NOS Week 13 Bike Thread
Getting in the final few workouts before next weeks test. I'll be off the bike most of this week with a family trip to Mexico. Planning 3-4 short runs as to not affect any of the activities. I'll be checking in until Wednesday for sure and then might be very sparse until next week 14.
Have a great week everyone! Last few hard rides before we take a test and take a break!
@Gordon - have a great holiday! Good idea to escape the Saskatchewan winter. I hear it's colder than Ottawa right now.
Great job Naomi!
Tuesday FTP work done and dusted. 15/20/15 in 0.97/0.96/0.96. To be honest, I know work is working because there is no way I would have thought of doing this workout at the beginning of the OS. As someone previously mentioned, these last few bike workouts are tougher than anything RnP laid down last OS.
Good luck everyone and keep at it!
BOOM. Done! I just love the Tuesday AM FTPs, although I had a bit of a harder time at it today than usual. But, knocked it out, did the t-run w/ strides afterwards (kinda hard to stride fast and elegant when you're bundled up like a Michelin Man...). On to tomorrow!
In case you missed it, interesting discussion on correlating power/heart rate/RPE/pedal pressure on another thread over here -->
Brent - this is good stuff. As a HR guy, I get it. Although power is still something I'm going to invest in, I got the big idea and this thread just reinforces it even more. Thanks!
Got in today's workout at 15', 20', 15' @ Z4 with warm-up and cool down, a total of 75'. The run was pretty good as well - Z2 and some strides thrown in for a total of about 25'.

Off to the optometrist so I can get a new prescription to get new Rx sunglasses. If I'm going to do Mt. Lemmon at the National Rally, I want to be able to see the whole thing as clearly as possible! Especially on the way down!
bike wko in, 12,20,12 .99/1.02/.99. A bit mentally tougher than last week, but physically felt good. Will run this evening hopefully outdoors but.....brrrr
Done is done Scott good job!
Boom Kate awesome job!
Sweet job Joe!
Great work Satish! I would love to run outside today but its a bit chilly here in Michigan. Like 1 degree.
All three at 0.99 but the last two got quite ragged and I had to resort to all sorts of tricks to keep the power up. This is starting to wear on me.
"When the morning light comes streaming in, we get up and do it again, amen." - Jackson Browne
my last OS FTP workout: 15' 20' 15' @ 0.985, max HR 136. I'm actually looking forward to the test cause its only 25' of work!
Al - you do that with a max HR of 136? I am impressed. Brings back memories of Maffetone and his philosophy that the goal is to do the work, but lower the heart rate. You'd be his poster child, after Mark Allen of course!
No run today - WAY too much work but I'll hit the VO2 hard tomorrow.
I've been finding that with my gearing, on my trainer - my current FTP is RIGHT at a cadence gap. In one gearing, I mash at ~ 83-85 RPM to hit FTP.. next easiest gear ends up with 94-95 RPM. So to change things up, the 20' segment was at the higher RPM.
Biggest issue was that my laptop wireless suddenly went wonky.. twice. Once during the warmup, which wasn't so bad. The second time was with 5 minutes left of the first interval. Sometimes the streaming from Netflix hits a delay and it eventually loads after 20-30 seconds - but I ended up finishing the interval with nothing to look at aside from:
So - made for a long ~5 minutes. Fixed it during the rest interval, but still threw off my rest a bit, because I ended up having to spend some time still - which I find makes the next interval more difficult.
On the plus side, I feel a solid 5-6W, maybe 7W FTP bump coming up.
Started a bit apprehensive about the long intervals so decided to shorten them but nail the intensity. In the end, all went well.
1x5(1); 3x10(2); 1x15 total bike 77'
IF ranged from 1.03 to 0.986 for an ovall IF of 0.911
No brick today
15' 0.99
20' 0.99
4' 0.99
5' 1.01
2' 1.00
1' 1.04
1' 1.04
2' 1.03
Congrats Russell Green!
got it done, sort of, last night - similar to David - 1st interval fine, 2nd a struggle to hold z4, 3rd could not even get into z4. 75 mins total
BOOM! Quads were pretty tired from yesterday so I extended my warmup, which seemed to do the trick. Knocked out the intervals - seemed a bit more challenging mentally than last week, which I'm attributing to overall fatigue. Definitely looking forward to the physical and mental aspects of the upcoming rest days
Oh, and when I was done, I cooled down w/ some nice show shoveling work in z1
bike VO2s tonight or tomorrow am
Like Kate - I am really looking forward to the rest days. I might do the swim challenge tomorrow and nail a 1000m TT. But then again, extra sleep sounds way better now!
I did 8 x 90/90's for the first set and experimented with different gears. Couldn't quite hold my tested VO2max towards the end of the set but they were all still over 1.2 x FTP. I just didn't think I could do another 8 so I changed it up to 4 x 2 minutes where I would choose a gear and start it off for 30 sec at Z3 and then every 30 seconds go up 5 rpm in cadence. Let me tell ya, THAT got old pretty quick. Still, I managed a total of 16 minutes at VO2max overall for the workout. Blechhh....
I got in my last VO2 workout of the OS yesterday, and also viewed the final episode of '24" Season 4. Poor Jack, will he ever find peace in this world?
As for me, it was a slog to get thru it. My legs are feeling more fatigued with each passing workout...I don;t get the concept of "butn" during a wko, what seems to pester me is just a sensation of overarching fatigue as the intervals pile up. Nothing hurts so much as just dosen[t want to work.
Reminds me of a line someone told me at my 40th birthday party (speaking of one's body): "After 40 ...everything hurts, and what doesn't hurt, doesn't work." That's me in the OS - it doesn't hurt, it just doesn't work.
@peter, Al, Joe, kate, and scott: Good job!
I didn't think it was possible but this week is proving to be more difficult than last week. I fear the OS will end not with a bang but with a whimper. After reading these posts I am wondering what this evening's workout will have in store for me. Legs are pretty tired this morning after last night's run!