The Boom Factor
Yo Team Jan OS-
First of all thanks to Professor Jenks and Carrie. I want to say this is the most assertive/aggressive OS I have been involved in for the past 3 years. I think for me it is two fold. Number one it is 14 weeks vs 20 weeks. ALso I think I am carrying some fitness over from the 3 Ironmans I need last year and remained pumped.
So I am curious from the JOS what are your true #1 and # 2 goals. Now matter what let us know. Love to connect and know where we are all heading after the OS.........Please share a few lines...Also what would you consider your strong point and weakness.
First of all thanks to Professor Jenks and Carrie. I want to say this is the most assertive/aggressive OS I have been involved in for the past 3 years. I think for me it is two fold. Number one it is 14 weeks vs 20 weeks. ALso I think I am carrying some fitness over from the 3 Ironmans I need last year and remained pumped.
So I am curious from the JOS what are your true #1 and # 2 goals. Now matter what let us know. Love to connect and know where we are all heading after the OS.........Please share a few lines...Also what would you consider your strong point and weakness.
#2 is hitting a new PB on the 70.3 distance which should also be located somewhere below 4:30 (current PB 4:39).
Also there's the probably fastest 70.3 IM very near to me (Zell am See) which I could also shoot at for a new PB but it's only 9 weeks after my A-Race ... we will see how I'm feeling after IMAT
I think my biggest strength is my mind! I'm able to keep going even my body is yelling at me to stop that NOW
My absolutely weakest part is swimming 4 sure! I started doing real swimming just 3-4 years ago from now and as you all can imagine swimming is not one of the common activities for all teenagers here in Austria so we all miss the best time to get a real "feeling" for the water.
Actually I would be totally happy if I could do the IM swim split somewhere around 1:05 - 1:10
Pre-EN I was equally mediocre at all 3 disciplines w/my run probably the best. Now my bike is the better event, followed by the run, then swim. Thus emphasizing quality running this OS and swimming during the OS (so far anyway - we'll see how the next 8 wks go).
My 2nd A-race is a sprint in Sept. that I have done since 2009 (forst tri ever!) Last year I did the bike only as a relay so I'm looking to seriously fly (relatively speaking, for me) on this one. I'm confident in my bike for this distance race, so I'll need to get some run speed.
So speed #1 goal. #2 goal is running. Last year was first IM so that was my longest "run" so I've made gains in distance but my speed seems to have stagnated the last year or so. I made gains in the OS but lost them to distance last year so I'm kind of starting back to where I was this time last year. Want to make the gains, and keep making them and carry that into my 4th Hartford 1/2 marathon in Oct. and get under 2:30. (Only a minute or 2 off last year so that's totally doable)
My #2 goal would be to get back in the age group wins for the local races. I had a really down year last year in all three disciplines. I would like to rebound strong this year and be able to see more Kansans on the EN Team.
My number 1 goal is to continue gaining fitness. I won't be able to race much this year as my budget went to IMFL registration and costs, but that is in November so I was looking for things I could do to get me to the IMFL training as strong and fit as possible. The one thing I am not doing is strength training but afraid of injuring myself if I push too hard on my off days as I am doing all the training sessions to the best of my abilities.
Goal number 2 is to gain some speed while I am at it. Not main focus but certainly loving that I can go a bit faster than I was able to go before.
And I also wanted to use this as a chance to check out EN and gain some confidence in the training philosophy here.
Look forward to hearing from the others!
Number 1 for me is to evaluate a second OS training with power as this tool tells me so much more about lost fitness and how fast I am comming back and possibly where it might lead later in the season.
Number 2 goal is to not finish to far back in my age group at my only race this season, the ITU world long dist age group championships in France June 1. I will be racing at 53.5 years of age against some from who knows where turning just 50 this year. Top 75% would be awesome.
Lastly, last year i did 12 weeks of OS and never missed a single wko. No reason why can't be the same for this year.
2. Open the year up strongly to get another USAT All-American. Since out-of-country races do not get scored, I have to do well in my other races. I've been in the sport 6 years and have 2 AA and 4 AA-HM.
3. Survive my OS run focus while breaking all the EN rules. I relied on my run background when I came to triathlon, but it has slipped away. I've also learned that I can't build far in the hot summer here. So I'm going back to the Lydiard method and building a "winter" running base. And when I drop my mileage to pick up speed, I should be coming down to what most would consider far.
I've done the full aqua bike with a 5 to 6 mile run at the GFT twice in prep for IMAZ and IMCOZ. i may break down and do the whole thing for the 25th edition in 2015. Tough, tough course!
My main goal for the OS is: to regain my lost watts on the bike( my best ever was 211-214 range- so I know it is in there waiting to be found again). I want my missing watts so that I can train with my friends ( not be left behind) and every now and then jump into a race and be competitive.
I have no tri's planned for the year but can jump into one as I feel like it.
Another mini goal is to break 19 minutes for 5K by the end of the year or next year. To do that I know I need to run frequently, stay injury free and do a very strong build towards a goal race. The OS is laying the foundation of strong consistent training in that regard. I have raced so many long events in the last 3 years including so many long runs. They take a toll on me. I am enjoying shorter faster runs. I am also responding well to the trail running that I add to the program as it really strengthens my legs and makes my calves feel better. I am a bouncy runner and my calves take a beating. They respond best to frequency, varying terrain and not too many intense days a week.
Forgot to answer your last question:
My strong points- knowing my body and how it responds to the training load and how I need to modify for my life and schedule and being very cool with that. I feel no pressure to follow the plan exactly. I think that is a strength for me.
Weakness would be my fear of injury. It sometimes limits me and makes me hold back. I once followed the OS plan verbatim and had a severe injury from all the fast VO2 run stuff and frequent 5K testing. I am now careful as hell.
Thanks for posting. Interesting last statement cause I was in the same boat. I developed ITB that dropped me for 3 months. Come to find out like many I had a huge muscular imbalance in my glutes and quads. Therefore, it's a MUST for me to add strength training 2x a week hitting those specific areas and yoga. I really believe if you follow the OS and don't strength train then you are setting your body up for an injury of some sort. Following over the years it seems a majority are: ITB, PF, and swimmers elbow.
Inseason - be consistent with my training and stay injury free so that I can continue to build toward my A race - My first Ironman