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5.0 Fixes for Week of 2/11

[EDIT -- All completed items are marked with an [X] daily as we get them done, in the "COMPLETED" list below]

These are listed in order of execution, as submitted to our development team. Many of these were taken from your suggestions in the "Fixing 5.0 Thread", so please keep them coming!

** Immediate Remaining Checklist **

[ ] Updating get fast plans from 6 weeks (as they show now) with missing workout descriptions to the more complete files 

[ ] Create a "my groups" tab so folks can view / find them instead of searching in the forums.

** Immediate COMPLETED Checklist **

[X] Displaying current zones from profile in widget on training plan page?

[X] Change overall background to white to make site / forums them more readable.

[X] Fix login / cookie issue across desktop and mobile devices. Some folks have to login every time, some can only login on mobile or can do one but not the other. At least get us instructions for peeps!

[X] Update forum list to show only "active" forums / discussions.

[X] Profile pics not loading in forums (2/12/13)

[X] Profile pics not loading in dashboard (2/12/13)

[X] Dashboard shows a week "early" but Training plan shows right workouts. (2/12/13)

[X] Determine the Interim Data Tool alternative? You can find the information under Training Plan menu here: http://members.endurancenation.us/TrainingPlan/ENCalculators(Temp).aspx (2/12/13)


  • Thank you for sharing this Patrick. It's nice knowing which features we can expect soon.
  • Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Coach! We appreciate your hard work!
  • Thanks Patrick! We love you. image
  • Other random updates that were not listed in the sheet above that we have made:

    * activity column gone from plans, now just the image only.
    * updated link to season survey in important links
    * bike power zones on training plan page
    * background image removed from bottom of all pages
    * added plan name, week and link to full plan at the top of the dashboard plan view
    * moved minutes to the title bar in the dashboard plan view
    * forum rank images restored (# of stars)
    * fixed forum profile loading - need a square 120px by 120px image!!
  • keep it coming looking better by the day
  • Thank you coach P! I see that the power zones are in the training log section now for Bike... when will we be able to edit these zone? I tried to in the edit my profile section, however these values are locked out it appears.
  • Additional fixes made in on 2/13 that have improved the site:

    • Added HTML posting ability to all forums...please add bold, italics or your own pics. 
    • Changed footer image to new EN global domination theme (bottom of any page)
    • Added info to dashboard view plan, including option to view full plan from link in sidebar.
    • Pointed old Mobile EN address to new members site address...

    Also adding some resources and info to the overall roadmap thread in the wiki here.

  • RnP,

    Thanks for all your hard work! 5.0 is looking nice! Rich, thanks for the screencast and season plan!

  • Coaches -

    Not sure if the Groups is correct. I went to My Groups and it has me in the IM Texas instead of Oceanside and IMAHOE...........Thanks

  • [X] Fix login / cookie issue across desktop and mobile devices. Some folks have to login every time, some can only login on mobile or can do one but not the other. At least get us instructions for peeps!

    I still need to login every time. Using Google Chrome on WinXP - doesn't seem to keep the cookie like it use to.
  • Steve - if you are using a saved shortcut, you may want to update the URL to point to the new dashboard. I just did that and I think it solved the problem of having to log on every time.
  • "Pointed old Mobile EN address to new members site address..."

     Is there now a mobile address?  I'm just saved it to my homescreen (i5) and it works ok...miss the old mobile site...the only real item I "miss" from the old but I know you guys are working to the bone.

  • Just got prompted to log in again - so maybe my fix was not so good after all. Then again the More button at the bottom of the Dashboard is gone, so maybe something else changed too.
  • Thanks for all the updates. I was reading the swim portion of the wiki, and some of the links wouldn't access. Specifically the drop box links for downloading swim documents (is swim hack)
  • @Chris, all your old groups aren't necessarily active...we didn't get to carry that over from 4.0....so if/when those groups are created, you'll find them under My Groups and can join there.

    @Steve, I will not your Platform / Browser combination and see what we can do. I know we were aggressive with cookies early on b/c so many folks weren't changing their passwords and we _had_ to do that for security reasons.

    @Dwight, per the Road Map in the Wiki, mobile isn't coming until March (mid- or late)....you can use the site on mobile but there is no mobile-specific site right now.

    @Brandon, those links work for me. you might need to copy the url (right click) and then paste in a new window. Here's the OS Hack File Url for you: https://www.box.com/shared/8k23pib54d

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