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IMTexas, 11-17 Feb WKO Thread

Tim started us talking and I'd like to continue the conversation.  I've been keeping it easy this week so far, with two 30 minutes runs in prep for three days of moderate biking starting tomorrow (Thursday).  I'll get one more week of medium type stuff in before jumping into the IM plan at D-12 weeks.  How about you?


  • Been doing the Get Faster plan with some modifications. Only three runs per week, a VO2, Tempo and long distance. Three to four bikes per week, FTP, VO2 and long. Slowly increasing long ride to 4 hours with mainly work on Z2 pacing but do mix in some Z3 sets. Suppose to test next week but not sure if going to. Need to really work on pacing and getting use to riding at 75-79% for extended periods of time. Transition to IM plan at week 12
  • I'm working on building consistency and more volume. Swim three days per week abut 3K yards each. Biking 3X with 2 FT rides of 60-90 minutes and one longer ride 3 hours which will go to 4 later. Running just hit 40 miles per week, which is about all I can handle. Nothing over 10 yet, so need to shorten some and go long on another. As I build into this some days I feel great, others rather sluggish. Couple more weeks of this, then on to IM plan. Weeks start to average 12-14 hours and will max out about 16 hrs 4 or so weeks out.
  • Today was TM FTP run 7.25 miles with 1x1.6 @ 6:27p , 2x1 @ 6:31p and 6:35p... Then 39min in the pool 2000yds with 10x100 between 1:35-40 on 20-25sec rest, most were 1:37-38.....Not very fast , But here's the kicker..... Ankle bands for the 10x100.... Been building up over about 10weeks with those ankle bands , started with 500yds at 25yds at a time , built that to 1000yds, then 50's, 75's, and today100's..... Tomorrow V02 9x150/150's planned.... I'll be sure to post the pain file!

    I'm sure we'll all be more in sync around 10-12 weeks out.... starting next week.
  • @Tom..... I'm starting to feel undertrained already....Oh wait ,I'm not gonna fall for that, your trying to sucker me into overtraining, Ha....I got your ticket.....

    All kidding aside, looks and sounds good. Are you sluggish from the TOS?

  • @Tim, the TOS took a lot out of me for sure. I also did practically no running or swimming so getting back has been harder than I thought. Also, just not used to this volume yet. It's going to take a few weeks to get in the grove and then hopefully the sluggish days will go away. I'll keep you posted!
  • 22.5 very long minutes of V02 (24.5 if you count WU) Done at 115% , 50% recovery, extra break every 3 intervals....... Finished up with 28min aerotime over .75.... Nice short easy run later today.!

  • Nice swim this am. MS1: 500,400,300,200,100. MS2 4x50 kick and 200 pull. MS3. 2x400 descending, 4x200 descending. Now I'm trying to figure out how to fit in my tempo run
  • 40 minutes of bike yesterday with a little FTP work, 45 minutes of 70% today. Looking for 2 hours with some FTP and 80% work tomorrow. Mental/Physical reset going good and looking forward to dialing it back up in a bit.

    Solid work everyone. I have to get back into the pool.

    @John, still trying to drum up some interest in the ride next Sunday. Hope to see you again.
  • @Roy. I would love to go. A century sounds awesome. Unfortunately kids need to be in different places at the same time. I'll keep you posted if something changes. Maybe a last minute thing.
  • still in os mode.    working up to longer sat ride and sun run.     swimming twice a week.

    transition in tucson this week tandem bike with wife.    travel coupled bike.  co-motion.      drum brake.     sweet bike.   

    then couple more weeks os.

    then 10 weeks modified iron plan.       generally 5 hour trainer on saturday.      16 mile intervals runs on sunday.


  • V02 Run... 7 miles in 57min w/ 5 x .4 mile repeats... at around 6:15pace... ended up 2:30 ON , 2:30 OFF recovery jog..... I think the max V02 wko run I can do is 2 miles vs about 4 miles for and FTP wko.

    V02 Swim... 1800 yds in 41 min w/ 30x50 @40sec w/ rest @ 30sec.... I've been able to go sub 40 sec on my 50's but today I shortened the breaks in from 40 to 30 and my times dropped to 40sec after the first couple but was able to hold those... Its really amazing to adjust the length, intensity, or recovery, on your intervals and see what happens.

    Feet up.... resting for longride/longrun weekend! Planning 3:40 bike and 90min run....

    @Robin... Have fun in Tucson!

  • Vo2 bike Wko today. 2x (9x 1/1) with 2 minutes rest between sets. Long bike tomorrow.
  • 2 hours on the trainer with 3x10 on 1.0 and 4x10 on 0.82. First time the legs felt good since the ToS and the half I ran the next weekend. Get after those long rides everyone!
  • Up to 3:40 ride this week. 2x20@ .95 , 4x25,1x19, all at .75 or higher... http://www.trainerroad.com/cycling/rides/217056

    Next week bumping up to 4:00 and dropping first intervals down to .85 and keeping the rest at .75..... Will use that as the basis building 4hr bike to 5hr bike....

    Question or thoughts????... I'm doing longrun Sunday after longrun Saturday from now until IMTX. 90 min tomorrow... Here's the Q , Doing a HM next Sunday. Originally I wanted to try for a PR even though I think its highly unlikely, then the more I thought about my priorities , I realized I didnt want to skip a bike, or move my longbike into the middle of the week, or drastically change my run schedule. Decided to keep the 4hr bike for Saturday and HM on Sunday(same as my every week). Think I'm crazy? Fits my training and is good training, just cant expect PR? On top of that I have the exact same set up in March with another HM.... My IM training takes priority over these!
  • Tim, I think it sounds good as long as you promise to not say, "I biked 4+ hours yesterday" to anyone the entire day. Not once. PR will be determined by the course, the weather, and your fitness that day. I find that it's impossible to show up to any organized event and run at anything less than 100%. I've also got a half marathon on tap next month so I may be biased...
  • @Tim,

    back to back long runs sounds like trouble to me! How long is long on each of these days? I guess that I find myself pretty thrashed after long bikes and long runs and just couldn't imagine doing those back to back. Are you prone to running injuries?
  • @Roy....OK I promise I wont say it.... I won't be "that guy"....I agree I can't just participate and not race , although I did it one on a HM... But usually the fangs and horns come out and I gotta just give it all... Which I plan on ....

    @Tom.... I probably didnt explain that too clearly... but Heck NO I'm not doing back to back long runs.... I'm going to do my planned 4HR bike on Sat, and then a HM on Sun .....My hacked plan I put together is LB - Sat and LR-Sun so I am going to do that anyway(I'm up to 90 min longrun this week and adding 5 min a week till 120min so next week was gonna be 95min anyway but obviously a race is more stressfull but about the same time fram) ... But I originally started thinking about moving stuff around, give my self a mini taper for the race and then I decided my IMTX training plan is really much more important and to just keep it on schedule! I'm not bricking my Sat bike until 6 weeks out as well , so as soon as ride is over on Sat its food and legs up till Sun run.
  • Tim you are crazy. But that is another story. image

    For me, a half iron is not nothing. Takes two full weeks to recover for full training, for me. This might be good time for you to stand down a bit to transition.
  • Swam 5200 meters, ran 25 miles and did about 5:15 on the bike this week.

    Next week should be about 7000 meters swimming, 28 miles running and 6:00 on the bike.
  • Y'all are killin me...making me feel way undertrained and behind...aaaahhahhhh....just wrapping up the Get Faster portion of OS....(I consider that all OS)...knocked out Myrtle Beach Half Marathon on target/pr of 1:33 yesterday (ran 7:03 pace) https://www.trainingpeaks.com/ui/flextpdefault/flextpdefault.aspx

    Today I did just one hour of Z3 as a recovery ride...got in maybe 10-12 min. of Z4 riding in there just for fun...still playing with my seat height...all aero.

    This week is supposed to be a Transition week into the IM race plan....I will start bumbing up my swimming to 3x week (have been 2x)...my biggest concern is saddle time & the weather...I really don't want to be riding 3.5 - 5hrs inside...so far my longest in side is 2.5

    Let's get it on!

  • @Joseph - 1:33 half is pretty darn good! That's a great foundation for IM Texas.

    My goal this week was 3X swim, bike and run. Bagged one swim, traded a bike for a run and added one more run. Ended up with 2 swims, 2 bikes and 5 runs. Little bummed I missed a swim, but life got in the way. Did a 4 hour bike and didn't have the energy for the 3rd bike, so I ran instead. Happy enough with a 4 hour bike, 45 miles of running and a 100 yard swim PR of 1:23. Feeling good!
  • @Bob ... Looks like a nice progression.

    @Joe... Welcome back and congrats again on you HM.

    @Tom... Wow looks like your swim is coming along nicely 1:23 very respectable..... I was at least hoping to come out of the water before you. 45 miles running is way up there , I just looked and hit 32 miles this week. I don't think I've ever hit 40 but hope to top out there in about 6 more weeks.
  • Life got in the way of my run, so I ended up jumping on the trainer this evening. 2 hours with intervals totaling 1:21 on 80%. I really hope the weather gets better or that netflix puts out another season of House of Cards, because the trainer is going to get old quick with anything over 2 hours...

    See you next week fellas!
  • how do I get added to this "group"  I tired to do it through community and my groups but didn't see/find a Texas IM group.


    thanks, all!

  • Patricia, I'm a member of the group and it doesn't come up in "my groups". There may be some behind the scenes stuff going on right now. We'd love to have you join in our daily banter in the workout threads.
  • If you go the forms link, select racing and training, then Ironman Texas, it should get you to the correct form. There is a small check box that says subscribe to this form.
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