Thanks everyone for all your motivation and your great updates. The WORK works!!! Congrats to all!!! Keep up your hard work and rock on!
Bike test early at 4:30am this morning. Was shooting for better performance on the FTP, but maybe 3 half marathons during this OS so far have more impact on FTP than on Vo2? Did one 2 days ago, and 2 & 4 weeks prior as well.
Felt good though. I've been training using Vo2 283 and AP 236 vs FTP 224. I haven't had any real problems hitting the 236 the first 7 weeks, so I plan to use my new AP as well. There's some residual fatigue from the half marathons on the FTP #'s. Once I have a few more days recovery I'm good.
New Vo2 315 + 32 from wk 1 283. (11% increase) New AP 248 + 12 from 236. (5% increase) New FTP 236 + 12 from 224. (5% increase)
The actual thought of dying crossed my mind during the Vo2, but I wasn't giving in. Increased 5w per minute from 305-325. Once I hit the latter part of 315, don't ask me how I did 320 & 325, but it was painful and definitely my hardest effort possible.
Interesting HR data from wk 1 to wk 8 almost identical for Vo2, but not on the FTP. Shows that I was unable to push my mind hard enough and continue raising my HR today during 20' FTP. I have it in me to get higher on the FTP, but couldn't get myself to the power I wanted to turn after minute 14 which was 270, 275 & 280. I had to drop down to 230-255 increasing 5 per min. Started at 235-265 increasing 5 every 2'. What fun these new numbers will bring.
Since I tested a little over a week ago and had a huge week and fell apart on Saturdays WKO I have listened to the body for once and have not done one thing since Saturdays 2 hour garage ride.
I take that back I have allowed myself to eat and drink anything these past three days and have loved it. I am back on the wagon tomorrow with you all for the vDOT test. Will be testing early though d/t moonlighting in the ER the rest of the work week.
Great work everyone....looks like the "work is working!"
I just recently got new shoes and cleats, still trying to get them dialed in. I felt fully rested for this test seeing how we have had 4 consecutive snow days, plus the weekend.
week 1: LTHR 160 - 21mph
week 8: LTHR 157 - 21.6mph
I am excited about the progress and I'm looking forward to the race season. Keep up the great work everyone!
Bike test in the books. The test went well, I think. 5% bump across the board. VO2 up from 292 to 308; FTP up from 244 to 256. New zones shoudl be "fun" - let the work continue!
Posted this to the wrong thread - needs to be here whee it belongs - lost track of what week I was on
Bike test today. Actually looking forward to it as I've done all the work. Came out very different. Vo2went up one watt. FTP down one watt. Very discouraging after killing myself on the bike for all these weeks. Maybe I had a bad day. I'll try it again in a couple of weeks I guess. Run will probably be worse as I've gained 5 pounds and that can't help. Have to keep the faith that if I do the work ill see improvement. It worked that way the last two years I've had power, so I guess it will work that way this year too.
So, the test sucked. Keep working hard, don't live or die on this test. If you're like me, legs are fatigued, life is just as busy as ever, and maybe I can't put those PNut M&M's down after all (I've gained a couple of pounds, too!) I challenge you to stay honest to your zones and stay on target....Race Day. Our numbers tell us where we are, right now. And, for some of us, we may be in a phase where we could use a little more rest. But, our schedule called for a, we tested. Put it behind you and move on to the next workout. One workout at a time.
Just focus on what you can accomplish today.
As far as the extra weight causing more grief on the run, yeah, maybe right. I've noticed that my running is much more sucky since I'm a couple of pounds heavier than the beginning of OS AND, AND, AND my legs are always tired.
Put the stress/comfort food down a little sooner. Mine hits in the evening when I'm done for the day and I'm just laying around with the family watching crap on TV with them.
Warm weather is right around the corner and the pounds will fall, you know they will, I'm just reminding you.
Chris and William your posts have peaked my curiosity. I am wondering if my issue is also physical fatigue, considering I did my first Ironman in November of 2012. I have evaluation my thought process during the workout sessions with using EN style of coaching compared to my last years coaching style. During the workouts I have noticed that I am focused on getting it done but stay in the zones and don’t push it, there will be ample time later in the season. Am I on the right track? Or is the OS for pushing past the limits? This is my first OS training so the road ahead is unclear. What are your thoughts?
My EN bike test results after 8 weeks of I OS.
Week 1 VO2 = 217
Week 8 VO2 = 237
Week 1 FTP = 201
Week 8 FTP = 198
I love the EN training compared to my coach last year. I expected a learning curve and it looks like "a slow but steady ride wins the race"
Crap workout for me tonight. The room was a few degrees warmer than normal (temp peaked at 69 degrees), and I went without a fan or open window. I did the FTP test 2 weeks ago so I figured I'd ride normally for the first interval and see how my power was then really hit it for the second if I thought another FTP was in the cards. It was not to be. Within a few minutes I could tell this was a tough, tough day. For some reason my power was just low, plain and simple. I couldn't generate my normal watts. Then my powermeter dropped the signal a few times in the first interval which tanked my lap average. I stuck with the 2' recovery but knew there was no new FTP for me today with power a good 10 watts off of normal. On the second interval the wheels totally came off and I ended up out of the aerobars for the majority of the interval and barely able to keep my power up in the 95% range. Strangely my HR was not abnormally high. Just a terrible workout. But you can't win 'em all!
Overall 1:03:41, NP 224, IF 0.883. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
Late to the table, test done. 9% bump for FTP and 7% for Vo2. Satisfied.
For those who feel 7 weeks of work did not show in their test results, hey, i have been there before, do not under estimate the fatigue and trust you are indeed stronger.
@Yvette- that is a thoughtful post/question and is probably deserving of it's own thread as it is likely to get lost here or unseen by many. There is a fine line between constantly pushing and pushing too far. Some people respond well to slightly above 100% and gradually ratcheting it up, but that can drive others into a big fatigue hole. Others respond better to staying safely in their 95-100% zones, capping at 100% until they step function higher at the next test. It takes time to figure out which camp your n=1 falls into. I personally like to push each one a bit and assume that my 100% number is a soft floor, but I focus a ton on rest and nutrition and found that my body can absorb more work than I logistically have time to put into it with my job, family, etc. I feel as though I can push a little harder on the bike, because I never have time to do things like brick runs or swim, etc....
Everyone else, Nice Work! It looks like there are a lot of great gains and also a lot of accumulated fatigue in this JOS! Be careful all, respect those rest days and keep working hard!
I'm going skiing this weekend so I took my new numbers for a spin this morning (a day after my 5k run test) and did the Saturday FTP workout which for me was 2x15' then 1x5'. I can tell you it was very hard to hit the numbers but got 'er done at 1.00, 1.00, and 1.02. As I write this, it's 1.5hrs after my workout and my legs still feel numb. Ouch!
@Yvette- John W said it very well. took me two years to accept that. More power (pun intended) to those who gain in leaps & bounds, but I tend to consistently tick up every couple of weeks, smaller bumps. If I am patient, I am in a great place at the end of the year when I look back on it. If I am not, and try to bite off more than I should, I fall into a frustrating, and less productive, cycle.
Although we may all be on the same/similar JOS schedule / timing of workouts, we are all coming into the OS at different levels of fatigue/rest and fitness (especially if you did a late IM or marathon). So we will all respond to the work differently and not necessarily in the same time frame. Just cause we test in wk #8, doesn't mean you are necessarily at your best in wk #8. Maybe wk #5 was your best week of work and weeks 6 & 7 hit you hard, resulting in less than desired test results in wk #8. Thats why some veterans tested again in wk #4 - knowing that their body's would react positively to the first 4 weeks of work, test, adjust zones, and work again. But thats just an individual judgement call. So don't let your test results impede your progress or your mojo. They are what they are at this moment - go with them. If you did the work, the work is in you. It may all come together for you in wk #12 or even post OS - after your transition week - when you start your race prep or whatever. And, given the nature of the new bike test, you can always turn a particular workout into a test if you are feeling good and want to go for it. This is true for the run test, too. I know we all get excited and wishful at testing time (as we should), but its not the end all / be all - that day comes on race day. Just keep working.
JEEZ LOUISE!!! You are all very inspiring- the ones who showed improvements as well as those of you who had "bad" tests or are having trouble holding the new numbers. The collective wisdom in this group is incredible and I appreciate you all. For those who improved- I am so happy for you. The feeling is always awesome to come away showing that the hard work is paying off. I for one have had more "bad" tests than good ones in my 5 plus years in EN. The advice I received and the support kept me plugging along and then whammo- unexpectedly on a random non test day it was like I had had motor oil for breakfast and I turned whatever workout it was into a test and would see an improvement. I for one do not progress in a linear fashon. Makes me sad sometimes but it is the truth and I have learned to own it. I have learned to "go with my flow" and let myself be STRONG when I am ready and I let myself modify workouts on my "way off" days.
With all that said: I had 4 "way off" days in a row. Sat-Tues. I just could not get my "feet" under me. Busy at work and worrying about my Mom's upcoming surgery had me "off". I bagged the workouts on all 4 days half way through. I was winded and weak. By yesterday I was thinking- hmmmm? what the heck is up. So I ate as clean as ever and hydrated like it was my job. I took a 2 hour nap, then went to bed. HAHA!! I woke up today like a new girl. Awesome swim, a COMPLETED bike workout followed by a run. SUCCESS. I did 2 x 20 at FT and somehow came out ay .98 and .95. Amazing when I think of how drag a$$ I felt for 4 days.
Anyway. I am hoping I am shedding light on the fact that these weird weaker days happen. No warning. No nothing. Just legs and lungs are MIA. I am grateful I did not panic and waited until my body came back.
I will focus on getting sleep, eating nice and clean, eating enough and hydrating EVEN next week while I am in Boston for my Mom's surgery and will likely not do much "exercise". Just that type of stress is like a workout.
Please don't get discouraged with your tests. Keep plugging away and look forward to a future reward. XO
Pete & Carrie- those posts were top shelf, indeed!
I need to bookmark them for when others, myself included, start jumping off of ledges cuz of a bad week or test. We're so Type A that we choose to remember the Sucky Now rather than the AssKicking Month Ago or trust that there's a strong spell coming up after we recover from the Sucky Now.
Just completed my week 8 test, a little better than expected.
Test 1 VO2 - 240 FTP (200*95%) - 190
Test 2 VO2 - 265 FTP (217*.95%) - 206
Curious that my VO2 numbers are that much higher than my FTP. Suggestions on what to concentrate on within the OS to close the gap between these two numbers? More z3 work, shorter rest between FTP intervals, something else?
@Steve- assuming you had a good test and did not blow the ftp portion of it then yeah, your VO2 is high relative to your ftp compared to many of us. If it were me and I knew the test was good and the current numbers were correct then I would do more ftp work to get my "ceiling" closer to my "roof". One easy way to do this is to just replace your thursday vo2 workout with an ftp one. Either repeat your tuesday workout, or simply do a generic ftp set like a 2x15' or even a 2x20(4') every thursday. This is actually how the FTP blocks were setup in yrs past. Nice bump though.
After much thought on what both John and William have said about those of us who got a big bump in our VO2 and barely moved in our FTP - I am going to hack the next 6 weeks of my program to include more FTP work. This Sat's ride calls for 35 min of FTP so today I did 30minutes and scapped the VO2 work. I think that I will alternate each week. Next week 3x FTP, following week I will keep the schedule as is and on and on. That will give me 15xFTP rides and 3xV02 rides in the next 6 weeks. Today I rode at the top end of my FTP and it was work, but good work. My gut is telling me this is the way to go for me. I have been on the team for 3 years and have the say the old way of 8 weeks of FTP/6 weeks of VO2 and 6 weeks of FTP worked really well for me.
With the lower FTP vs. VO2 concerns , anyone that did the 2012 OS (8 wks of FTP, 6 wks of VO2, and then 6 wks of FTP) have thoughts on the 2012 vs. the 2013 plan?
--Did you see an increase in FTP after the 6 weeks of VO2 work from the 2012 plan? --In my opinion one of the great benefits of VO2 work ,at least with the longer "on" time intervals (1 - 2 min), is training at such a high power level in theory should help raise your FTP by stressing fast twitch muscle fibers. Thoughts?
On a side note, for 2014 I would like to see the plans incorporate work at 105% - 110% in the 2-5 min range.
Did today's Vo2 WKO of 4 x (5 x 45/45). Rode 22 miles in 1:04:50. Did the official 25' WU, but no extra Z3 time today. Not sure of power with no tracking at the gym today versus at home. Pushed it hard and tracked my HR. Based on the miles, sweat & gasping for air at the beginning of 45" off, it was a good WKO.
On the Vo2 versus FTP concerns. I'm not too concerned with my extra gap. I am able to push a little harder mentally for short burst and can handle the pain better because I know it won't last as long, and like doing it more than FTP. I think I'll always test a little better on the Vo2 because I enjoy it. Could the FTP test be done first and then the Vo2 after? Or do you need that fatigue from the the Vo2 test for an accurate FTP test? Some days I'm able to hold the FTP pace longer than the training plan calls for such as doing 32' instead of 20' one day. Sometimes it's just having or not having the mental strength to keep the pace up, and I just couldn't keep the pace on test day. I've been doing all of my FTP work at AP power instead of taking the 5% off, and the first 7 weeks all went well I thought.
I know I'm getting faster and stronger, so I'm very happy.
The 45/45s were 'interesting' today. Felt hard almost straight away and the last set was extremely challenging. Forgot how hard the first workouts are after a bump in power.
Robert - first year with EN we did 2:30 on and 2:30 off for the VO2 work that was the year I got the biggest gains, however it was the first time that I had worked that hard and think those gains were from working differently than I had ever did. Last year we did the 8/6/6 focused and I got gains every time. This year I seem to be getting gains in VO2 and small very small gains in FTP. Not saying this is not working, but perhaps for me I need more FTP. This is what I love about EN. We get to have different workout plans and then as we go through the season we realize what works best for us.
With the lower FTP vs. VO2 concerns , anyone that did the 2012 OS (8 wks of FTP, 6 wks of VO2, and then 6 wks of FTP) have thoughts on the 2012 vs. the 2013 plan?
--Did you see an increase in FTP after the 6 weeks of VO2 work from the 2012 plan?
--In my opinion one of the great benefits of VO2 work ,at least with the longer "on" time intervals (1 - 2 min), is training at such a high power level in theory should help raise your FTP by stressing fast twitch muscle fibers. Thoughts?
On a side note, for 2014 I would like to see the plans incorporate work at 105% - 110% in the 2-5 min range.
@ Robert – my experience was limited gain. In fact that experience was why I started a thread at the start of the JOS asking NOS folks what their experience was in overall experience has been that the VO2 parts of the plan have delivered marginal benefits this year and last. The exception to this was 2 years ago when the intervals were 2.5 minutes. Those intervals were harder but delivered gains for me. To be truthful I think the "self selection" of interval length last year and this years' short 30" intervals are a bit of an attempt to cater to the masses. Last year I "self-selected" to 2' intervals most of the time and I think it probably didn't do me any favors except make the workouts easier. I believe VO2 workout structure is one area where the advanced and intermediate plans could be more differentiated. Regardless of the plan for 2014 I am acting immediately to put a new structure for VO2 workouts that incorporates Coach P's suggestion in the Micro thread…this involves 110% work of 4-5' in duration.
Interesting. I might do that for the workouts that I am going to do. So that would be doing 110% for 4-5 minutes in duration instead of 45/45 or 1/1's Matt?
@ Brenda – check out the post in the last couple of days in the micro thread for more details. What I plan to do is turn the ride into 60' and structure the MS as:
Bike test early at 4:30am this morning. Was shooting for better performance on the FTP, but maybe 3 half marathons during this OS so far have more impact on FTP than on Vo2? Did one 2 days ago, and 2 & 4 weeks prior as well.
Felt good though. I've been training using Vo2 283 and AP 236 vs FTP 224. I haven't had any real problems hitting the 236 the first 7 weeks, so I plan to use my new AP as well. There's some residual fatigue from the half marathons on the FTP #'s. Once I have a few more days recovery I'm good.
New Vo2 315 + 32 from wk 1 283. (11% increase)
New AP 248 + 12 from 236. (5% increase)
New FTP 236 + 12 from 224. (5% increase)
The actual thought of dying crossed my mind during the Vo2, but I wasn't giving in. Increased 5w per minute from 305-325. Once I hit the latter part of 315, don't ask me how I did 320 & 325, but it was painful and definitely my hardest effort possible.
Interesting HR data from wk 1 to wk 8 almost identical for Vo2, but not on the FTP. Shows that I was unable to push my mind hard enough and continue raising my HR today during 20' FTP. I have it in me to get higher on the FTP, but couldn't get myself to the power I wanted to turn after minute 14 which was 270, 275 & 280. I had to drop down to 230-255 increasing 5 per min. Started at 235-265 increasing 5 every 2'. What fun these new numbers will bring.
Vo2 HR WK 1 avg 168/max 178
Vo2 HR WK 8 avg 169/max 179
FTP HR WK 1 avg 174/max 182
FTP HR WK 8 avg 165/max 173. (Let my mind leave some in the tank, but didn't feel like it in the moment of min 14.
Since I tested a little over a week ago and had a huge week and fell apart on Saturdays WKO I have listened to the body for once and have not done one thing since Saturdays 2 hour garage ride.
I take that back I have allowed myself to eat and drink anything these past three days and have loved it. I am back on the wagon tomorrow with you all for the vDOT test. Will be testing early though d/t moonlighting in the ER the rest of the work week.
Best of luck to each of you.
Great work everyone....looks like the "work is working!"
I just recently got new shoes and cleats, still trying to get them dialed in. I felt fully rested for this test seeing how we have had 4 consecutive snow days, plus the weekend.
week 1: LTHR 160 - 21mph
week 8: LTHR 157 - 21.6mph
I am excited about the progress and I'm looking forward to the race season. Keep up the great work everyone!
Bike test today. Actually looking forward to it as I've done all the work. Came out very different. Vo2went up one watt. FTP down one watt. Very discouraging after killing myself on the bike for all these weeks. Maybe I had a bad day. I'll try it again in a couple of weeks I guess. Run will probably be worse as I've gained 5 pounds and that can't help. Have to keep the faith that if I do the work ill see improvement. It worked that way the last two years I've had power, so I guess it will work that way this year too.
So, the test sucked. Keep working hard, don't live or die on this test. If you're like me, legs are fatigued, life is just as busy as ever, and maybe I can't put those PNut M&M's down after all (I've gained a couple of pounds, too!) I challenge you to stay honest to your zones and stay on target....Race Day. Our numbers tell us where we are, right now. And, for some of us, we may be in a phase where we could use a little more rest. But, our schedule called for a, we tested. Put it behind you and move on to the next workout. One workout at a time.
Just focus on what you can accomplish today.
As far as the extra weight causing more grief on the run, yeah, maybe right. I've noticed that my running is much more sucky since I'm a couple of pounds heavier than the beginning of OS AND, AND, AND my legs are always tired.
Put the stress/comfort food down a little sooner. Mine hits in the evening when I'm done for the day and I'm just laying around with the family watching crap on TV with them.
Warm weather is right around the corner and the pounds will fall, you know they will, I'm just reminding you.
Hang in there.
Chris and William your posts have peaked my curiosity. I am wondering if my issue is also physical fatigue, considering I did my first Ironman in November of 2012. I have evaluation my thought process during the workout sessions with using EN style of coaching compared to my last years coaching style. During the workouts I have noticed that I am focused on getting it done but stay in the zones and don’t push it, there will be ample time later in the season. Am I on the right track? Or is the OS for pushing past the limits? This is my first OS training so the road ahead is unclear. What are your thoughts?
My EN bike test results after 8 weeks of I OS.

Week 1 VO2 = 217
Week 8 VO2 = 237
Week 1 FTP = 201
Week 8 FTP = 198
I love the EN training compared to my coach last year. I expected a learning curve and it looks like "a slow but steady ride wins the race"
Overall 1:03:41, NP 224, IF 0.883. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
11' @z4 – NP: 242 (IF 0.953), VI 1.00, HR 156/165, cad 89
9'(2') @z4 – NP: 245 (IF 0.964), VI 1.00, HR 165/170, cad 90
20' @z4 – NP: 243 (IF 0.955), VI 1.00, HR 170/176, cad 88
Late to the table, test done. 9% bump for FTP and 7% for Vo2. Satisfied.
For those who feel 7 weeks of work did not show in their test results, hey, i have been there before, do not under estimate the fatigue and trust you are indeed stronger.
Everyone else, Nice Work! It looks like there are a lot of great gains and also a lot of accumulated fatigue in this JOS! Be careful all, respect those rest days and keep working hard!
I'm going skiing this weekend so I took my new numbers for a spin this morning (a day after my 5k run test) and did the Saturday FTP workout which for me was 2x15' then 1x5'. I can tell you it was very hard to hit the numbers but got 'er done at 1.00, 1.00, and 1.02. As I write this, it's 1.5hrs after my workout and my legs still feel numb. Ouch!
Although we may all be on the same/similar JOS schedule / timing of workouts, we are all coming into the OS at different levels of fatigue/rest and fitness (especially if you did a late IM or marathon). So we will all respond to the work differently and not necessarily in the same time frame. Just cause we test in wk #8, doesn't mean you are necessarily at your best in wk #8. Maybe wk #5 was your best week of work and weeks 6 & 7 hit you hard, resulting in less than desired test results in wk #8. Thats why some veterans tested again in wk #4 - knowing that their body's would react positively to the first 4 weeks of work, test, adjust zones, and work again. But thats just an individual judgement call. So don't let your test results impede your progress or your mojo. They are what they are at this moment - go with them. If you did the work, the work is in you. It may all come together for you in wk #12 or even post OS - after your transition week - when you start your race prep or whatever. And, given the nature of the new bike test, you can always turn a particular workout into a test if you are feeling good and want to go for it. This is true for the run test, too. I know we all get excited and wishful at testing time (as we should), but its not the end all / be all - that day comes on race day. Just keep working.
JEEZ LOUISE!!! You are all very inspiring- the ones who showed improvements as well as those of you who had "bad" tests or are having trouble holding the new numbers. The collective wisdom in this group is incredible and I appreciate you all. For those who improved- I am so happy for you. The feeling is always awesome to come away showing that the hard work is paying off. I for one have had more "bad" tests than good ones in my 5 plus years in EN. The advice I received and the support kept me plugging along and then whammo- unexpectedly on a random non test day it was like I had had motor oil for breakfast and I turned whatever workout it was into a test and would see an improvement. I for one do not progress in a linear fashon. Makes me sad sometimes but it is the truth and I have learned to own it. I have learned to "go with my flow" and let myself be STRONG when I am ready and I let myself modify workouts on my "way off" days.
With all that said: I had 4 "way off" days in a row. Sat-Tues. I just could not get my "feet" under me. Busy at work and worrying about my Mom's upcoming surgery had me "off". I bagged the workouts on all 4 days half way through. I was winded and weak. By yesterday I was thinking- hmmmm? what the heck is up. So I ate as clean as ever and hydrated like it was my job. I took a 2 hour nap, then went to bed. HAHA!! I woke up today like a new girl. Awesome swim, a COMPLETED bike workout followed by a run. SUCCESS. I did 2 x 20 at FT and somehow came out ay .98 and .95. Amazing when I think of how drag a$$ I felt for 4 days.
Anyway. I am hoping I am shedding light on the fact that these weird weaker days happen. No warning. No nothing. Just legs and lungs are MIA. I am grateful I did not panic and waited until my body came back.
I will focus on getting sleep, eating nice and clean, eating enough and hydrating EVEN next week while I am in Boston for my Mom's surgery and will likely not do much "exercise". Just that type of stress is like a workout.
Please don't get discouraged with your tests. Keep plugging away and look forward to a future reward. XO
I need to bookmark them for when others, myself included, start jumping off of ledges cuz of a bad week or test. We're so Type A that we choose to remember the Sucky Now rather than the AssKicking Month Ago or trust that there's a strong spell coming up after we recover from the Sucky Now.
Test 1
VO2 - 240
FTP (200*95%) - 190
Test 2
VO2 - 265
FTP (217*.95%) - 206
Curious that my VO2 numbers are that much higher than my FTP. Suggestions on what to concentrate on within the OS to close the gap between these two numbers? More z3 work, shorter rest between FTP intervals, something else?
Any comments are appreciated!
--Did you see an increase in FTP after the 6 weeks of VO2 work from the 2012 plan?
--In my opinion one of the great benefits of VO2 work ,at least with the longer "on" time intervals (1 - 2 min), is training at such a high power level in theory should help raise your FTP by stressing fast twitch muscle fibers. Thoughts?
On a side note, for 2014 I would like to see the plans incorporate work at 105% - 110% in the 2-5 min range.
On the Vo2 versus FTP concerns. I'm not too concerned with my extra gap. I am able to push a little harder mentally for short burst and can handle the pain better because I know it won't last as long, and like doing it more than FTP. I think I'll always test a little better on the Vo2 because I enjoy it. Could the FTP test be done first and then the Vo2 after? Or do you need that fatigue from the the Vo2 test for an accurate FTP test? Some days I'm able to hold the FTP pace longer than the training plan calls for such as doing 32' instead of 20' one day. Sometimes it's just having or not having the mental strength to keep the pace up, and I just couldn't keep the pace on test day. I've been doing all of my FTP work at AP power instead of taking the 5% off, and the first 7 weeks all went well I thought.
I know I'm getting faster and stronger, so I'm very happy.
Good luck everyone!
@ Robert – my experience was limited gain. In fact that experience was why I started a thread at the start of the JOS asking NOS folks what their experience was in overall experience has been that the VO2 parts of the plan have delivered marginal benefits this year and last. The exception to this was 2 years ago when the intervals were 2.5 minutes. Those intervals were harder but delivered gains for me. To be truthful I think the "self selection" of interval length last year and this years' short 30" intervals are a bit of an attempt to cater to the masses. Last year I "self-selected" to 2' intervals most of the time and I think it probably didn't do me any favors except make the workouts easier. I believe VO2 workout structure is one area where the advanced and intermediate plans could be more differentiated. Regardless of the plan for 2014 I am acting immediately to put a new structure for VO2 workouts that incorporates Coach P's suggestion in the Micro thread…this involves 110% work of 4-5' in duration.
.Week 8/9 – 4x 4'(4') @ 110%
Week 10/11 – 5x 4'(4') @ 110%
Week 12/13 – 4x 5'(4') @ 110%
I think this is what Coach P was describing but if others interpreted it differently I'd love to hear the alternatives!
I really had to dig to hit the last 7 or so intervals. You can see that my HR kept up a pretty steady climb throughout the workout:
Work done and that is all it was today, work.
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