FTP Test = Unchanged?? Worse???
First substantive post on EN. Much sadness in the pain cave this morning. Road all out for test, had trash bin for emesis ready, nothing left, could not walk up the stairs after to shower...
FTP 8 Watts LOWER than 7 weeks ago!!! So hard to type through the tears. VO2 8 points higher.
Some observations - no missed JOS Intermediate workouts with the exception of one Wednesday run (that I made up later). Bike sessions have been getting progressively easier at FTP even the 20 minute rides. Training FTP from old test seems pretty dead on as the 20 minute interval rides were killing me, but not too hard as I was able to finish and do the following days workouts without significant limitation. All this together had me fantasizing about fabulous new numbers and reward for all the sweat equity - alas, it was not to be...
I was pretty wasted on Saturday after the ride and run (I do break the rules and "brick" for a whole hour - not the shortened version - but complete the workout at the proposed pace). I also tested on Trainer Road and last time tested on the Computrainer outright. TR setting was "slope". So not apples to apples but all rides have been on TR at FTP 208 since testing on the CT. Maybe since I was totally rested on day 1 of JOS and have seven weeks of cumulative fatigue and tested different, balh, blah, blah...
Encouragement / advice welcome and really needed...
It's one ride. Given your description of sessions getting easier I would expect that you have seen gains. Do you do the standard warm up, if so how was your HR going in? How was your pacing or the tests? Did you crush the first 2-3' of the VO2 section? How was the pacing on the FTP set? If you went out really strong here going for a number you could have crashed at 10-15 minutes?
I know that I could really crush a 5' test but then it would probably compromise the 20' test.
Finally what were the few days leading up to the test like? Did you over extend on the last bike workout prior? Sleep, nutrition, work/life stresses?
Ed...like Greg..(actually alot like Greg as we ran in the same race lat week...LOL)....and like you...my FTP remained unchanged...upped my VO2 by 10+...but no worries mate.......its a test...a single point in time...and it is inside on the Trainer...
Key thing for you to ascertain/determine/decide for yourself is...1.) Have I overtrained...ie. am I tired & need to dial it back a bit? or 2.) I feel good...test didn't pan out...but I know I'm not digging a hole for myself so I keep my FTP the same for work...and continue on...
My guess is it is the latter...but only you can say for yourself....Train to race...not to test...and it will all pay out in the end...on the road...outside where it counts.
Good advice from everybody. Gordon is right its one test and one test does not make a trend! Re-evaluate where your at , what your doing , training, recovery , nutrition, etc , rest, recoup, regroup....Get back to it!
Read the Warning OS thread. Read all the fatigue in OS threads. Gotta find your balance of what works for you. Often times less is more.
You are also not alone. Last years OS I started at 210 went up to 230 and finished at 222.... I know what I did (I trained for the Boston Marathon) and that completely took the wind out of my sails for my FTP.
You are all awesome!! I actually am not totally wrecked by this and feel that this result is a function of slight over training. I am pretty fatigued and as this is my first season with EN this program has been a stretch physically. First IM was last year and I did NOT train the EN way. EN is hard but I have faith in the program -
I plan to leave the FTP value as it was and keep getting the workouts done, I am not doing too much but not too little either. Glad others posted their similar experiences.
Agreed, the real money is performance on race day over 112 miles in aero in August with enough left over to run. Not in my basement for 20 minutes on the Computrainer, in the dark, crying softly to myself, etc.
All input appreciated.
THIS is what makes EN such a great place. You could get workouts in a lot of places, but you can't get the team support and collective wisdom of people who have blazed the trail that has lead to the development of these workouts anywhere else. Coming in the forums and asking the questions so others can pitch in to help, or other newbies can come here to learn is SO MUCH of the value you get from EN. I encourage all to ask your questions, share your ups and downs so others will learn and realize we all have off days.
I'll bet the new Edward comes out of his pain cave in a few weeks and rips the legs off the old Edward!! Seen it happen too many times before.
That said, I think I've made some progress; it's just lengthening it a bit, and being able to do it while fatigued. Would I like for it to have gone up? Yup. But I think I'm ok.
That said, I think I've made some progress; it's just lengthening it a bit, and being able to do it while fatigued. Would I like for it to have gone up? Yup. But I think I'm ok.
Edward .... See Dave Campbell's post below. That is what makes EN special.
I agree with all the other comments...one test in Feb doesn't matter. Just keep working hard and watch your fatigue level so you can decided when you need extra rest. You're going to be much faster come race season.
Don't worry about it. You said that your 20' FTP segments have gotten easier - THAT is what really matters, as you then KNOW that you've improved fitness. Chances are you just weren't rested up enough, or your body didn't get rid of accumulated fatigue quickly enough. That happens.
I had a very similar experience myself - at the conclusion of the get faster program, my VDOT tested the same as the start, but my TP runs were noticeably easier. After a couple weeks in a transition program where the volume and intensity was lower, and fatigue was allowed to dissipate, I ran a HM and blew away my old PR and my VDOT raised significantly. So - don't sweat it.
If it were me, I'd sneak up the FTP by 5W (since your 20' segments have gotten easier) and see how things go. With running, I wouldn't do that because the chances of injury are greater, but with the bike the biggest concern is adding to the fatigue. I'll probably get lambasted for such a suggestion (
I can't improve on what everyone has said.
My 0.02 worth is just be very careful of your accumulated fatigue.
Overtraining is always very close with me, and take it from me you don't want to go there!
EN is awesome! Can't wait to get the bike back outside. Greater Cleveland does not provide an early spring. I will report back as the OS continues to unfold.
All thoughts appreciated.
I wouldn't rule out a data collection issue - trainer calibration? Computer burping during the test? It does seem strange not to see progress. I wouldn't worry too much (although I can completely understand how you feel!!!!!!!!!). Relax, keep at it, and wait to see how the next test goes. Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern.....