Int Bike WO for OS-peeps doing Int-Bike and B-Run
Sat 12/22
Bike FTP Long
MS: 2 x 15' (4') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard. MS2: 1 x 5' (5') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard. Remainder of any time you have available (if any, not required) @ 80-85%/Zone3/Mod-Hard. Remainder of any time you have available (if any, not required) @ 80-85%/Zone3/Mod-Hard.
Tuesday 12/25
Bike FTP
MS: 2 x 20' (4') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard. Remainder of any time you have available (if any, not required) @ 80-85%/Zone3/Mod-Hard.
Tip: you only have 6x intervals sessions, 6 x Vo2 sessions, and 6 x long rides to achieve your OS goals. Make each session count!
Thursday 12/27
Bike Vo2
MS: 3 x (4 x 1/1) @ Vo2/Zone5/Very Hard. Take 2' easy between each set of 4 x 1/1's. Remainder of any time you have available (if any, not required) @ 80-85%/Zone3/Mod-Hard.
These are Vo2 sets, as equal parts "ON" and "OFF" time, where ON is done at your Vo2 power, Z5 heart rate, or Very Hard effort, and OFF is at 65% power, Z1 heart rate, or Easy effort. For example, for the 1/1's, you will do 1' ON, then 1' OFF, repeating this for the specificied set.
Saturday 12/29
Bike FTP Long
MS: 2 x 15' (4') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard. MS2: 1 x 5' (5') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard. Remainder of any time you have available (if any, not required) @ 80-85%/Zone3/Mod-Hard.
IF you have the resources and time (ie, can get outside, not a strain on personal or family life) and / or are moving from the OS plan into the HIM or IM plan, it would be a good idea turn this ride into 2-3hrs by adding Z2-3 time as you feel. But DO NOT DO THIS if you are on a trainer unless specifically told to do so by the coaches!!!