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January OutSeason Begins Monday, Jan 7th!


Monday, January 7th is a big day of many of you. Lots of members will start the January OutSeason (JanOS) together as a group. Many others, especially some of our newest members, will begin the OS or other plans, according to the Season Road Map I've prepared for them.

The purpose of this email is to get you all on the same page so everyone is ready to hit the ground running with their respective training plans on Monday. 

Loading up your JanOS or other training plan

As a reminder, our training plan system is self-serve. That is, you submitted your 2013 race schedule to me and I create a "Season Road Map" for you -- my guidance for how I want you to stack our training plans across your season. However, these training plans are not and will not be automatically loaded up into your training plan account. YOU are responsible for loading up the appropriate training plan at the appropriate time, using my guidance in the Season Road Map and it's accompanying screencast. Please watch the video below to learn how to load up your training plan(s):

Note: If you are still in your trial period and have not yet joined, ^that^ "Move / Change My Training Plan" link won't work for you. That's a feature of full, paid membership. You can:

  • Join Now: you will be billed, converted to a full member and the link above and the rest of the site will be turned on for you. However, you may need to wait until later in the day for the permission changes to propogate through the entire site.
  • Just wait for your trial to expire. You'll be billed and the membership jazz above will happen automagically. 
  • Cancel: if you've decided that EN isn't a good fit for you, please go ahead and cancel your membership so you're not billed. Don't worry, we'll send you several reminders to cancel before your trial expires. 

The Mojo components of the OutSeason

Perhaps the most powerful, and difficult to explain, aspect of TeamEN is the mojo and accountability that our members create for themselves as they all work hard, together, to execute the same training plans at the same time. Please watch the screencast below to learn more:

Help Wanted: JanOS Captains Needed!

Gordon and Roy have done an AWESOME job of leading the NovOS group! Please see how they've organized the mojo and accountability awesomeness in the NovOS. We'd like a couple volunteers to duplicate their efforts for the JanOS crew. Please PM me if you'd like to be a JanOS Captain, with all rights and privileges thereunto pertaining! 

Good luck and remember: the work and the gains you make in the OutSeason create the speed you'll unleash on race day. More importantly, look forward to April we unlock you from your Pain Caves and set you lose on your (former) training partners!

Coach Rich


  •  Rich, My trial period is over and I got an email that said I have been billed " your subscription has been renewed" .  Does that mean I am a full member? Which is great since i want to convert from trial to regular member.  Do I need to do anything else to join?.  I tried to upload my plan but don't see the link you are talking about.


    Thanks, Ken

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