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EN 5.0 Update


Please keep the information below confidential. We appreciate your cooperation.

The events of last week were a mix of planned, unplanned, and emergency. The short story is that Endurance Nation was abruptly shut down during the Superbowl and, while we had our heads down implementing a fix, we were served with a notice of litigation against Endurance Nation, Rich and Patrick. A week, many lawyers, and thousands of dollars later, we have only just begun to rebuild.

All of this will be a great story to share with you over beers someday but we're not going to air our dirty laundry in here. That's not what you're paying us for. We hear you, see the same bugs, things to improve, etc, that you're seeing. We have a plan and team of professionals to make it happen. We're confident you'll be satisfied with the final results and the speed with which they are achieved.
To Be 100% Clear -- What You See Now is Just the First Step of Many to a New EN
For some of you, what you see now on the web is pure, simple and clean and all you ever wanted. For others, you miss integrated paces, mobile applications and other layouts. We started this process knowing that not everyone would be 100% satisfied -- but know that we are not done yet. Thanks for your patience. Feel free to give us input/feedback here.

Introducing the Endurance Nation Disaster Preparedness Notification System
Quite frankly, the events of last week identified some significant weaknesses in our system. In the event of a website or service interruption, we need to have a Plan B so we can continue to do the job you’re paying us for: to coach, educate and connect you.

Register for the EN Disaster Recovery System
Step One: Sign Up for the Endurance Nation Emergency Email List here -- http://forms.aweber.com/form/66/1771314866.htm
Step Two: Find email confirmation link and click “join” so we can email you.
Step Three: Keep fingers crossed that we’ll never have to use it!

In the event of a zombie apocalypse, emergency, or a sudden loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will automatically deploy...wait a second...emergency lights will illuminate and guide you to your nearest exit...uh...you’ll receive an email from Endurance Nation that will guide you to our Plan B solution. Drumroll please:

Endurance Nation Emergency Members Area

This will include:
Instructions to request your training plan as a PDF in installments.
A password for entrance into our double top secret bunker/forum, stocked with a year’s supply of gels and your go-to forum threads.
Your EN teammates, basking in the warm glow of emergency lighting.

Seriously though, we remain 100% committed to our mission and our promise to continuously improve everything about Endurance Nation. We learned a lot last week and ^these^ are just part of our fixes.

Finally, we would like to sincerely thank your for support and patience last week, and for your continued membership. We are well aware that your goodwill is one of our great assets and we prefer to cash in that goodwill with beer and coffee vs asking you to deal with the friction of our problems.

Thanks again for your support!

Rich and Patrick

ps if you have questions for us, please reach out directly to support@endurancenation.us or call Coach Patrick at 617-513-3830.


  • What ever it takes... image
  • Thanks for the update Rich. We can tell that we, EN, are on the road to bigger and better.
  • Through thick and thin, RnP, through thick and thin. You have a believer in me and I am here until the bitter end! Thank you for the candor and the contingency plan.
  • Yes!! You read it here folks!! RICH OWES US COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!image

  • Posted By Andrew Morrison on 12 Feb 2013 11:05 AM
    Yes!! You read it here folks!! RICH OWES US COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!image

    Whaaaa? No

    Goodwill = YOU buy US coffee and BEER at ALL TIMES!
  • we owe you much more than coffee for sure...happy to settle up with you!
  • I hereby nominate myself to review all of Coach Rich's postings so I can be on the lookout for things he says that childish minds, such as my own, will deliberately misinterpret.

    Exhibit 1: Coach Patrick's declaration that he was in a house with no power, no heat, 3 women, and lots of wood.

    Exhibit 2: This emergency email list. The Endurance Nation Emergency Members Area. ENEMA. Really?! Enema? Did I just sign up for one of those!?

    It'll be tough to top the guy who who sold car rim's near BU for many years, with a sign proudly exclaiming he was 'ELLIS THE RIM MAN' (http://tinyurl.com/aa6pcsw)

    (BTW - I'm going to owe CoachR a LOT of beers if we ever meet in person. I feel like I flip him a lot of grief (good natured, of course) image)
  • Tosses P under the bus:

    ENEMA was 100% Patrick's idea and right up until I sent it it was called E.N.E.M.A. but he chickened out and changed it before I sent :-)
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