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Fatigue, Fitness & You: An Endurance Nation Coach Webinar

Join Coach Patrick for this lunch-time walkthrough of how Endurance Nation plans are built to create fitness for you across a season. From the OutSeason to Race Prep, he'll talk about the critical workouts, training stress and which workouts are "okay" to miss...and much more. This is open to the public, so don't miss out!



  • Hello - it is difficult for me to attend these webminars at a specific time ... there are a few that i have missed and I want to listen to them ... is it possible to create a section of the site (as it is being rebuild) to post these webminars so that they are easier to access and find? .. maybe this webminar only section already exist .. I just don't know it b/c I am new to the EN team... the topics are great  ... look forward to your response.  Thanks! G.


  • Giselle, all of our webinars are posted in the wiki after they are done...so you can find the OutSeason one in the OutSeason section for example. If you register but don't attend, you will also get emailed a link to download a copy as well...we aim to please!!!!
  • this is perfect timing.  Can't miss this one!

  • Thanks to all of you who made it today!!! Here are the links; will be up in the wiki when I get a chance to update them!

    You can download the PDF Files from the presentation here: https://www.box.com/s/0s8rijunqpsv3y5pqtzq

    You can download and watch the full screen video here: https://www.box.com/s/b627ptx2gudnduts9mim


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