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Beginner Run Focus Plan Week 5 - Temporary Workouts...

Looks like Week 5 of the Beginner Run Focus plan is jacked right now...so here are the workouts while you wait...thanks for your patience!


Week 5 Beginner Run Focus

Monday Swim - 60'

Swim "WU: 200


MS1: 4 x 200 (30""), last 50 of each is a sprint.

50 Easy


MS2: 5 x 150 (20""), last 50 of each is a sprint.

50 Easy


CD: 200 easy


Total: ~2200 " 60


Tuesday Run - 60'

MS: 3 x 1 mile (5') @ goal 5k pace with full recoveries between each. 60


Wednesday Bike - 70'

6 x 5' (5') Rest - Goal here is to ride at about 110% of your FTP, just high enough above your threshold that you can sustain and repeat it.


Thursday Run - 45'

MS: Hill Repeats as 10 x 1' as 50" Up + 10" Sprint (2')


The Up part is bounding, big strides like a plyometric workout; the Sprint is just that...timed right for the top of the hill so you can gain real speed. 


Recover after each repeat by walk/jogging downhill."

Friday Rest

Day Off - Focus on recovery today. Option to include another swim workout here OR a skill run: 40' @ LRP/z1/Easy + 6 x 20" Strides. Rest if you are feeling fatigue!


Saturday Long Run - 85'

WU: 10' building from LRP/Z1/Easy to MP/Z2/Steady.


MS1: 12' to 15' (5') @ HMP/Z3/Mod Hard.


MS2: 3 x 1 mile (4') all @ TP/Z4/Hard. Remainder of run is how you feel, but try to accumulate MP/Z2/Steady time.


WD: 5' to 10' @ LRP/Z1/Easy." 90


If you are racing long next weekend instead of testing, cut the MS 2 to just 2 x 1 mile and keep the run to 70' maximum.


Sunday ABP Bike - 120'

WU: 30', including 3 x 1' (2') @ 95% / Z4 / Hard, to open up your legs.


MS1: Remainder of available ride time at 80-85%/Z3/Mod-Hard


CD: 10' @ 65-70%/Z1/Easy"

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