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Training on the IMTX course

Hi all.  IMTX this year will be my first Ironman.  (I had signed up for and trained for IMWI last year but a broken collarbone in July put a crimp in those plans.)  

I've been an EN member for a while now, but not very active in the Haus, though I've been "lurking" the last week or so in the IMTX training topics - you guys are amazing with the numbers you are putting up!  Making me feel like a real newbie...

Anyway, I have some questions and this looks like the place to ask them - 

I am based in the north suburbs of Chicago, and am wondering about opportunities to train on the IMTX course.  I am tentatively thinking of flying in for the weekend of April 5,6 & 7 and doing the Saturday long bike ride on the course.  Anyone who's done IMTX in the past - what do you think, is it worth it to get some time on the course?  The main reason I'm thinking of doing it is to get a better gauge on how the environmental conditions are going to effect me.  It's a bit chilly right now in Chicagoland, and all my bike riding is indoors.  

Are there any "events" or sagged rides I can take advantage of?  Does anyone know if bike rental is possible?  Or am I better off transporting my bike (like I will for the Ironman itself)?  

Any and all comments welcome.


  • Steve,

    Welcome to the IMTX group. Stop lurking and start posting!

    I've done both IMs there as well as the TX rally last year.

    I have found that Houston wasn't THAT hot over the past two years, but the possibility of it being over 100 that time of the year is very strong. Don't remember the exact temps, but somewhere close to 90 for a high both years.

    The course is hot enough that you are dripping sweat all day so hydration is a big issue.

    A course preview is always good if you can get it, but not completely necessary. Have you thought of coming in a week early to acclimatize rather than in April? Might be something to consider. I live in Northern CA so it's not as cold as you and I can get out in April / May. Now I'm in my garage a lot. I always make sure it's warm and I'm sweating a lot. Just good practice to hydrate.

    I flew in with my bike for the rally as did everyone else. Not sure if there is a bike shop around that would rent you a bike. Some of the locals may chime in to your question. For the race, I used tri-bike transport. You loose your bike for a while, but the whole hassle disappears and the best part is at the end of the race, you just hand the bike to them and walk away. I've got a road bike I use for the period of time my tri bike is away.

    There were a lot of cycling teams on the course the weekend we held the rally. Maybe google roadie groups and see if you can hook up with one of them for a ride. A lot of them had sag wagons.

    Happy to get you more info.

  • Steve,

    X2 on what Tom said.

    I was interested in going down in April for some course familiarization heat acclimation mini training camp as you suggest. In the end I decided to just go down about 2.5 weeks early, instead of 2 trips. Be happy to hook up with you for some training if you decide to go that route!
  • Welcome to the group. No suggestions here as I am an Ironman newbie. Like you Texas will be my first. No plans to go out early and scout out the ride. First day I ride it will be race day
  • Steve, I have nothing to add wrt your question, however, welcome! Jump in on the weekly thread. We don't bite and there's plenty of mojo to go around.
  • Make sure you find the coach Patrick video of the course. In the wiki?
  • Steve
    I am from the Dallas area and this will be my first Ironman too. Playtri is having an Iron Texas training weekend April 4-7. I have signed up for the camp and then intend to do the half ironman in Galveston on Sunday.
  • By the by, i will be on the Big Island, Kona side, april 6-14. Big bike week. I figure good texas prep.
  • Thanks everyone!

    @Robin, I've watched the Coach Patrick video before, but definitely a good idea to watch it again before I actually ride on the course. And hope you have fun on the big island!

    @Tom and Tim, I've already booked the flight and have the bike transport arranged, so think it would probably be just as expensive to change that up as to go for the weekend in April. Wish I'd thought of that before, though honestly with my work it would be tough to take that much time off.

    @Shelley - I heard about that camp in the Facebook IMTX group. Seemed kind of pricey to me, and not knowing Playtri I was a little leery to commit that kind of money. But the combo with the Galveston Half sounds neat if you can swing it.

    @ John - thanks for the welcome!
  • Steve,
    There are several tri clubs or teams that will do "official" rides on the IMTX course. I can find out some dates. They won't cost $500.

    That weekend will be lonely up there with most folks heading to Galveston to do the Texas 70.3. Not sure what Playtri was doing scheduling it that weekend.

    If you do come down to ride the course, do not try to ride around The Woodlands part of the course. It's a very busy area. I think there's a Walmart nearby that everyone starts from.

    As for pre-riding the course... I'm local and I didn't pre-ride the course in 2011 and I won't pre-ride the course this year. There's some roads with some rolling sections in the middle of it. Nothing to worry about. The big issue with IMTX (especially for those coming from cooler parts of the country) is the heat. The high temps hit 91 in 2011 and 89 last year. So count on 90. As Tom noted, a 100 degree day is gonna happen one year for that race. In 2011, it was 100 degrees the weekend after the race. Then there's the humidity.

  • Posted By Shelley Bevil on 28 Feb 2013 08:13 AM


    I am from the Dallas area and this will be my first Ironman too. Playtri is having an Iron Texas training weekend April 4-7. I have signed up for the camp and then intend to do the half ironman in Galveston on Sunday.

    I can't be the only one who thinks it's a bad idea doing Galveston after riding 200 miles the preceding two days, right?

    Think about spending ten hours in the saddle on Friday and Saturday.  Think about how uncomfortable that part of your body is going to feel.  Think about how trashed your legs are going to be.  Now imagine hopping on the bike for another 56 miles (during a race no less) and then running 13.1 miles.

    Do the camp and forget about the race would be my advice.

  • Just wanted to thank everyone for the information and suggestions. After more thought, weighing costs and hassle of the extra travel time against what might be the value of the training experience, I've opted NOT to go for the long weekend and ride the course.
  • For those of you who may not be following the IM Texas group on Facebook - OutRival Racing posted videos of the Swim, Bike and Run courses. Seems like some good stuff. Helps for those like me who can't access the course until race week.

    Here's the link - http://outrivalracing.com/ironman-texas/
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