Nov OS Week 10 Bike Thread
We are in to double digit weeks. I'm feeling rested as I had a couple extra days off, extra sleep and very little work.
We are in to double digit weeks. I'm feeling rested as I had a couple extra days off, extra sleep and very little work.
I'm kicking this week off early as my wife and I are hosting New Years this year = a couple extra drinks and clean up tomorrow.
3X15 @ .96, .96 and .99. I'll save the run for tomorrow as I see my wife driving up now.
Happy New Year, fellow NOSers! And what better way to bring in 2013 than w/ some bad-arse bike FTP sets??!! BOOM!!! Tough, but done. Since it takes me about 20mins to warm up my overall time was closer to 1:15, but I have the day off so I figure I can recover extra hard. Knocked the strides out immediately afterwards (something about striding uphill just says 'BOOM and GOOD MORNING'), so I'm done for the day
Way to put it in, Kate, Gordon
In myself:
Didn't know I'd be able to hang onto that 3rd 15m interval.
Gotta make breakfast for peeps - run later - happy new year all!
@Russell - I agree!! I did not think I was going to make that 3rd one! As a HR guy, I was nailing the first two on my AVSPD for Z4, then on the last one I just went by HR since it was way up there into Z5! The run was @Z1 for 25' and although I put in some strides, it was clearly an effort after that bike!
Now off to have some "Hoppin' John" with my wife's friends from Mississippi and watch Miss St take on Northwestern! It is one of the EN workouts so you might not yet be able to see it.
First one was at 0.95, the second was at 0.91 and the third was going okay at 0.9 until it wasn't so I dropped out at 10 minutes and then recovered for a bit. Then I gradually built back up to 0.9 level and then shut it down.
This is Day 4 after giving blood. Doing this stuff is way harder than I thought it would be. My HR gets up into my VO2max zone but I'm not even doing my full FTP. Still, I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did this morning.
Not a good start of the year, but no reason to panic. I think I'm having a bit of a hard time with the increase in power since the FTP test, not because power went up quite a bit but the intervals are continuing to be very long. Combining with not enough sleep, and somehow I was sweating like a pig today, it just wasn't a good ride (even though at the end of the day I still rode 25' at zone 4).
The 15' run was done as a brick and actually felt great, enjoyed it a lot, did great on the strides... What's up with that!
Got my 3X15 in...and happy with results. I was just over 95% on each of them.
@Ann, Satish - let me know if you want me to continue to post the Int workouts or if you're good.
@Peter - sounds like it takes a couple days to recover fluids but a few weeks to recover the RBC's, and then you should get a small bounce because your body will overproduce RBC's - it's a good deed to prioritize someone else's life over our hobby but it doesn't come for free. Not sure when I'm going to give next, but I believe it's an important thing to do... (somehow tri seems to blur the line on "hobby" - it's not really the same as model trains... although perhaps a model train enthusiast would feel differently...)
Got them done! Mentally rough! In fact I wanted to cheer out on the last interval. But instead did the first half at 85% then finished it up with the prescribed power. Sounds like it was tough on all of us! Way to power through and get it don't though guys!!
@Peter. I donated blood last Friday (first time in almost 15 years) and have been frustrated with my utter lack of giddy up. I think that giving the blood whipped me out too. Everything seems to be ultra tough. With really high heart rates too (in the low zones). Hope this slug feeling is over soon! Meanwhile keep up the great effort!!! You could bag the whole workout, but your hanging in there! Great Job!
Hey there, Cory. Yes, that blood donation stuff hurts you when you try to do hard efforts. Why don't you chime in on that thread I started about RBC donations in the OS? It would be good to have another person's data and experience. I've already done quite a bit of blathering there but I think it might serve as a resource for anyone else considering it or looking for some commiseration after the fact. ;-0
Good idea to start a thread on that. I will check it out!
I always have trouble with pacing, so I purposefully started out slowly with a 0.965 first interval, dropped the 2nd to 0.95 and finished up at 0.98. Never really felt like I was pushing too hard until I tried to crank up the 3rd interval -- couldn't increase the wattage, so my legs were sufficiently toasted
Skipped the run today to go bowling with the family. Looking fwd to a morning at the track tomorrow!
3x15 @ 0.991, 0.978, 0.974
Total bike 1:08 @ 0.891
Really going to enjoy fewer run days.... gonna feel like a vacation during week 10
@Joe, tough loss today. I'm an Auburn fan but I pull for all SEC teams during the Bowl season.
I started a week after you all, so Im in week 9. Shoot now Im scared of next week and 3x15's!
I'll be honest though I have a harder time with the 45 (soon to be 60) second sprints then the long hard stuff. We'll see how it goes.
did the vo2 run yesterday and the FTP workout and strides run today. The 3x15' was pretty tough (i had to break the last 15' down into 2' segments to get myself through it) managed to stay in aero and got er done .99, .99, .99 (and .93 for the 60 minute workout)
Hit it hard everyone and keep those posts coming. Good luck.
could tell that it was going to a rough one when i was having trouble hitting 85% IF during the standard warm-up. focused work required to get thru the VO2s. feels good to have the rest day coming up
knock 'em down all!
Man, that was tough thi AM! I was still feeling yesterday's VO2 run ... Normally, I have some room on the top during these interval, but today I really struggled to hold on. But, BOOM, got it done, and now it's time for some HARD REST! Get after it, everybody!
The 1/1s were tough but I'm learning TO LOVE THE PAIN!!! Is that weird?
Also, a HUGE thanks to John and the TR-testers. It's so nice to be using the EN group section within TrainerRoad - takes all the thinking out of the process which is perfect for a morning w/o when my brain is still waking-up. Thank-you!