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VO2 in plan from data tool

 My training plan is showing my VO2 as 120% of my FTP instead of the value I input from my test which is closer to 133% of FTP.  Is this intentional (should VO2 intervals be done below VO2 max), or just an artifact of how the data is input into the training plan from the data tool?


  • I think both are correct: the VO2 intervals are designed to be done at/around 120% of FTP, and the value on the Dashboard display is an artifact of how it is imported.

    Before trying to nail the intervals at your test VO2 number, I would recommend reading the article from William Jenks' introduction: http://members.endurancenation.us/Resources/Wiki/tabid/108/Default.aspx?topic=OverAchieving+on+Cycling+Intervals. While the article deals primarily with FTP intervals, experience has shown that it applies to the VO2 ones as well. If after a couple of weeks, you find the 120% too easy, then I would carefully and judiciously start bumping it up. Depending on your plan, this week's VO2 intervals are not too bad (Beginner: 5 x 30/30) or are pretty legit (Intermediate 6 sets of 4 x 30/30). If the latter, and you go for your 133%, I think you could rapidly find yourself sacrificing your downstream workouts.
  • This is very defiitely true if you have a steeply sloping curve (in other words, comparatively good anaerobic power, and not-so-good power @ FTP). The anaerobic juice jacks your 5 min number, but you don't really use it in a TT--not the way you would in a bike race, anyway.
  • I just noticed this too.... My VO2 is about 128% of my FTP. Question is.... Since I have that "abnormal" gap in FTP vs. VO2, if I'm training at 120% of FTP, am I training hard enough to impact/improve my VO2? Or should I worry more about my FTP anyway, since I am apparently lacking in that area?
  • Hi there. Seeing what set of wheels most would recommend for Iman WI? thx Sue
  • @Sue Welcome to EN! Wrong thread for a gear question, you'll get more luck in the gear forums. But anyway for Wi normal rules probably apply, get as aero as you can! However you should try to be traing and racing with power before spending $$$ on fancy wheels. Much more about this can be found in the gear forum!
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