Jan OS 2013 week 7 RUN Thread
Hi folks- please post your run workouts here for week 7. Looks like we will have an extra rest day on Sunday in prep for testing next week. Have a great week and please post any questions you have. Lots of collective knowledge in this awesome group.
WU @ 9:29 then a
7:53 which is my tested Z4.
1 @ 7:27
2 @ 7:06
3 @ 6:59
4 @ 7:24
.5 mile Recoveries in
Cool down mile @ 9:12
Total time 1:14:17 for 9 miles @ 8:15 avg pace.
2 mile warm up- no idea the pace, just run 8 laps in the dark with my track peeps. Drills
6:53, 6:53, 6:49, 6:35 ( easy 1 lap recovery)
Cool down 1 mile
I decided not to look at my watch and run on feel. The first 3 felt really good. Pretty even paces. The last one I played around and pushed the pace. That was more effort but felt good just the same.
6:37, 6:37, 6:38, 6:34
When I was doing my 3x1's, I was around 6:50-7:00. I had to check my 910's cadence calibration at the end of the workout because I have never run like that before. The settings were still the same. I use the same TM at the gym and always set it to 1.0% incline. Must be the nice 8-hour sleep I got last night.
Overall 8.90 miles in 1:00:02, 6:45 pace. Current VDOT 48.5 (z4 – 7:01, z3 – 7:10, z2 – 7:26)
Warmup: 10' @ 6:47
4x 7'(4') – 6:25, 6:22, 6:16, 6:20)
(4x 4' recoveries 7:23, 7:40, 7:36, 7:29)
Remainder time: 6' @ 6:47
Wednesday 3 x 1 mile run
But the best part was returning a call when I got home and receiving what is the closest thing to a job offer I've had in a year off work. I know the individual, so I know he would not share something if he did not have a VERY good chance of delivering. Woo Hoo!
4x1miles done
Run was very solid and compared to the bike session from yesterday it almost felt "easy-moderate" 
Pat- Congrats on the potential job offer. That is huge. I hope it works out for you.
Matt- Your runs are getting stronger and stronger. Way to go.
Stefan- It is so nice when the workout feels good!!
Larry- Cold windy and still busted it out. That will serve you well. A big investment.
Carl- That is a very strong run. You have been so consisitent. I am happy for you.
BRIAN!!! Way to go on your races.
I did the Tuesday bike/run today so ran 45 min off the bike easy pace with Tom Glynn. I kept saying let's go easier. He said: do you want to walk??? Hahaha. I guess the pace was very slow for HIM. Gotta love loyal training partners who will stick by you no matter the pace.
I won't bother posting the garmin file because after fussing with my footpod to get the glitches to go away, and re-attaching it to my shoe a little differently, it became apparent last night that the calibration was substantially off. (in fact, I took a a short walk between miles to keep readjusting it until I got it right for the fourth one....my super-calibrated track wasn't available.)
Anyway, I was pleased with this run. It was kind of like the bike from Tuesday...hard, but not killer. Got all four miles in at very close to 6:30.