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 Okay gang I am far from being an artist but must finally get my MDOT tattoo!

After the three peat I want to incorporate all three into the large calf piece.

its going to be two large mountains-St George and carved into each face of the mountains will be a fiery skull with bright red eyes.  The other mountain face will be a harsh carved up MDOT.  The St George little Doide will be hanging off a rope!!  I'm not so sure what to use for Wisc or Coz.  Maybe a spotted cow??  Coz something with wind and current??

please throw me some thoughts/ideas.



  • Sounds complicated...and LARGE. Here's my suggestion. Either make it generic enough that it covers all triathlons you've done and will ever do, or make it St George specific since that was your first and one of the most epic races ever held. Make it too complicated and no-one will have any idea what it is. BUT, if you make it St George specific, in 10 years there will be 80+% turnover in the IM population and hardly anyone will know that there ever was an IM at St George. I didn't know until several years in the sport that IM California had been held twice before ending and that there had been a one-time IM in Utah before.
  • Carl - try http://www.createmytattoo.com/

    There are some AMAZING artists on there - you start a "contest" and offer a prize. Anywhere from $25 up. It worked great for me and I got exactly the design I was looking for (actually going and getting it inked is a totally different story!). You can do a search for "Ironman M-Dot" under Contests --> Closed Tattoo Contests and you'll see some interesting designs and get a feel for which artists you might like to design for you - if you create a contest, you can invite those artists to participate. Writing a clear description of what you're looking for and including relevant images is key! And if I did it again, I wouldn't give the maximum amount of time - you can choose how many days you want to keep your contest open, and choose 14 days, which is the max. Most artists don't even check out contests until they're in the final days because so many contest holders make changes to their description throughout the process (I sure did!), so you get the most submissions in the final few days. If you give them all feedback and rate their designs, and you still don't get something you love, you can ask for a refund or an extension. I am 100% confident that they'll give you a refund, too - I had an issue when I increased my prize amount, and they fixed it and refunded my money right away.

    Good luck finding that perfect piece!
  • Posted By Jess Withrow on 02 Dec 2012 02:59 PM

    Carl - try http://www.createmytattoo.com/

    There are some AMAZING artists on there - you start a "contest" and offer a prize. Anywhere from $25 up. It worked great for me and I got exactly the design I was looking for (actually going and getting it inked is a totally different story!).

    @Jess - you can't just throw that out there and then not deliver the goods.  Time to show us the design....

    @Carl - thanks for starting this thread.  As an uber-procrastinator, I know that I want to get one....well, I am pretty sure I do...but actually designing one that is Unique to me, but still indicative of the commitment, is what I have been lacking.  I look forward to seeing what the Team throws out for you.

  • I think for Cozumel you need a Mayan element. They have some of the coolest tribal imagery and for my money have way more mojo. If you want to remember MX you go rock something Mayan.
  • @jess - that is a really cool site! Wow.
  • @Joe - I call it my FeM-Dot.  It IS girlie - no making fun!  ;-)   I wanted a more feminine spin on the masculine shape of the M-Dot, but didn't want to alter the M-Dot in any way (I've seen way too many M-Dots gone wrong!). The colors you see below are off, but you get the general idea.  The plan was to have it inked on my left shoulder...  but I'm back and forth about that.  I haven't had it done yet b/c I'm really focused on working on my swim, and I hate to have to take time off from the pool while it's healing!  If anyone has any pointers on this - I'm all ears!  I also need to find a good artist who works with color and can ink it without it looking flat...

    @Dino - that site is AWESOME!!!  I could spend hours looking at all the designs!  

    The REALLY cool thing about it is that you OWN the design when your contest is closed.  The artist isn't allowed to sell your design to anyone else.  Obviously, someone could see your design and take it to a tattoo artist and ask them to replicate the line work, but I do like the fact that what you get is one of a kind.


  • Awesome site ! Very nice Jess .
  • @Jess - That is awesome! I spent WAAAAY too much time on that site last night and I actually saw this design while searching the closed contests under "ironman". Very cool! The artist you chose was also very talented. I saw her stuff many many contests.
  • Posted By Jess Withrow on 03 Dec 2012 07:35 AM

    @Joe - I call it my FeM-Dot.  It IS girlie - no making fun!  ;-)   I wanted a more feminine spin on the masculine shape of the M-Dot, but didn't want to alter the M-Dot in any way (I've seen way too many M-Dots gone wrong!). 

    @Jess - I love it!  I am trying to figure out how to incorporate a pink breast cancer ribbon into an MDot....right now I am thinking about having the ribbons as part of a band that ties into the MDOT.  Time for me to start my own topic....

    @Dino - agreed with wasting way, way too much time last night....

    @Carl - sorry to go so Off-Topic. Back to your question -- If you want to include Cozumel, I agree that the Mayan 'tribal' would be a great element to include.  Although, with a ThreePeat to represent, I think you need to plan to have this across your entire back.  image

    This search -- https://www.google.com/search?num=1...u6tQ7lDJHg brought up some good ideas.  I would, though, recommend against going for the look that the guy sixth from the left, 2nd row, did.  That might be a bit much.  Unless of course the Missus likes it.


  • I still need to get a pic of mine. I've been promising it to da haus since I got it two years ago.

    I had an old 'tribal' band at the top of my right biceps (above the tshirt "line" so I could hide it). I had the new tattoo cover that entirely.

    It's an m-dot, in the center of a bicycle wheel, with 11 rays of sun shining out from it (an ode to my fraternity, of which fellow ENer Rich Miller happens to be a member of as well, same school and chapter! small world). all of this is surrounded by a see of black curlies with green/blue shadows. All topped off with AIA and FLA in script lettering at the bottom; those are my mom and dad's initiials.

    This basically is a tattoo 'sleeve' around my right shoulder. All of that is accentuated by some road rash and collar bone surgery scars around the top and back of my shoulder.

    I love tattoos, they're so addicting!!
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