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Importance of following the training schedule exactly as posted

 I was able to the do the schedule exactly as posted this week, but generally i work 12-14 hour days on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Do you have a recommendation for changing up the workouts based upon work/workout availability.





  • I would post this in the micro thread where CoachP can respond back with specifics to your situation.
  • A lot of people move stuff around to fit it in with life. Things happen! If you have to miss something, miss the easy stuff image

    Take Ryan's advice!
  •  There is also guidance in the wiki...In the self-coaching section...in the OS section....I think under Workout Triage...basically prioritizes the workouts and then you can move them around to suit your schedule..........

  • I too work 12 hour days at least 2 days of the week and the other work day is 8 hours shift and each week is set but it is variable each week when the 12 hour shifts occur. Coach P. revamped my EN work schedule to make it manageable for my job and my life. The Micro Thread is the way to go and I'm on the Get Faster Plan at the moment.
  • I second the idea of putting this in the micro thread. Patrick is pretty clever about moving things around so they still work.

    That said, think of it this way: you have a 2 day block (weekend), a day off, a three day block (Tue-Thu), and a day off [at least the vast majority of weeks. If you shift your week so that your "weekend" is Sun/Mon instead of Sat/Sun, then you can choose to do the shorter of the normal Tue/Thu work on your second long work day (Wednesday). Just a thought.
  • Just remember that those off days are more than 'Put You're Missed Workout Here' days.

    I've found that I have my best stretches when I do everything possible to stick to the plan because their Main #1 Priority is to recover from something and to rest for the next something.

    Having said that, we all have to be flexible at some point.
  • Great advise so far.  The only think I'll add is forget about a missed workout out.  Stacking them in on off days or cutting sleep is a recipe for disaster. 


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