HR data analysis needed
I did the 2nd bike test this week..... Int OS week 8......(for you HR people)...and sparing you my Garmin mishaps....i was able to pull my aves, etc from at least 35' out of the 40'. In comparison to my first test, I was averaging close to 1 mph faster.....cadence down 3 (harder gear?!) and HR down 10! I went 0.9mi less, but am also comparing only 35' to 40. So i would have easily put my distance further in 5'. I presume. Please tell me i don't have to retest. Can I just plug these 35' figures in for my new zones? With the old seemed too difficult to get to zone 5 when i was supposed to. Like my legs couldn't do any more, so the heart rate maxed in zone 4. Am I not pushing hard enough? Now my HR is l0 bpm slower, which seems like a good thing since my mph is faster.....but now my zone 5 will be lower (HR).......will this effect me pushing my legs to my limits? Is this all clear as mud?
IMO as long as the numbers are accurate for the 35/40 minutes you were able to pull then I would use them. It looks like you are improving
Thanks Carl! Needed to hear just that

Thanks Ryan!