Is this Pro or is this Fred?
I am a firm believer that many times in life if you need to ask yourself the question, you already know the answer. Not sure if that is the case here, but I have my thoughts.
I found these stickers online at a pretty reasonable cost and thought I would deck my bike out. You know, like the PROs. Black lettering on white is for my white TT BIke and White lettering on Black are for my two black roadies.
They just arrived today and I have not put them on yet, but the plan was to place one each side of the top tube near the seat tube.
So my questions are - Is this PRO or is this FRED? Anybody else doing this? What feedback do you get?
For me, being relatively slow and already having a Fred-ish look (non-matching kit, bento box, bag underneath saddle, hairy legs, speed/cadence sensor hanging off the rear wheel bar, off-color zip ties holding my PT cradle in place, rear-view mirror on my helmet, etc, etc - the list goes on), there is absolutely no way I could make it look pro.
On the other hand, if on an otherwise clean setup, and on someone who looks like they actually give a hoot - I could definitely see it looking more pro.
Get a set for Lynda but tell her she can only use them if she loses on the bento boxes on allll of her bikes....
But IIRC your setup is pretty clean right now so it won't be like you are wearing a clown nose or anything.
Knowing you, Dino, I think they are already on your bikes.
If you're passing people, they look Pro.
If you're being passed, they look Fred.
Does that help?
If I'm going Fred, I'm in 100%.
Pro. That shows a degree of effort to obtain custom decals which should be looked favorably upon.
It's pro so long as it isn't adorning the top tube of a road bike that is also sporting a Bento box. My cycling team got a set last year that has our logo graphic in the place of the flag and they look great. Also helps distiguish whose white Tarmac is whose. Luckily they match my Felt TT bike too.
You can also check out Victory Graphics out of Boulder. They've got a bunch of different style/font options.
Awesome Feedback!

@Ryan - I love that you embrace your Fred-ness. I agree. Never do anything half way!
Thankfully for me, I run a rather clean set up. My bikes rock two bottle cages, a k-edge for the Garmin, a Quarq/SRM (depending) and nothing else. I take a minimalist approach. If it doesn't fit in the jersey pocket, I don't need it. I shave my legs and try to step out the door with a kit, helmet, glasses and shoes that would make Jens weep (paraphrasing Coach R) with admiration/envy.
Speed wise, while not the fastest, I think I can pull off a sticker even tho I am a shitty bike handler and have the x-rays to prove it.
I have decided the stickers are in fact Pro and will apply and post tomorrow!
While are discussing looking Pro, what's wrong wit this picture. Here are a few pointers I found funny:
For the sticker inclined among us, here is the link:
Yep: PRO with the caveat: No more crashes.
You proceed directly to Fred any time the rubber side is not down and proceed even further to Wilma if you actually crash yourself again. I say go for it, but I'm holding you to it!!!
you know what? just put Crowie's sticker on your bike and you're all set!
What If I get those stickers and put them on my helmet? Would that make me Pro or Fred?
I say put those stickers everywhere...and have extras on the course and put them on the water/drink bottles at aid stations while trying to stay aero. When you discard the empty bottles everyone will know you were there. Is that Fred?
Then it's still Fred!
I say Fred since you look Pro, but your bike is on the Fred rack..
I know I'd be a poser if I had the $$$$ to look pro..... but I just aint got the bike skills, power or experience to fit the part. So, I'm OK with going totally Fred. YMMV
Kewl stickers by the way!