Arm Tingling
On occasion, I experience arm tingling/numbness from my shoulders to my fingertips. Most recently, I noticed it on Sunday, prior to working out, and Monday (off-day). Is this a sign of something to come? I can recall it happening off and on for the last couple of months but have had no other indicators. It occurs at different times of the day and no neccessarily on days a train/don't train. I try to maintain good posture on my rides and runs and while sitting at work. Also, shoulder flexibility has never been an issue and I have no past arm injuries.
I would go see a chiropractor. My chiropractor happens to also be a neurologist too and he and they are a good place to start. I could take your issue to a doctor and most likely
you would be given some sort of anti-inflammation drug which doesn't solve the issue it just masks it.
Good Luck.
1. go to doctor to get it checked out
2. if it is determined that it might be a pinched nerve, see a chiro to see if they can help you
3. if it is not a pinched nerve it could be a insufficency in some trace minerals, like B12 etc..
I would not ignore it though.