Saturdays OS run today, due to family coming over for thanksgiving #2 tomorrow, and I only anticipate having time for the bike workout in the morning (and I know I'm just really not going to want to do a run in the evening after people leave). 20' @ MP, 20' @ HMP. Legs felt a tad sluggish, but average paces, HR and RPE seemed in line, so it might just the difference between normally having the previous day off before these runs.
got my steady run done 20@8:06ish and 20@7:45ish. I slept 10 hours last night so was feeling pretty good must be all the work being absorbed into my body :-) ...go get 'em peeps!
As part of my T-Giving week hack, I was planning on doing the 3 x 1 mi intervals today before work. At the track @ 0700, fog was rising from the grqass of the football field into the (for once) cloudless sky, just beginning to get light. Al seemed aligned, but my first lap around the rack after a 20 minute warm-up was @ 1:49, not the 1:45 I needed to make my times. So I pondered things, noted some pain in my right knee, and decided to do 12 strides instead, and switch over the next two weeks to more of an IP focus - do short intervals @ 5K or faster paces. I'm planning on running a 5 K on Dec 8th, and will commit over the next two weeks to a three very high intensity speed sessions, and see what results on the flat 5K course.
I got the bike and run in early today. I hit the paces and tacked on a little more with warm up and cool down. It was very cool this morning. The first time this year I have dealt with a lot of numbness including my face. Not the most pleasant run I've ever had.
Long run done! Felt fresh, but a bit sluggish - largely due to BAD eating Fri PM-Sat PM (I blame my family of course!). Still hit the paces ok. And thus endeth Turkey Week. I was able to get all the workouts done. But, my nutritional habits were sub-par, and that definitely affected me today. It's good to be home again. I look forward to getting back into my rhythm with the near-term goal of keeping it together until the next family gathering for xmas...
Due to work and feast schedules, I did my Long Run on Thursday, BEFORE any disruption caused by holidays or eating (we celebrated on Friday). I also noted that I could not sustain my usual paces for the intervals - I usually hit in the range of 6:50-7:02, and I was doing 7:08-7:12 (my target range is 7:00-7:12).
This is Week 4, and in many training plans outside of the EN OS, week four is often a "recovery week". I ascribe the difficulties I'm having this week to encroaching fatigue. If you notice, the Saturday bike this week makes no mention of the 2x15' @ 80-85% intervals - a sop by the coaches to the need for a little extra rest this week.
I got my run in this morning. It was the worst run I have had so far. I have been fighting migranes the last couple of days, and it made its presence known today. I did get in the 2x1 mile intervals at Z4, but I was not able to do much at Z3 like I had planned. I got in about 7 miles over 50 min, again, pretty rough morning. Going to get some sleep and some rest and hope for a better week next week.
Planned to run outside but it started snowing so opted for the treadmill instead. First few minutes were a bit difficult to get into a rhythm but I was quickly up to speed. Both intevrals completed at IF 1.01. Continued running at z1 pace until I hit 10 miles (which was just under 1.5h). Could use the longer running to boost my fitness and burn some extra fat. And I wanted to see how the episode of 'Property Brothers' I was watching was gonna end. ;-)
Great training week, nutrition wasn't great but it could have been much worse. Training however was the best it has been in several months, so very pleased with that.
@Al - I like your explanations; they help me understand how to think about our workouts.
Ran with The Wife while The Girl slept in and The Boy slept over at a friend's.
We ran to the track, I got in my main set, and we ran back the hilliest way possible (this is what happens when The Wife chooses the route). Impossible to say based on pace whether I was z3 or z2 - my guess is a mix. Total duration just under 1:10.
Ok. Time to look at the weeks other work - also known as work.
got saturday's run done about 2 hrs after the bike. 30 minutes done as a progression run, first k easy then bumped up each 1k with last 1.5k at a bit faster than HMP. Legs felt great which was surprising since the bike was really hard.
Todays run also went well, legs felt great but I executed the intervals poorly,severely overdoing them to the tune of 15-20s too fast per km. It was hard to judge as the wind was blowing 40+km/hr and I did a circuitous route to stay out of the wind as much as possible. finished with 10 minutes at a bit faster than HMP and a few 20s striders for 55' total.
Really beginning to think I underperformed on my 5k test- hopefully will be proved correct at the next one. Clearly though, the bike is the limiter for me so hopefully the hard work will lead to lots of improvement there.
x3 on the sluggish legs! Not sure if it is fatigue or I'm lugging around a few extra Thanksgiving pounds... Bike intervals were tough yesterday too. Hit the target paces today though for 2 x 1 mile, and added in some easy miles to make it a 90 minute run. Plan on taking full advantage of the rest day tomorrow! Hard to believe week 5 is here already - will be testing again before we know it.
2x1.5 @ TP, rest between MP and LRP. After the rest 'interval' following the 2nd threshold, I felt surprisingly strong and in good form, so I was able to manage a lot of time closer to MP, with some segments of ~HMP.
Managed to get all this past weeks workouts in, but had to sacrifice a rest day (Friday) and did cut one or two workouts short, just doing the main sets. But all in all, pretty happy with the results.
Ran three Turkey trots this week, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday got all my intervals in during the races.
Today's run was a trail race, 9.3 miles in 2hours 5 minutes. Impossible to guess intervals, my pace is always much slower on the trails even though I am defiantly working very hard.
On to week five! I am planning on nailing my rest day tomorrow
Home from the in-laws. Grand plans for workouts ended up with only 1 5k, but I made it count. 5th overall and 1st in my AG. Garmin reception was wacky (here's the link), but talking to the folks that finished around me, we all agreed that it was long. I recreated the route on mapmyride and came up with 3.55 miles, so that's what I'll take credit for. A bit of a bump in the VDOT, should be fun with the new paces.
Lots of good work over the Thanksgiving holiday! Serious mojo happening. Good luck everyone with starting week 5.
SO I am still trying to deypher the prescription for the Sunday Long Run. The plan calls for intervals and then the balance of the 60 Min Run trying to accumulate more time at HMP. But then in italics, the notes suggest we stretch this run to 75 to 90 minutes, at a "settled in" pace somewhere between LP and MP. So do you guys run the balance of the 60 min AFTER intervals at HMP and then do the next 15 to 30 mins at ~MP? Or AFTER the intervals do you just settle in to ~MP and hold that until 75 to 90 minutes total workout time?
@John, I usually settle into whatever pace I can hold (usually EP a bit then trending up to MP) right after the intervals if I'm stretching the run to the 90-ish minute mark.
A reflection had during this last week four OS run.
I MADE IT!!! through the pain and aches and lots of "would have been good excuses" I made it! I don't have impressive numbers like many of you and my garmin heart monitor had bailed on me . I have been using RPE and today I thought I was a slug (super slow). I am in the "beginner OS" so I had to do th 2 x 800 and 1 x 1600. Supposed to be at 9:20 TP pace. I set my timer down on the track and thought go hard. My brain kept thinking "even if it's slow... your out here doing it. Even if your tired, your doing it" I took it moment by moment and when I got done I was elated. I went to my watch and thought I'd find disappointment. But to my utter excitment... I actully ran a sub 7 min mile. Which I haven't done for 16-17 years. Although I am feeling the pain now. I am soooo excited that TeamEN rocks my training. So through all of the pain I am super excited about my new PR. I can't wait to retest in a few weeks (of coarse I may not be able to walk tomorrow ). It's great to see that there is so much gain in a realativly short period of time if you just do the work!!
Last weekend I missed both workouts Sat and Sun (I moonlight as an Ice speed skater). I had my first long track meet at the Petit National Olympic Training Center in Milwaukee Wisconsin. All of these workouts have even helped me on the Ice. I did ride the bike trainers (available ice side) between races but didn't get the intervals in. Long story short I got Gold both days and inproved on my times by over 5 seconds (Which is big in our short races 500m, 1000, 1500) from Saturday and Sunday.
I was affraid to miss those workouts for fear that I would loose all that I have gained so far. I didn't lose it.
Although I don't post as much as some of you. I do read EVERY post in our forum. I am inspired by so many of you! You all push through pain, tight schedules, and much more (like psychological stress). So thank you. Keep the posts comming! You are all doing great! TeamEN ROCKS!
@Cory - so... between heats of speed-skating competition you were hitting some arena-side sta-bikes to fit in a few quick intervals...that's pretty impressive... congrats on your skating achievements, and on your 7mm, and thanks for sharing the adrenaline.
I would say, be a little wary of coming so close to your max speed. In the OS, wisdom from the EN sages is to not exceed target pace until you earn it in a test. Objectives are to not wind up injured in a long OS and to save something for the next workout. Enjoy your well earned day off!
I finished the run yesterday as planned. During the first mile, I felt a sharp pain on the inside of my right ankle. I kept running and it reduced to an ache. I am now 24 hours post run and I still have the dull ache. I have never had pain on the inside of my ankle. I will enjoy the rest day and see how it feels tomorrow.
Yesterday was cold and windy ... I was in a wimpy a$$ mood and was planning on deadmilling the MS and calling it a day.... but a friend called and shamed me into running outside - it was 36* with a 15 - 20+ mph wind. Not too bad after I got out there but the thought of it is what was getting to my head.
So I head out towards Old Town on Rt 2, he was heading my way and we met at mile 4 for me. I had only managed a single 1.5 mile interval and didnt feel like I could complete the second so I just went along with my friend for a few miles thru the UMO woods then went our separate ways.
Total run was 11 miles with just 1 TP interval. Overall time 1:35 @ 8:38. I'm glad I have today off - I need it.
20' @ MP, 20' @ HMP. Legs felt a tad sluggish, but average paces, HR and RPE seemed in line, so it might just the difference between normally having the previous day off before these runs.
got my steady run done 20@8:06ish and 20@7:45ish. I slept 10 hours last night so was feeling pretty good must be all the work being absorbed into my body :-) ...go get 'em peeps!
got a quick 20 min in after this morning's bike session
feel like my cadence work in paying off as the steps were coming fast and furious
1st mile at 6:43; 2nd mile at 6:40; a bit of w/u on the front end and a hill after the 2 miles; was breathing heavy the whole time
now, it's off to the Y to coach my boy's bball team and then back home to watch UM/OSU...go blue!
As part of my T-Giving week hack, I was planning on doing the 3 x 1 mi intervals today before work. At the track @ 0700, fog was rising from the grqass of the football field into the (for once) cloudless sky, just beginning to get light. Al seemed aligned, but my first lap around the rack after a 20 minute warm-up was @ 1:49, not the 1:45 I needed to make my times. So I pondered things, noted some pain in my right knee, and decided to do 12 strides instead, and switch over the next two weeks to more of an IP focus - do short intervals @ 5K or faster paces. I'm planning on running a 5 K on Dec 8th, and will commit over the next two weeks to a three very high intensity speed sessions, and see what results on the flat 5K course.
Long run done! Felt fresh, but a bit sluggish - largely due to BAD eating Fri PM-Sat PM (I blame my family of course!). Still hit the paces ok. And thus endeth Turkey Week. I was able to get all the workouts done. But, my nutritional habits were sub-par, and that definitely affected me today. It's good to be home again. I look forward to getting back into my rhythm with the near-term goal of keeping it together until the next family gathering for xmas...
Week 4 in the books, as I got my long run in this morning.
As Kate mentioned, my legs felt sluggish today, especially during the first interval.
2 x 1 mile @ 6:25 and 6:26 (6:32 target)
Stretched the run to 75 min with some additional Z1 time over hilly terrain.
Due to work and feast schedules, I did my Long Run on Thursday, BEFORE any disruption caused by holidays or eating (we celebrated on Friday). I also noted that I could not sustain my usual paces for the intervals - I usually hit in the range of 6:50-7:02, and I was doing 7:08-7:12 (my target range is 7:00-7:12).
This is Week 4, and in many training plans outside of the EN OS, week four is often a "recovery week". I ascribe the difficulties I'm having this week to encroaching fatigue. If you notice, the Saturday bike this week makes no mention of the 2x15' @ 80-85% intervals - a sop by the coaches to the need for a little extra rest this week.
We're *supposed* to be tired.
Great training week, nutrition wasn't great but it could have been much worse. Training however was the best it has been in several months, so very pleased with that.
Way to get it in, everyone. Four weeks down!
got saturday's run done about 2 hrs after the bike. 30 minutes done as a progression run, first k easy then bumped up each 1k with last 1.5k at a bit faster than HMP. Legs felt great which was surprising since the bike was really hard.
Todays run also went well, legs felt great but I executed the intervals poorly,severely overdoing them to the tune of 15-20s too fast per km. It was hard to judge as the wind was blowing 40+km/hr and I did a circuitous route to stay out of the wind as much as possible. finished with 10 minutes at a bit faster than HMP and a few 20s striders for 55' total.
Really beginning to think I underperformed on my 5k test- hopefully will be proved correct at the next one. Clearly though, the bike is the limiter for me so hopefully the hard work will lead to lots of improvement there.
LR (9miles) yesterday with 2X1.5 miles @ 7/mi
Turkey Trot 5k on Thurs - 21:15. Hilly course and slower than test 5k, but finished 3rd in AG, 31st OA with >800 in field.
35 min tempo run on wed
Nice work everyone on doing your best to get your workouts in during the Holiday week.
Managed to get all this past weeks workouts in, but had to sacrifice a rest day (Friday) and did cut one or two workouts short, just doing the main sets. But all in all, pretty happy with the results.
Today's run was a trail race, 9.3 miles in 2hours 5 minutes. Impossible to guess intervals, my pace is always much slower on the trails even though I am defiantly working very hard.
On to week five! I am planning on nailing my rest day tomorrow
Still not ready to workout, coughing and feeling weak. Work tomorrow and and off day hopefully back for week 5.
Home from the in-laws. Grand plans for workouts ended up with only 1 5k, but I made it count. 5th overall and 1st in my AG. Garmin reception was wacky (here's the link), but talking to the folks that finished around me, we all agreed that it was long. I recreated the route on mapmyride and came up with 3.55 miles, so that's what I'll take credit for. A bit of a bump in the VDOT, should be fun with the new paces.
Lots of good work over the Thanksgiving holiday! Serious mojo happening. Good luck everyone with starting week 5.
Does that question make sense??
A reflection had during this last week four OS run.
I MADE IT!!! through the pain and aches and lots of "would have been good excuses" I made it! I don't have impressive numbers like many of you and my garmin heart monitor had bailed on me
. I have been using RPE and today I thought I was a slug (super slow). I am in the "beginner OS" so I had to do th 2 x 800 and 1 x 1600. Supposed to be at 9:20 TP pace. I set my timer down on the track and thought go hard. My brain kept thinking "even if it's slow... your out here doing it. Even if your tired, your doing it" I took it moment by moment and when I got done I was elated. I went to my watch and thought I'd find disappointment. But to my utter excitment... I actully ran a sub 7 min mile. Which I haven't done for 16-17 years. Although I am feeling the pain now. I am soooo excited that TeamEN rocks my training. So through all of the pain I am super excited about my new PR. I can't wait to retest in a few weeks (of coarse I may not be able to walk tomorrow
). It's great to see that there is so much gain in a realativly short period of time if you just do the work!!
Last weekend I missed both workouts Sat and Sun (I moonlight as an Ice speed skater). I had my first long track meet at the Petit National Olympic Training Center in Milwaukee Wisconsin. All of these workouts have even helped me on the Ice. I did ride the bike trainers (available ice side) between races but didn't get the intervals in. Long story short I got Gold both days and inproved on my times by over 5 seconds (Which is big in our short races 500m, 1000, 1500) from Saturday and Sunday.
I was affraid to miss those workouts for fear that I would loose all that I have gained so far. I didn't lose it.
Although I don't post as much as some of you. I do read EVERY post in our forum. I am inspired by so many of you! You all push through pain, tight schedules, and much more (like psychological stress). So thank you. Keep the posts comming! You are all doing great! TeamEN ROCKS!
@Cory - so... between heats of speed-skating competition you were hitting some arena-side sta-bikes to fit in a few quick intervals...that's pretty impressive... congrats on your skating achievements, and on your 7mm, and thanks for sharing the adrenaline.
I would say, be a little wary of coming so close to your max speed. In the OS, wisdom from the EN sages is to not exceed target pace until you earn it in a test. Objectives are to not wind up injured in a long OS and to save something for the next workout. Enjoy your well earned day off!
So I head out towards Old Town on Rt 2, he was heading my way and we met at mile 4 for me. I had only managed a single 1.5 mile interval and didnt feel like I could complete the second so I just went along with my friend for a few miles thru the UMO woods then went our separate ways.
Total run was 11 miles with just 1 TP interval. Overall time 1:35 @ 8:38. I'm glad I have today off - I need it.