Are you talking about the planned workouts or already done workouts??
For the second you just need to create a free TrainingPeaks account, download the TP-DeviceAgent and start uploading the data from your training-device (Polar, Garmin, Timex ...)
For the planned workouts I'm pretty sure there's no way at all to have it automatically done (note that you need a paid premium TP account for planning workouts even in TP directly).
I'm using Garmin Connect for planning for that reason.
When my WKO is done I simply upload all the stuff to both Garmin Connect and TrainingPeaks.
For future workouts you have to manually enter them. I actually did that for the entire Nov OS. Was not too hard - just a lot of copy/pasting. But once done it was pretty handy. Makes it very nice to see everything laid out on a calendar for long and short range planning, and easy to drag workouts around if you have to reorganize things for an upcoming week. Also, when you upload data using the TP Device Agent, it automatically knows to plug the data into the correct planned workout. Works great.
RnP did put the OS workouts on Training Peaks. I'll admit I don't remember the details, but there is a scheme by which you buy them and then get some rebate...or maybe you get some discount. Anyway, as an EN member, what you are "paying for" is the convenience of having had someone load it all up for you. If you are a non EN athlete, you're obviously paying a lot more for the plan as well as for the convenience.
But there isn't a trivial way of transferring them from Jim says, you have to manually enter them if you want to do it yourself.
I've spent the last ten minutes scrounging around the EN and TP websites, trying to find out the details that William is alluding to, as I had that in the back of my mind that it was possible. Best I can make out is that, for a $10/month Admin fee to TP, TP and EN have partnered so that the EN workouts are loaded into TP for you. But I can't find anywhere that tells me how to go about making that happen. Since I don't want to do that myself, I gave up further searching.
Suggestion: hit the "Support" button on the left side of rthe screen and ask the question there.
I manually enter my future workouts to TrainingPeaks. My experience is similar to Jim's...a lot of copy/pasting but actualy doesn't take as long as you think it will...I did it for my workouts AND my dad's.
I do the same thing, but don't bother putting it into TP...just into my own calendar program. Call me Ensign Ro...non-conformist. :-) (or Call me Ishmael, but that's another story altogether.)
Are you talking about the planned workouts or already done workouts??
For the second you just need to create a free TrainingPeaks account, download the TP-DeviceAgent and start uploading the data from your training-device (Polar, Garmin, Timex ...)
For the planned workouts I'm pretty sure there's no way at all to have it automatically done (note that you need a paid premium TP account for planning workouts even in TP directly).
I'm using Garmin Connect for planning for that reason.
When my WKO is done I simply upload all the stuff to both Garmin Connect and TrainingPeaks.
But there isn't a trivial way of transferring them from Jim says, you have to manually enter them if you want to do it yourself.
I've spent the last ten minutes scrounging around the EN and TP websites, trying to find out the details that William is alluding to, as I had that in the back of my mind that it was possible. Best I can make out is that, for a $10/month Admin fee to TP, TP and EN have partnered so that the EN workouts are loaded into TP for you. But I can't find anywhere that tells me how to go about making that happen. Since I don't want to do that myself, I gave up further searching.
Suggestion: hit the "Support" button on the left side of rthe screen and ask the question there.
Here you go, sorry we didn't make it easy for you to find
EN training plans on TrainingPeaks
We are working to get all of the long course plans in there now, should be up late next week or the following week.
@ Eugine, ok, I'll cop to being a fan...back in tha day...
(Patrick Stewart was awesome)
Resistance is futile. (sorry coudn't resist
Just adding my distinctiveness to the collective consiousness.