2x rest day planned a week freaks me out!!!
i always go with the attitude that if I can get up at 5am and go wu I should. who knows what tomorrow will bring. this is going to be hard for me on monday and friday.
i always go with the attitude that if I can get up at 5am and go wu I should. who knows what tomorrow will bring. this is going to be hard for me on monday and friday.
Give the rest days as much respectas you would any other workout. Your body needs these days to absorb all of the work you will be putting into it. The first couple of weeks will seem easy, but trust me, the accumulated fatigue will build up and you we'll be feeling it in a month or two. So don't feel guilty on those rest days, embrace it and follow the plan.
I generally sleep in an extra hour on those days but I go to bed at the same time as usual the night before. If you absolutely must get up at your normal time (if you workout in the mornings) or must hit the gym during the day (if you workout later in the day) then go and hit the foam roller, get a good stretch, hit the hot tub, or a massage. If you want to do some easy-ish core stuff, that's also okay. But for me I do the core stuff immediately before or after my plan workout and keep the rest days as pure as I can as rest days. They are not there by accident, they were put there by a couple of really smart dudes that we are all paying to give us a plan that makes us faster and stronger without running us into the ground.
Coach R says that your racing self owes it to your training self not to foul up race day by hammering the bike - well, your rest self owes it to your training self to not to disrespect the work you've done by not giving it proper time to rebuild from the stress you put on it during training.
(you probably already know all this and are just verbalizing a sentiment you are used to following
You'll be doing that on the bike twice a week and you'll be doing that on the run as well. Oh, and have you seen the VO2max bike workouts? Heh heh heh. No, I mean BWA-HA-Ha-ha-haaaaaaaaaaaaaa. If you're doing these workouts right you need the time to reestablish flexibility and let your body restore itself. This past week has kicked my butt and week 11 is even harder.
The rest is so important for loading up so you can continue to go BOOM!
I read somewhere that recovery takes confidence. In yourself, in your plan, and in your ability to commit to your next workout. We're all here to tell you that the OS plan WORKS. If, and only if, you give it a chance to work. You're going to need those rest days to let your body heal, recover, and become stronger. There is no improvement from the stress of training without recovery time to make that happen.
Don't mess up your OS by compromising the work you COULD do by letting your pre-EN workout routine dictate your rest days.
Go get you some FAST. Follow the plan.
Get the rest. Swim if you want, but even that, you have to be careful that it's not something that taxes you...that it's a day focused on recovery.
Swim, bike, run, RECOVER (Or in the case of the OS... Bike, run, recover)
I personally take one full day off which is usually Monday and I swim on the Friday. I swim because it stretches me out and all my friends are there. I would miss seeing them if I did not at least go once a week.
Folks wearing tri tops with blue EN sashes...
Sweatballs that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Mondays and Fridays in January Out Season...
These are a few of my favorite things
When my heart beats...
And the watts rise...
When I'm feeling sad...
I simply remember my favorite things
(insert whisper of Monday and Friday)
And then I don't feel so bad
Ok... must get back to work!
Third go at OS think downstream and chronic fatigue.Think of it this way "Rest is a workout". Physiologically your body is repairing(housework) in getting things in order for you to do the next day's work.
OMG..... WOODY!!! THAT was AWESOME!!! Thankfully I didn't have anything in my mouth at the time or I would've had a Carrie moment x2!
Carolyn - this is my first OS. I am swimming on Mondays until my body tells me ENOUGH is ENOUGH (while I'm guessing that'll be around week 9 or 10, I have a feeling it'll be sooner - but when it happens, I am commited to respecting it!). Fridays are 100% rest and recovery via MASSAGE days!!! WHOOOOHOOO!!!
oh my that was funny woody
Very wise Nate I agree completely. As I am entering my 19th yr in the sport, I know that all that matters is what you can do on race day, put your self out there and stay in your box. You have no control over others and I have seen all kinds of things happen to the elites during races, from pulling up to a stop due to cramps to bike mechanicals as simple as breaking a bike chain on the first hill.
This is my 3rd OS. The rest days are a must. I love going to my gym on Monday for my 1 x 20' hot tub interval. Best workout of the week, especially while I'm watching my non-EN triathlete friends slowly dragging themselves up & down the pool "building a swimming base" in January. I tell them I'm working hard at resting. Most don't get it. Ok, once in a while I will swim on Friday, but it is always just drills and form work. Nothing that would compromise the Saturday & Sunday workouts. Also, I make sure I sleep in on Monday & Friday, meaning I don't set my alarm & just let my body decide when to wake up, not my clock. Only except to this is if I have a work commitment.