Feedback wanted on new OS configuration from NOS peeps
Ok, so this is not your coach asking feedback. Rather as I look ahead to the JOS starting in a few weeks I'm interested to hear feedback from those in the NOS on the new particular the impact of lack of "blocks" for FTP, VO2, FTP in favor of an integrated plan that merges FTP and VO2.
In my past 2 OS experiences I made significant gains during the FTP blocks and I'm counting on the OS to continue improving me. If the new plan isn't as effective at working the FTP upward I'd be tempted to call some audibles for myself.
So...since the NOS had a bunch of guinea pigs for the new plan I'd love to hear about the particular from the EN vets who have been through the old OS setup and can give some comparison.
Many thanks in advance,
Matt - I may not be the best person to respond, as last year I did a 14 week OS with basically the same combined bike approach. I found the blocks of FTP work in years past to be too much for me. While the VO2 work is just as hard while I'm doing it, it seems to be a bit easier to recover from.
I started with the Int plan, and transitioned to adv over weeks 3-5. I've missed only one workout so far, included 3-5 swims a week for the first six weeks, worked the weekend runs up to 90 minutes (an option in the plan as written), and have had no issues of feeling over worked. My FTP went up 5+% in the first 8 weeks, and my VDOT up 0.5 points. I'm also above my FTP at the same time as last year, although my running has (finally) started to drop, it seems, after getting better and plateauing from age 50-61.
The thing is, the true test of the value of our training does not come with the numbers at week 8 or 14. Rather, race performance is the final arbiter of whether something works. But so far the OS has been a success for me: rising FTP and VDOT, good recovery day to day and week to week, and no mental let down no or on the horizon. Of course, all the usual caveats apply: don't try to overshoot the intervals, don't look for extra credit volume, keep the nutrition up before, during, and after each workout, and get good sleep (tough for some of us, given work schedules, I know.)
This year I have followed the OS to the letter except for occasional swims (one or two per week). Like Al, I generally expand the long run to 90 minutes as the option is discussed in the workout plan. My initial bike/run tests were lower than my previous year peaks, so the first 8 weeks of the NOS has not been difficult. At my 8 week test my FTP increased to within about 2% of my peak FTP last year, and my vDot increased to about 1 point lower than last year's peak. I guess I would say that I am enjoying the gradual build, and I'm not feeling beat up or expired at the end of a workout.
One more important point is nutrition. I am being much more careful to fuel my workouts this year. I essentially follow my race day nutrition plan for each workout, i.e., as soon as I start my bike warmup, I eat half a powerbar and take a drink, when I start my run I eat half a pack of Cliff Bloks. I drink during my workouts, and I use a recovery drink afterwards.
Matt, I did the blended approach for the first time last year, and it was much easier (?) to work consistently over the 20 week period. My approach was really coming out of necessity: as much as I liked the blocks of vo2 and ftp, I found that there were certain points in every OS since 2006 where I would explode spectacularly, no matter how much calibration to interval duration, recovery, % of FTP, etc that I would do. Basically, the block focus was just too focussed for my system. Last year's blend was the first year that I didn't have to take a serious period (or periods) of standing down. And by "standing down," I mean "no training for 3 days, plus take 2 days off work, mentally physically and emotionally incapcitated" standing down.
Looking at what's important here ... the end result was more or less the same. My FTP ended up about 5 watts higher than normal, but it's hard to tell if that was an absolute number, or if previous years have just had me too bagged out to really get a good test.
PS I haven't looked at the 2012 - 13 plan, but if it has Tues FTP, Thurs v02, that's what I found to be optimal for session sequencing ... This gave adequate and appropriately-timed recovery at the right times, and I knew that no matter how bagged I was from Tues FTP and Wed Run work, I could always accumulate the prescribed vo2 work , given the short intervals.
Can't speak to the comparisons of previous OS's since this is my first, but personally I like the combination of VO2 and FTP. Helps keep it from becoming such a drag, doing the same workouts, week after week. Each workout is challenging in its own way, but since it's different from day to day, it certainly helps keep things from becoming monotonous.
Regarding gains - so far I've seen little improvement since the beginning. Certain aspects of the workouts have seen gains, but it hasn't translated into a major FTP or VDOT bump. So I seem to be at a plateau at the moment that my body is still adjusting to, however I think it has more to do with the fact that I did the GF plan over the summer, where I had major improvements (and where the workouts were very similar).
EDIT - one thing I might suggest as an improvement to the coaches at the end is to have some of the FTP sessions be over/unders - like 1 minute at FTP+5W, then 1 minute @ FTP-5W (or so). I did a number of them with TR before I signed on with EN, and I found it helped break up the monotony of a 15 or 20 minute session @ FTP.
In the beginner OS now (started Dec. 1 b/c of injury, and didn't want to spend another hundred bucks and not get going), and I have to say that by the time I get to Thursday, I'm liking the fact that "all" I have to do is a short VO2 set and I'm done. I get a good mental break before the longer work on the weekend.
edit-I did a similar thing last year to work on FTP: Initially, Tues, 2x20 plus 3.5 min @ VO2; Thurs 5 min FTP, rest, 20min at FTP. That got tiresome. Switched to 5x4 min @ V02; Sunday -- 3 hour ride with people faster than me (I was killing myself every sunday). Results were way better with the VO2 set.