Swim drills for better Catching.
Thanks to NJ AG seminar, I now know that the problem with my swim is not my body position as I thought, but my CATCH (or lack thereof). I've started scouring the internet, but was wondering if there are any specific drills anyone can recommend for improving the catch? thank you!
I definitely do.
I like this description: http://www.swimsmooth.com/catch.html
For drills - doggy paddle (yes, doggie paddle) and one-arm drills aka the unco (because the until you get comfortable with the drill you feel so uncoordinated when doing it) best done with fins.
Dog paddle is self explanatory... but I'll let you know if I find a good drill video on it.
I like the Swim Smooth Catch DVD.
Russell - here's the document Nigel sent the folks who attended the NJ age group seminar. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but plan on doing so real soon!
Thanks Nigel!
second try w/ attachment...
Hmmm - great try but no boom yet... not seeing it here ... you can try sending it to russ (dot) green (at) gmail ... or try to figure out how to post atts...
I do have the OverGliders pamphlet, and I have the DVD, and I find the DVD to be very helpful.
I refer to it regularly
When I wrote SwimSmooth to say that the pamphlet wasn't that useful to me, they refunded my money.
One of their coaches, Adam Young, reached out to me soon thereafter, and I decided to buy the DVD.
Three points -
1. It's very helpful to see people doing the drills
2. It's great to see examples of people with very different but excellent strokes swimming at 1m/100 like it's easy to do that; every time I watch the footage of their expert swimmers, I go back to the pool excited to try something new or a little differently.
3. Love that Aussie accent.
This will give you a sense of what to expect - but the DVD is much better than the youtube footage.
Thanks for the replies, peeps! I swam this AM, and I think the most important thing for me is to be aware that I need to catch. Of course, I started being so focused on catching that I forgot to breathe -- and thus almost ended my triathlon career half-way down the pool... Note to self: don't forget to breathe while remembering to not forget the catch...
@ Satish - B. took the words right out of my mouth. Do you have any videos of your drill you can share?
@B and K. Sorry I don't have any videos. I will look on youtube to see if there is something similar when I get a moment,
Sure enough, I was doing that all over the place. I wound up taking off a couple of strokes per 25 yards (on average) and was regularly doing them in 18-19 seconds instead of 20-22 when I fixed it.
Swim Speed Secrets for Swimmers and Triathletes: Master the Freestyle Technique Used by the World's Fastest Swimmers
-- Sheila Taormina
-- http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1934030880/
She is all about the catch! I recommend it to all my swimmers.
@Brenda and the rest of the visual people:
Sculling drill: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zC7T...mp;index=6
One arm freestyle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80-7...mp;index=3
I would say that I scull closer to the surface than the video shows, but it gives you an idea. I would say these work more on feel and roll than catch, but those are the big 3 in swimming (in my humble opinion): feel, roll, and catch.