Nov OS Week 5 Run Thread
Alright all. Its getting real. Week 5, start your engines and get after it everyone! And try to keep that overachieving in check, we've still got a long way to go.
Alright all. Its getting real. Week 5, start your engines and get after it everyone! And try to keep that overachieving in check, we've still got a long way to go.
Only the coaches (probably Patrick) know for sure, but here's a theory: Wednesday is thought of as a true interval workout, with no real expectation of anything except the main set. Sunday is designed as a possible long run, with some additional time @ HM, and MP/EP expected. That said, last week, I did reverse them, due to work and holiday issues. Truth be told, I didn't go as fast on the intervals on either day as I had the weeks before, so maybe there's something to the design?
I agree with Al in thinking that it's probably because Wednesdays is a true work set and after the intervals you are done, whereas Sunday has some distance on top of the main set.
(I bother replying only because it shows we're all either right, or we're all going down with the ship together. EN is about community, afterall
IMO, 4-5%. steep uphills on a TM can risky. Attention to stride length (shorter) is important to help avoid injury.
We're supposed to do both workouts, right? Does it matter when and what sequence? Is there some place I should go read a wiki or something? I could barely remember my dang member password much less find my way around to this forum.
Hi Peter - there were a lot of questions about the "Run Second" early on. In general, the indication was that ideally you should do both workouts, bike first, ideally separated by a couple hours or more. As life is rarely ideal: optionally execute as a brick if that works better for your schedule; a number of NovOS participants have indicated that they run first because they have a better run; there was no direct comment from the coaches. My own opinion, based on comments from coaches and WSM's, is that to the best of your ability you should do both workouts, and that however it works best for you and your schedule is absolutely fair game. If you're super constrained, then the priority is always to get in the main set, which is the FTP bike for this workout.
Fun times. Good luck everyone!
hey folks, recovering from back spasms so I won't be training for a bit....have been reading all of your posts though, as I lie flat on the floor, full of meds etc :-) keep 'em coming, I need them to keep me sane!!!
Tomorrow for the run, I am thinking about trying the runervals 5k/10k video. I haven't done it before, but it looks to fit in well. I have 4 x 1mile assigned, and the video is 5 x 6min @ 10k pace with increasing grade. Has anyone tried this one? I'll let you know...
got my 15' run in right after the bike this morning. even though I was drenched from the trainer session and the temp was low, i didn't feel too chilly outside. also found a perfect hill right around the corner of my house for the 5x20 second strides.
@Peter - as a historical note, during my first OS (2010) all the Tuesday and Saturday rides/runs were prescribed as bricks for reasons of efficiency - one workout, one shower, etc., to make the OS as efficient as possible. This has evolved, recognizing the value of separating the run from the ride so that you get a really high quality run in. And that there is nothing special about doing brick workouts every week. However they have left in the brick option (a shorter version of the run). I always do them as bricks to save time.
Wednesday run in the books. Cold (-11c) but calm so (almost) pleasant. Beautiful full moon! I still overcooked the intervals (sigh). I took one minute off the rest intervals and finished strong with 23 minutes at (slightly faster than) HMP for 60 minutes total. On call tonight (hopefully will get some sleep) then vO2 on the bike trainer after work tomorrow.
If I missed the 15 minute run last night would it be wise to do that later tonight or just let it go?
I'm not sure if running twice in one day is prudent, if its not something you're used to. You could do the 15 minutes tomorrow after the bike. No one would fault you for just letting it go and appreciating the extra rest.
@ Aaron: x2 what Roy said. Not a good idea to catch up on missed workouts. Too much risk of negative downstream effect. Let it go and move on.
Today's run done. Uneventful. Felt good. Back on the bike tomorrow
a bit of a planning issue this morning, but all worked out well in the end
did my normal w/u w/ strides on the way to the track, but neglected to consider the possibility that the track could be covered with snow...which it was
lucky for me that my fitness club is only a 5 min run from the track, so i ran there, hopped on a treadmill and knocked out the intervals and then ran back home. added ~10 min to the wko, so ended up running for close to 1 hour
is it just me, or are the intervals much tougher (mentally) on the TM? I used 1% incline and set it to my target pace. time seemed to stand still during the intervals while it doesn't seem nearly as long on the track
have a good one, all
The intervals were ok, but like I said elsewhere, the run back to my office afterward was b.r.u.t.a.l!
@Mike, you are a good good man. Intervals on a treadmill are my worst nightmare.
@ Greg, solid effort. I'm NOT looking forward to tomorrow's VO2 work.
4 X 1 mile with target 7:44/mi and I clocked in at 8:14, 7:51, 7:54, and 7:30 and basically stayed in the Z2-Z3 for the first three. My AVHR was consistant and stayed in the Z2-Z3 as well. I ended up with 7.5 miles total.
Time to recover and prep for tomorrow!
2 kilos - warm up at about 9:15-9:00 pace
1 kilo at 7:17 avg pace, 163 HR
4 minutes jogging
1 kilo at 7:23 avg pace, 171 HR (but was more up hill than the first interval)
4 minutes jogging
2 kilos at 7:16 avg pace, 172 HR
jog home took about another 7-8 minutes
Intervals a little longer than ordered but that's just what I'm used to doing so I didn't want to make that change. Should I truly stick so closely to the plan?