@ Heather- Slow poke here, but gettin' less pokey! My first 5k 3 years ago was around 40min and my last EN test was 30:36 (Fastest non-treadmill 5k ever!) so the plan works! No one here cares about speed, its all about your attitude and gettin it done. So congrats on gettin it done! You are right, It's up from here!
Brandon!!! Way to pace your run. All by yourself. So impressive.
For the people who feel "slow" compared to the "fast" folks- PLEASE remember it is not about that. Be proud of where you are in YOUR fitness and build from there. Focus on quality and even pacing and patience. Never feel discouraged. You are doing more than 99% of the folks out there. We are all here to support eachother. As a girl - our numbers on the bike will never compare to the boys. They just won't. We can move rather quickly with a sub 200 FT up hills because we are little. Speaking from experience.
Big hugs!!! Way to go doing your 5K test and posting it. Like I said above it is YOUR best and you should be very proud. Now let the team help you along to improved fitness!
Brandon... love your pacing description. :-) Chris... Cable TV! Kortne - faster= better! I can't remember where I first heard it..but there is some saying that goes something like this: "As you get better, it won't hurt less...you'll just be going faster!" :-)
@Matt - Yeah, I'm planning on the 90 min Sundays. I wasn't really doing all that much volume all the time (35-40 mi/week mostly)...just those two "bump" periods. I hope it pays off. Everyone is unique. I know I can handle more running mileage (at moderate intensity) than some people, but I also know I can fry my quads on the bike with high intensity stuff hard enough to set me back for weeks. I wish I were in that category Rich sometimes refers to when saying things like "it's hard to hurt yourself on the bike"...but I'm very happy to be able to run w/o killing myself.
This is my first OS, and mine is definitely the lowest on this thread so far, so I'm hoping to give some courage to other slow pokes to post, though maybe there aren't any 5K: 36:56; vDOT 23.9; LTHR: 159. It's up from here!
Hey Heather - to me your results are really awesome as I can remember my times just 5-6 years ago when I even wasn't even able to "run" more than 2-3km!!
I really believe that intensity is THE goal for us AGs ... at least from my experience intensity in training gave me a huuuuuge bump to where I'm now and I'm a little nervous about the upcoming workouts because this is much more intensity than I've expected
From that perspective just keep going on torture yourself during training and you will see huge improvements coming towards to you much sooner as you expect them to be here
That's for sure what keeps us going all the time ... but on the other hand never forget that the faster you get - the faster you have to train - so the torture just never ends
I did Sunday's run today since unlikely I'll be able to fit the run in before my flight tomorrow. Based on my work schedule and crap weather here in Istanbul I was forced onto the treadmill and am without a Garmin map for this trip…Istanbul joins Paris as the only two cities I've visited in the last 3 years and failed to collect a Garmin map. Boooooooo.
In any case this run was a tough one. I added an extra interval to make it 3x7'@z4, but I did extend the recoveries from 2' to 4'. My footpod is pretty well-calibrated and I hit my paces, but HR was totally out of control…probably due to the heat indoors and no airflow. My HR maxed out at 196 which is within 1bpm of my all-time high (that I've only hit twice) and a good 6-7 bpm above a normal "really hard effort". The second two recoveries didn't even get me below 180 (which is where my HR maxes out on a really hard bike interval).
Overall 6.03 miles in 45:01, 7:29 pace. Current VDOT 48.5 (z4 – 7:01, z3 – 7:10, z2 – 7:26)
Did my run test earlier this week and although it's hard to "race" when your not racing, it went ok:
5k time 20:17
Vdot 49.0
Lthr 166
Here's is my question:
Tomorrow is my 1st run workout since the test - 40 minutes. The plan has me @ mp/7:24 out and @ hmp/7:06 back. Now I've done one marathon @ 9min pace and my fastest half marathon was at 7:50 pace. Is that 20min out 20min back or do I factor in a 15min wu? I realize that a 40 min run is nowhere near as long, but could these numbers be right? If so, I'm in for some serious pain!
Tomorrow is my 1st run workout since the test - 40 minutes. The plan has me @ mp/7:24 out and @ hmp/7:06 back. Now I've done one marathon @ 9min pace and my fastest half marathon was at 7:50 pace. Is that 20min out 20min back or do I factor in a 15min wu? I realize that a 40 min run is nowhere near as long, but could these numbers be right? If so, I'm in for some serious pain!
Yes x 2....sort of. Yes, they are right. Sort of yes...you will *feel* the work, definitely.
Wow - Bradley, we have very similar situations. I am a little slower both testing and previous race paces and have been questioning the accuracy of my run test all week. Staring at that 7:30ish MP number and wondering how that is possible? I tested on a treadmill with a footpod that I have not calibrated in a quite a while. My HR was way up there for me, so I knew I was working hard, but I am considering testing again on Sunday. I've looked at the treadmill pace conversion chart that's been posted in other threads. I started my test (1.5% incline) at 8.2 mph for a mile, increased to 8.4 for the second, then fell apart a little the last half mile, dropping down a bit. Those numbers don't equate to a 20:45ish 5k run according to the charts. I know not all treadmills are alike, but I'm wondering if it is a good idea to calibrate my footpod to the treadmill as part of the warmup and continuing on from there?
Bradley - no need to do a run warmup on a brick run.
If you are like me, you'll find it might take you half a mile to get up to the proscribed pace, but you'll be surprised how well you can run off the bike for a modest amount of time. But yes, be prepared for that run to be non-trivial. It's definitely a bit of work.
20K race Saturday. Race 3/5 of the St. Louis Track Club Frostbite Series. 1:25:51 VDOT 50. I wonder if biking this week for the first time in recent memory could impair my results?
not sure i am posting where i need to be so please advise!
i did tomorrow's run tonight and it was awful and great at the same time. i dislike speedwork, but know i need it so I want to like it. Wierd.
my Garmin was not behaving and was not giving me pacing so i just went on an all out effort for each interval (2 x.5 miles) and the mile. not quite the intention of the workout but best i could figure out while i was running.
the mainset was sandwiched in an 8.5 mile run since I am doing ING MIami 1/2 marathon in a couple of weeks.
after the fact, I got to see my pacing and realized I did the mile at 8:48. I have never, EVER, run less than 9:03 on a mile. I guess I can push myself harder and just don't know it.
Christina- wow- your fastest mile in the middle of an 8.5 mile run? Crazy.
You did the Vdot test, right? What was your z4 for that or tell me your 5K time and I can figure that out. Thanks. Yes you posted it in the correct place. We'll start new threads for next week labeled week 2.
20K race Saturday. Race 3/5 of the St. Louis Track Club Frostbite Series. 1:25:51 VDOT 50. I wonder if biking this week for the first time in recent memory could impair my results?
I doubt the cycling would have much impact. I went from the OS to my first long ride (4 hours) last year on a Saturday then set an 8k PB in a race the next day on Sunday. Although if you have really been 100% off the bike who knows...
i was supposed to go at 9:47 (Z4) according to my plan. i ran the 5k in 28:52 (or something in the 50s). but there was no way to tell what my pace was so i went for it. amazed at myself but it felt HORRIBLE!!! only after did it feel awesome.
i did the MS at the beginning after a couple of miles of warm up. the rest of the run felt like a piece of cake.
Today's run complete with a little bit of extra work after the Main Set. Hit my Z4 intervals fairly well without an excessive RPE. THe only downside to today's run was the temperature outside --- 59deg and what felt like 80% humidity. I thought it was supposed to be winter????
Looking forward to enjoying tomorrow's Recovery Day.
I've noticed that as I work to wean myself from my caffeine addiction, the early morning runs are a little tough - much more so than the bike workouts.
Anywho, I got my bleary eye self out there this morning. Grateful for the spurt of mild weather we are having here in Michigan right now. I started the warmup and Garmin was acting weird. I've noticed that if I input the workout into Garmin's Training Center program and then upload it into the device it will continue to play the "you're going too slow" song repeatedly even when I'm not. Anyone else ever run into this?
So, I made the necessary adjustments, did the warmup and hit my numbers on the MS (half miles at 6:58 and 7:02; mile at 7:38) and then tacked on twenty minutes @ 8:17/mile. Done. Reward = my once a day cup of coffee!
By the way, what is the policy on the rest between intervals? Are we shooting for any particular pace or is this just "free time"?
My Sunday run went better than yesterday's run. Left calf knotted up again but not as bad. Right calf felt fine. Even managed to get some speed work in albeit at lower level than my plan called for - but it is what it is at this point and I ran 6 miles.
Finished today's run. After doing my run test on Wednesday and yesterday's run, I was reluctant to do a any speed work today. I'm thinking that getting injured won't do me any good. Anyway, i did a good hour of z1-z2 of running. Not sure how to jack up that intensity on back to back days, especially on the run.
Beautiful day to run in a rural setting. Icy back roads, -10C and only harassed by farm dogs 3 times! Workout went well none the less and I hit my paces as planned if not a little faster. finished off with a total of 11.58km. The hot shower felt sooo good!
Cold (by Arkansas standards) today. Cut short after 7.8 miles but had a good time. Didn't remember the right intervals...did 2 x 1 mile. Oh well, hit the pace mark on them.
I had hoped to add that extra time to today's run, after the intervals. Buuuuuut. Out til midnight last night (saw Cake in concert -- AWESOME!) then an early morning wakeup and long drive into Manhattan for daughter's hockey game in Central Park. By the time I got home in the afternoon I was dragging a bit. Still got my lazy butt out to the track, in the light rain and heavy fog, for the WU + MS, plus a litttle extra Z3 time tacked on at the end.
The major accomplishment? Getting that workout in, late (for me) in the day, with crummy weather and fatigue weighing me down. Every day, every step brings me closer to IM Mont Tremblant. I don't want to waste any of the time I have.
For the people who feel "slow" compared to the "fast" folks- PLEASE remember it is not about that. Be proud of where you are in YOUR fitness and build from there. Focus on quality and even pacing and patience. Never feel discouraged. You are doing more than 99% of the folks out there. We are all here to support eachother. As a girl - our numbers on the bike will never compare to the boys. They just won't. We can move rather quickly with a sub 200 FT up hills because we are little. Speaking from experience.
You made me laugh. I needed that. Lo volume/Lo intensity? If you find it let me know
Big hugs!!! Way to go doing your 5K test and posting it. Like I said above it is YOUR best and you should be very proud. Now let the team help you along to improved fitness!
Chris... Cable TV!
Kortne - faster= better! I can't remember where I first heard it..but there is some saying that goes something like this: "As you get better, it won't hurt less...you'll just be going faster!" :-)
@Matt - Yeah, I'm planning on the 90 min Sundays. I wasn't really doing all that much volume all the time (35-40 mi/week mostly)...just those two "bump" periods. I hope it pays off. Everyone is unique. I know I can handle more running mileage (at moderate intensity) than some people, but I also know I can fry my quads on the bike with high intensity stuff hard enough to set me back for weeks. I wish I were in that category Rich sometimes refers to when saying things like "it's hard to hurt yourself on the bike"...but I'm very happy to be able to run w/o killing myself.
Hey Heather - to me your results are really awesome as I can remember my times just 5-6 years ago when I even wasn't even able to "run" more than 2-3km!!
I really believe that intensity is THE goal for us AGs ... at least from my experience intensity in training gave me a huuuuuge bump to where I'm now and I'm a little nervous about the upcoming workouts because this is much more intensity than I've expected
From that perspective just keep going on torture yourself during training and you will see huge improvements coming towards to you much sooner as you expect them to be here

That's for sure what keeps us going all the time ... but on the other hand never forget that the faster you get - the faster you have to train - so the torture just never ends
In any case this run was a tough one. I added an extra interval to make it 3x7'@z4, but I did extend the recoveries from 2' to 4'. My footpod is pretty well-calibrated and I hit my paces, but HR was totally out of control…probably due to the heat indoors and no airflow. My HR maxed out at 196 which is within 1bpm of my all-time high (that I've only hit twice) and a good 6-7 bpm above a normal "really hard effort". The second two recoveries didn't even get me below 180 (which is where my HR maxes out on a really hard bike interval).
Overall 6.03 miles in 45:01, 7:29 pace. Current VDOT 48.5 (z4 – 7:01, z3 – 7:10, z2 – 7:26)
Warmup 10' @ 7:58
3x 1 mile – 6:52, 6:51, 6:56
(3x 4' recoveries 8:13, 8:31, 8:24)
Remainder time ~2' @ 7:13
@Matt -- All that on a treadmill??? You are hard-core, bro!
Did my run test earlier this week and although it's hard to "race" when your not racing, it went ok:
5k time 20:17
Vdot 49.0
Lthr 166
Here's is my question:
Tomorrow is my 1st run workout since the test - 40 minutes. The plan has me @ mp/7:24 out and @ hmp/7:06 back. Now I've done one marathon @ 9min pace and my fastest half marathon was at 7:50 pace. Is that 20min out 20min back or do I factor in a 15min wu? I realize that a 40 min run is nowhere near as long, but could these numbers be right? If so, I'm in for some serious pain!
Thanks for any help.
Yes x 2....sort of. Yes, they are right. Sort of yes...you will *feel* the work, definitely.
Welcome to an EN OutSeason.
Thanks, Joe. I'll give it a go!
If you are like me, you'll find it might take you half a mile to get up to the proscribed pace, but you'll be surprised how well you can run off the bike for a modest amount of time. But yes, be prepared for that run to be non-trivial. It's definitely a bit of work.
not sure i am posting where i need to be so please advise!
i did tomorrow's run tonight and it was awful and great at the same time. i dislike speedwork, but know i need it so I want to like it. Wierd.
my Garmin was not behaving and was not giving me pacing so i just went on an all out effort for each interval (2 x.5 miles) and the mile. not quite the intention of the workout but best i could figure out while i was running.
the mainset was sandwiched in an 8.5 mile run since I am doing ING MIami 1/2 marathon in a couple of weeks.
after the fact, I got to see my pacing and realized I did the mile at 8:48. I have never, EVER, run less than 9:03 on a mile. I guess I can push myself harder and just don't know it.
Looking forward to see how I finish the OS.
You did the Vdot test, right? What was your z4 for that or tell me your 5K time and I can figure that out. Thanks.
Yes you posted it in the correct place. We'll start new threads for next week labeled week 2.
I doubt the cycling would have much impact. I went from the OS to my first long ride (4 hours) last year on a Saturday then set an 8k PB in a race the next day on Sunday. Although if you have really been 100% off the bike who knows...
yay! i am starting to figure this EN stuff out!
i was supposed to go at 9:47 (Z4) according to my plan. i ran the 5k in 28:52 (or something in the 50s). but there was no way to tell what my pace was so i went for it. amazed at myself but it felt HORRIBLE!!! only after did it feel awesome.
i did the MS at the beginning after a couple of miles of warm up. the rest of the run felt like a piece of cake.
Looking forward to enjoying tomorrow's Recovery Day.
Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday!
Anywho, I got my bleary eye self out there this morning. Grateful for the spurt of mild weather we are having here in Michigan right now. I started the warmup and Garmin was acting weird. I've noticed that if I input the workout into Garmin's Training Center program and then upload it into the device it will continue to play the "you're going too slow" song repeatedly even when I'm not. Anyone else ever run into this?
So, I made the necessary adjustments, did the warmup and hit my numbers on the MS (half miles at 6:58 and 7:02; mile at 7:38) and then tacked on twenty minutes @ 8:17/mile. Done. Reward = my once a day cup of coffee!
By the way, what is the policy on the rest between intervals? Are we shooting for any particular pace or is this just "free time"?
Sunday intervals are complete. Ended with 10 miles and 1hr15min.
My Sunday run went better than yesterday's run. Left calf knotted up again but not as bad. Right calf felt fine. Even managed to get some speed work in albeit at lower level than my plan called for - but it is what it is at this point and I ran 6 miles.
Finished today's run. After doing my run test on Wednesday and yesterday's run, I was reluctant to do a any speed work today. I'm thinking that getting injured won't do me any good. Anyway, i did a good hour of z1-z2 of running. Not sure how to jack up that intensity on back to back days, especially on the run.
I had hoped to add that extra time to today's run, after the intervals. Buuuuuut. Out til midnight last night (saw Cake in concert -- AWESOME!) then an early morning wakeup and long drive into Manhattan for daughter's hockey game in Central Park. By the time I got home in the afternoon I was dragging a bit. Still got my lazy butt out to the track, in the light rain and heavy fog, for the WU + MS, plus a litttle extra Z3 time tacked on at the end.
The major accomplishment? Getting that workout in, late (for me) in the day, with crummy weather and fatigue weighing me down. Every day, every step brings me closer to IM Mont Tremblant. I don't want to waste any of the time I have.