"gaps" in power zones?
On the beginner OS. I have a question about the plans, as I'm trying to figure out the "why" in what I'm doing. In Allen/Coggan, they talk a lot about the benefits of training in the "sweet spot" (e.g., between 88-92% of FTP.) I guess my question is why (at least now anyway) those zones seem generally omitted from the plan? There's a "no mans land" of 85-95 percent in the plan, and I was just wondering what RnP's rationale for that was.
Good question. A few notes:
Intuitively, based on experience, whatever you want to call it, prescribing 88-92% time within your typical long course triathlon schedule is too hot. It would be tough to manage that session, and downstream sessions, within the context of a triathlon schedule.
Coach is looking out for the down stream effect so you can accomplish raising the roof and ceiling of your fitness. Most newbie folks just want to see what a season following RnP plans will do for them on race day. Others may hack things up after they have been around for awhile.