HI JAN OS PEEPS!!! Please post your week 3 run workouts here.
It has been fun training "with" you. Thank you for posting your workouts and cheering each other on. Such a great group here.
Keep rolling, stretching, compressing, eating clean and not pushing through pain. If something truly hurts, stop. Fatigue and burning is one thing- pain is another. Congrats to Chris Hardbeck who has been patient through his calf injury and is now pain free. He has learned not to PUSH his Z5 intervals. They are quite risky and come at a cost. When in doubt err on the side of caution. OK peeps- HAPPY RUNNING!!
I am doing the Half Marathon hack in the Jan OS, so my schedule is slightly adjusted from the posted WO's. I don't do the Tuesday double workout, instead I do a track session of z4 / z5 on Mondays and then just do the bike portion on Tuesday. This seems to work out best for my situation. Also I flip Saturdays and Sundays workout due to scheduling conflicts. I am doing all the scheduled bikes as written and use Trainer Road. No swims until April as I am still getting over a bike/car accident in July that screwed me up pretty bad. I want the shoulder 100% before stressing it again. My runs consist of Monday-z5 track intervals, Wednesday- z4 Tempo run, Saturday- Long run z2 out z3 back with a max of 14 miles.
I was a solid 52 vdot runner prior to the accident and after that have struggled to get over 42. Over the past 3 weeks I have seen my run fitness inch up and hope to close in even further on the next test. My goal for 2013 is to regain a Vdot of 52 and my bike FTP of 302 (pre-accident).
Congrats on your comeback. I am glad you are posting. Let us share in your journey as you work toward your goals for the year. How exciting!!
2 x 1.5mi @ 7:20 and 7:13 and was able to jog during the recovery. Held a pretty good pace of 7:48 (1.4 miles) for my cool (warm) down as well.
I host a track group Tuesday mornings at 6am with my husband. We have hosted it for 7 years. We get 10-30 people depending on the week. Today we had 14. It was cold by our standards at 28 degrees F. ( I see Chicago is a whopping 0 F so I cannot complain
Our set was a little longer than the EN plan but close enough. 2 mile warm up, drills, main set and 1 mile cool down.
1 mile/ 2 miles/ 1 mile @ Threshold Pace with 400 and 800 recoveries. My splits were : 6:55, 13:44, 6:42
I never looked at my watch and ran on feel. I had a crew with me, one on the side and 3 on my heels. That sure keeps you moving in the pitch dark. Very fun. I am happy to be back.
Moved my sched up a day to open up Wednesday, so I was out in the 5deg wind chill running today. Felt great. 6x800s were no problem - felt strong the whole way through. No drop-off in performance at all. Speed is entering the body.....
kept mine short and ez since I'm just now getting back to running on land.
legs (2nd run back) already felt much better, like 'Hey! this is what gravity feels like, eh?!'
0pain, slow ramp up, basically picking up week 1 action.
Mile 1: 6:07
Mile 2: 6:16
Mile 3: 6:15
Track was crazy crowded with jog/walkers from some sort of "health" class. Not fun. Their little 30 m sprints probably interfered with my pacing, which was too fast. But having finished it, I won't complain
Something glitched in my footpod during the last mile that was giving me crazy readings (sub-6:00 pace) and then it came up short on the track...but I know where the mile is so I just added on the time for another short split. If you look at my GC link, you'll see there's a bunch of weird stuff in the last fast mile. That's why the above workout stops so abruptly....I waked a few steps after the last mile to figure out what was going on and then set up to calibrate:
I did a run half mile measured calibration run (at about the same pace...3:0x), but the calibration constant came up screwy too. Very glitchy pace data: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/265008839
And I know the number just can't be right. I may be a bit uneven paced, but I don't suddenly run at 3 minute mile pace for a few seconds. Usually my calibration constant is about 0.95, and it was 0.85. Anybody seen this before? I'm going to look into replacing the battery.
Great wko WJ! Weak batteries can cause weird problems for sure.
Got my bike done this morning and posted, then did my easy run tonight with 3 x 30" strides at the end for 4.5 miles. Gonna hit the faster run for tomorrow in the morning.
Good to read Chris.
Great getting out there Andrew. Enter speed and never leave.
Carrie, so glad you didn't have a cough. I've had some coughs that took forever to go away on and off several times over the past few years.
Mile 0.5: 7:18
Mile 1.0: 7:24
Mile 2.0: 7:23
Happy with that especially as I felt pretty shot after the brick yesterday, and it is still only week 3 ;-)
Good luck everyone!
@ Greg ditto on the magic of EN training. I did my WU @ 8:42 close to Z2 pace, then 4x 30" @ 7:15, 7:03, 7:03 & 7:10 pace. Was supposed to run Z4 @ 7:53. felt great and ran by how I felt like pushing it and kept my HR below Z5. Did WKO of 1 x 1/2 @ 7:19, 1 x 1 @ 7:12, decided to do 1 x 1 1/2 instead of 2nd 1 x 1. Did the mile @ 7:16 & 1/2 @ 7:12 straight thru. Did recovery mile @ 8:22, then finished mile 7 @ 9:24 pace. I've been dropping some weight since testing wk 1 and my easy run from yesterday was not a brick and done at night. It was a nice crisp 45 degrees here in Bradenton FL and running faster felt great. Legs felt great, so I hope running this quick was okay since I was still in my Z4 HR.
Started my mile repeats at 8.7 and was able to finish the last 800's of each mile at 10.6, 10.7, 10.8 !!!
I did take the entire 4 min recovery though between each interval and ran that at my EP-8:24.
Might take tomorrow off as my recovery day and just do an easy swim. Friday I have to do Saturdays bike and run cause I'm at the FireStation for 24 hours on Saturday. They are usually busy from 0700-0700.
If I should repost, let me know where! Thanks!!!
PS...the battery was just replaced as the one I got when it was shipped was dead.
No extra work today as I had to get back to the office.
HOWEVER, if you trust the treadmill as being correct, it is easy to set the calibration manually so that the readings from your footpod matches what it says. Basically, you drill down to the "calibration" menu and adjust the number so that it will match. Feel free to email me (wsjinames@gmail.com) if you want to do this and need a little help.
@Carl - nice work. For your VDOT, those are VO2 paces (I am assuming 10.6 means 10.6 mph = 5:40 min/mile pace) You just need to decide if you want to turn those threshold runs into VO2.
@Ian Good stuff. That's how I like to think things should feel like a fair amount of the time... like you know you've been working and it's not as easy as if you just did it rested...but not so tired that it's hard to warm up or that you start to fail at them.
I love reading everyones posts - keeps me motivated.
I made a commitment this year not to use the treadmill and so far have been succesful. Completed the run on a trail that was dusted with snow which made the intervals pretty tough and footing somewhat tricky.
Looking forward to good nights rest now that I am back home from traveling for work - I just don't sleep well at hotels.
1/2 mi -> NGP 6:46
1 mi -> NGP 6:39
1 mi -> NGP 6:37
So for some reason my garmin is downloading super slow but I did the prescribed 1/2 mi + 2 x 1mi on the treadmill at the target paces @ .5% incline.
Hoping my computer/trainer road play nice tomorrow night.....
being my first week back, re-introducing the run, I'm just gonna tack on a real ez 30' z1 with accels after the bike tomorrow.
since I'm getting it done early and it's a short/ez modification, I'm not too worried about the weekend's workouts.
I ran the 3x 1-mile intervals with each one tenth of a mph higher than the last. For the recoveries I did 4' plus the difference between my 1-mile pace and 7' (just to keep my intervals synched with the treadmill clock). I then did an extra interval at the end because it was exactly 7' of remainder time so essentially enough time for one more mile.
Overall 7.03 miles in 50:07, 7:08 pace. Current VDOT 48.5 (z4 – 7:01, z3 – 7:10, z2 – 7:26)
Warmup: 10' as 5' @ 7:50, 5' @ 7:15
4x 1 miles – 6:42, 6:37, 6:33, 6:33
(3x ~4' recoveries 7:59, 8:01, 8:08)
Awesome work guys and gals! How I wish I can run like you folks.
Ran on the TM at the gym with the wifey. Got my 3 x 1 milers (7:20, 7:12, 7:03) and stayed within the zone. Felt good and not fatigued so I can still hit my FTP bike early in the AM then VO2 bike at night.
Got today's run done in 40 degrees and rain. 3 x 1 mile (6:50, 6:41, 6:47). I did drop the recovery from 5' to 2:30 because I felt recovered and figured that I'd rather get it done than get cold. I hemmed and hawed with running at Noon, since the rain was supposed to stop by mid-afternoon. But, I figured that, better to get it done when I could rathern than have the day's activities sabotage my workout.
And I am treating myself to a beer tonight!
I use the treadmill at my gym and computrainer lab...never the same mill twice I'm afraid! Today, I turned the gps off and at my z1 pace (10:20) it was pretty accurate. As I moved to z4 for the intervals, that 5% you spoke of showed its face. I may try to calibrate via the watch next time and see how that goes. If I screw it up, you'll be getting an email from yours truely!
Thanks for the feedback!