Achilles trouble
I believe i know my answers......but.........would like input....maybe...(afraid of the answers)~~~
Currently ending week 6 of Int. Outseason. (A race is IM Canada).
A couple? of weeks ago my achilles (one side), just about 1-2 inches above the joint, started feeling like a rubber band snapping me only when i went down stairs. Never hurt to touch or run. Early signs of inflammation?Now it has become sore to touch and somewhat swollen. I can feel a knot there. Scar tissue? Great. This has happened in my past (years ago) and after $$$$ to PT (graston, US, stretches)....went on to my other which i worked on myself with success. Is it the speedwork phase I am in? My not-so-good foam rollering and stretching? Will it snap in two if I keep running on it? Doesn't bothering me before, during or after running. Only a bit sore if i press on it. And still have the electrical shocks down stairs or similar position. I had decided to not run yesterday or today...and taking this coming week off. I hope not more. Add swim instead. I have been icing and using ibuprofen. Compression socks. Rolling and massaging. Would eccentric stretching be bad at this stage?
Suggestions? Thoughts? Training plans?
Please stand down with your running as you stated you are doing. You are beyond the inflammation stage. IMO that lump/scar tissue you feel is probably a partial tear that has tried healing itself and therefore caused scar tissue. How you describe it echo's trouble and its wanting you to go see your local Podiatrist or Orthopaedic specialist. Don't be surprised if he/she places you in a walking boot for 4-6 weeks. On the other hand some offer an injection of Kenalog or some sort of steroid and I'm sure you need something on top of the boot to calm the very upset Achilles down.
Wishing you the best!! Better now during the OS vs middle of ramping up for your A race.
I agree with Carl & Russell.
The swelling and the 'lump' take it to the more serious level.
I would NOT run at all on it.
I would recommend getting it checked out. If you need to do something to it, better now than later. If it just needs rest, then all the better.
Thanks guys. I think I'll "pass out" now.
I was afraid of just that. ~~Vicki
For the record....I took a week and a half off running. Did my stretches, some eccentric strengthening, ibuprofen and icing. Compression socks while at work. (10-hr days mostly standing or walking.) A little bit of graston work...........also added heel lifts in my work shoes (cheap bedside consult with an orthopedic specialist-the perks of being a Recovery Room nurse
)........and I've been back at running. All systems go!