience that I'm a "strong" runner, and I can handle a good amount of hard running without setting myself back. I don't think I'd do as well with the bike focus though, as I know from my previous OS that the bike work was much harder for me than the run work.
Dunno, maybe the hack is more intended for folks who have done multiple OSes and are hitting the point of diminishing returns, and where extra work in an area will earn those hard to get gains? I'm sure I can still improve my metrics through the regular OS plan, but my main intent of using the hack is to bump up my running as much as I can. I'm mostly concerned about how much I'll be able to handle the work, but I'll test it out for a few weeks and see how it goes...
Are you saying you have the run focus block (6 weeks) loaded up at the start of the OS or is are you doing the OS with a run focus? Sorry I have not loaded up the new signle sport focus blocks. I know in the 2013 master plans there is a place holder for the single sport block after the 14 week OS depending upon when you races are.
Perhaps you could do the run focus 6 weeks, 10 week OS and and another single sport focus (bike or run after the OS.
In any event given you vdot of around 50 (sorry I forget your exact number) you can probably handle some extra work in the OS but as you say recovery, extra sleep and spacing workouts apart as best you can are your best defense from 'the hole'
@ Gordon: Actually a bit of both! Prior to starting the OS, I did a run focus for about two months. I didn't follow the plan, just kind of did my own thing with lots of running and the occasional bike ride
. I am planning to do with OS now with a run focus.
That being the case, perhaps it's possible that I might not have as many gains to make with a run focused OS, seeing that I've been running so much previously. We'll see...
Umm, yeah ... As a general rule, a triathlete should work HARDER/MORE on their WEAKEST link, and LESS on their strongest suit.
E.g, when I started out, I was a very good swimmer, a good cyclist, and had zero running experience. So I worked hard at running, and slacked off on swimming for the first 3-4 years of my triathlete career. Now it's the other way around
Point is, you should face your fear ... if cycling is burying you, find a way to make it better. That may mean a bike hack. Or maybe it just means putting in some extra time every Saturday on the bike during the OS. You say you are a strong runner, and have been very focused on running the past fedw months. Are you sure more running is going to benefit you as a triathlete? IMO, we should be balanced across all three disciplines. If we are lucky enough to be really good at one, great. It means we don't have to work as hard there.
Given your last two post of running more because you can handle it and you have already done a run focus prior to the OS. I think you would get more ROI from bike focus and ease up on the runnning to accommodate the strain on you body.
Now if you want to run more go for it but if you want to maximize the gains for triathlon you probably have other priorities than the run.
This is my 3rd OS and I'm going to get a little creative here.
My thoughts are Tue, Thurs, Saturday stand alone run with Sunday off as I enjoy that as a Family day. Monday, Wed, Friday, are stand alone bike days.
There is always going to be residual fatigue no matter how you slice it and dice it if you intent to Hack.
I agree if this is your 1st OS stick with the plan as that why you are paying to be here.
I, in my 2nd OS started hacking away with the above and made very good gains as I listen to the body when it said enough... I rested.
TR last season also helped following some of the rides AL recommended.
On guidance from Coach R will start doing Scheduled bike work-outs only try to add 20-30' to the weekday rides and try to get ~ 2 hr on Sat. After 6-8 weeks will try to add in a 4th bike likely APB ride focusing on Z2-3 for 90-120".
As for swimming will be hitting the Masters class 2 days a week and a lone swim 1-2 days per week using the workouts from masters swim as template.
Example week:
M: Swim, T: bike (FTP), W Swim, Th: Bike (VO2) F: Swim, S: Bike (Long FTP), Sun Rest. For the extra bike will Swim and Bike (Long FTP) on Friday and do APB ride on Sat.
Would appreciate any thought or input on this plan.
@ Anson I would also agree with others that you might want to stay the course on the OS or try to ramp up the bike Looks like you are a strong runner and might get greater benefit from improving your FTP instead of your VDot.
Thanks for the feedback! I agree that spending time on our weak spots yield the best gains on race day from a tri perspective. After doing some thinking, I think my personal goals at the moment are more aligned towards bumping up my running as high as I can manage. I'm really working towards busting my half-marathon and 5k PRs the next few months. The run block that I did earlier was more focused on volume and frequency, rather than quality. While I did throw in a few tempo runs in there, I don't think the amount of hard running I did each week compares to the modified OS that I'm doing now.
I have a feeling that my bike FTP will increase regardless if I hack the OS or not, as long as I stick to the plan and not flame out. Last OS I mentally burned myself out after spending too much time on the trainer (stupid idea, ack), and I became really spotty about hitting my workouts consistently. I'm doing everything outdoors now, and paying lots of attention to recovery. I know for a fact that my VO2 roof is very low, and I think the new VO2 protocol in the OS plans will help me bust through that plateau that I've been stuck at for the past few months.