HR to Power help
I completed my NOS using an indoor trainer at the gym - I used HR on my Garmin 305 and watts were displayed on the training bike although I realize the watts numbers are not accurate because of proper calibration, etc. By the end of the NOS my LTHR went from about 149 to 155. I now have a PowerTap and Garmin 500. I did a quick 20 min test on my tri bike, fluid trainer (Qubo Elite) at home and found even when in hardest gear my max HR was not going above 150. I also found even when using a 5 on the resistance knob on the Qubo trainer, it still was not as difficult to pedal as the trainer bike at the gym. What to do? I believe the Qubo trainer applies the "correct" amount of pressure on the roller given your weight when on the bike but gaining weight is not an option Would appreciate your feedback!
You stated you now have a power tap and a Garmin 500. Now its time to get the mind set switched over to power and just using your heart rate for a guide line. I am not familiar with the Qubo Trainer but it looks to be a fluid which is a +.
A couple things:
1. Since this is new I would do a new FTP test!! You just can't compare the spinning bike at the gym to your bike, power meter, and trainer. Its just not the same in so many ways. I would bet your heart rate will go above 150 during the test.
2. You state using a 5 on the knob(Trainer). Are you changing the resistance by the trainer only or are you running through your gears on the bike to make it easier and harder. I set my trainer to the same resistance every single workout and check my tire pressure. Once its set I dont touch it again. I create more or less resistance by changing my gears on the bike.
3. Each individual is different but since I train with power I barely even look at my heart rate. I use it sometimes for a guideline like if it is really hot out to be aware of signs and symptoms of dehydration and other things like that. I do watch it during my warm up prior to a workout as in Coach's video. This allows you to truly know what kind of workout you may have and if you should bag it and do it later or wait another day.
Congrats on the new hardware!
Carl hit on the key points - so I don't have much to add:
x2 on do an EN power test and start using power to manage your progressive intensity on the bike.
It is puzzling to me that you can't get enough resistance to get your HR up. Are you not getting enough resistance on the Qubo? Because if that's the case then I wonder if you're missing an adjustment - doesn't make sense to me - you should be able to generate enough resistance and then some. Are you able to get enough resistance? Have you been working with this trainer for a while or is it relatively new to you?
But back to your trainer question... It sounds like you weren't getting enough resistance on the trainer. It is a fluid trainer, so the resistance should go up exponentially with the speed of your rear wheel. So the next question is what gear were you in on your bike? I realize you were on the Trainer setting of 5, but were you also in your highest gear? I would guess that should solve your problem. If you were already in your highest gear and you were pedaling at a high RPM, then you will need to put more "weight" on the rear wheel. And I also agree that gaining a bunch of weight is counter-productive to your training
Keep us posted with what you discover and welcome to the Power game! And also Welcome to da Haus!
@john - using 5 resistance, hardest gear on bike, it was difficult yes, but not as difficult as resistance on the bike trainer at the gym. i just don't think I am getting enough resistance even pedaling at a high cadence. bungee cord sounds interesting, maybe a weighted vest