JOS Week 9 Bike
This is a serious week on the bike.
- Tuesday is 3 x 15' at FTP. No joke. Plan on spending a little longer than 60 minutes on this one. Have fun on the brick run, too. :-)
- Thursday is 15' of VO2 on 1 minute sets. For the few of us on the "I gotta work my FTP more than my VO2" track, it's 5 x 4' (5') at 110%
- Saturday is the same as week 8: 15', 15', 5' at FTP
Have fun out there. And, as Mr. Tony says, wear white!
The intermediate has us doing:
2 x 20 on Tuesday
3 x (4 x 1/1) @ Vo2 on Thur which I am changing to a FTP workout, which is going to be as follows: 1x 8, 1x10, 1x12 @ Z4 with 2 min RI between efforts
2 x 15 and 1 x5 Z4 on Saturday. I did that one this weekend as well and it was challenging with the new zones but doable.
Next week I am going to hack the VO2 intervals, but not as aggressive as William (I am an intermediate athlete)) I am going to be doing 2min intervals with 2min recovery at 110% of FTP.
Total: 215 AP, 229 NP, IF 0.913, current FTP 251
Int 1: 250 AP, 251 NP, 1.00 IF
Int 2: 252 AP, 252 NP, 1.00 IF
Int 3: 254 AP, 253 NP, 1.01 IF
I also had to readjust my schedule so today consisted of a 3100 yard swim...Link......
I then had to do tomorrows ride today. I set Trainer Road at .95 intensity and went from there. I was able to land the 3x15 min at .98, .97, and .99. Felt good so extended the last 15 minutes to 20 minutes.
Entire wko was 1h8min at .93 intensity.

Link to Trainer Road:
Brick run now done.....Great day for a tri
That's impressive as always Carl!! May I ask what were your Avg/Max HR for each of the intervals?
First of all thanks for the kind words. This is my third OS with EN and I have never busted my ass like this ever!!! With my local crit coach beating me down and giving me pointers along with RnP has been magic. For me adding a minimum of 10 VO max to almost every bike wko has been my magic stick. When I'm able to hold around 1.35 and higher on my VO work I know I have a bump coming.
FTP #1 ave hr 168 and Max 171
FTP #2 ave hr 167 and max 172
FTP #3 ave hr 168 and max 172
Entire wko: Ave HR-162 and max 174
Man, the 3x15' is TOUGH. I think one of the benefits of that workout is to make you look forward to the Saturday where you "only" have 2x15'. I knocked this one out in the basement with no fan and no open windows. The first interval was a piece of cake while enjoying the last dogfight sequence of Top Gun that I had saved after Saturday's workout. Then it got hard. I was out of the bars for 3' during the second interval and then in the third was up for 1-1.5' for every 3' down in the bars. With 4' remaining I was at 249 watts and resolved to increase it to 250…but within seconds I saw 248 on the lap average. So I redoubled my efforts and got that sucker up to 251 by the end. But boy was I fried at the end.
Since my wife is traveling to London this week and the kids were in bed I had to get on the treadmill. I started at a nice pace and then jacked the treadmill by 0.2mph every time the autolap on my watch went off (set for 1 mile). By the end I was running a 6:43 pace at 1.5% incline and my HR had steadily risen to over 180.
Bike – overall 66', NP 233, IF 0.917. Abbreviated warmup of 5' easy/z1 then 2x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
15'(4') @z4 – NP: 251 (IF 0.988), VI 1.00, HR 158/168, cad 91
15'(4') @z4 – NP: 251 (IF 0.987), VI 1.00, HR 168/176, cad 91
15'(4') @z4 – NP: 251 (IF 0.987), VI 1.00, HR 171/179, cad 90
Run – overall 3.58 miles in 25:05, avg pace 7:01.
Split.......Distance.......Avg Pace
1.......1.00 .......7:16
2.......1.00 .......7:03
3.......1.00 .......6:53
4.......0.58 .......6:43
Well I was pretty tired going into Tuesday's bike w/o after a solid weekend of workouts, even after a full rest day.
2 x 20s for me.
My WU got interrupted w/phone call, bathroom and adjust bike seat - so the run had to be postponed to tonite.
At the 8 minute mark I was gonna stop and modify the workout, again at 10 min, again at 12 and 15, finally just pushed on to 20 minutes. And that was just the first interval. Didn't have the right gear for wattage so spent more time pushing a lower gear than I'd prefer. Current FTP 266. Managed a .988 (263) AHR 139.
Second interval seemed mentally easier but just as tough. Managed a .981 (261) AHR 145
Had no time to add z3 work which I do just about every workout. Oh well, I was spent.
Well that was hard. Chocolate milk tasted extra good.
Training Peaks Chart Here
Wow now I know why I was afraid of that 3x15min at new FTP the last days .... damn this was a REAL hard one. If anyone would have told me to go just one minute more I not sure if I could have done that.

Somehow I pushed myself through these three stages of hell today and now looking at the data I feel even more proud than I felt down in my pain-cave
1st: NP=309/IF=0.97/Energy=278kJ
2nd: NP=309/IF=0.97/Energy=278kJ
3rd: NP=312/IF=0.98/Energy=280kJ
Powerbar recovery drink also already finished
Maybe you can compare your heart-rate data to a previous WKO with a similar heart-rate ...
Okay today was the first day I was a bit nervous with the 2 X 18's on the bike and the new FTP. Nailed the first but had to back off the second as I felt a slight twinge in the lower back. I have been getting awful sleep the past four days as my 2 year old daughter is waking up in the middle of the night wreaking havoc on our sleep ;-(. No mojo today. There's always next week ;-).
The cold/cough/whatever is a bit better. Still coughing but a lot fewer fits in the middle of anything. With 6 weeks to go, I've committed myself to making sure I can really get things done without breaking down or burning out the last few weeks....which means (for me) being just a touch less bullheaded at times. Last Sat, I took a couple watts off the table, and it ended up making all the difference in making a great hard workout vs. exacerbating some worked/strained quads. Today I was good with doing the same. the way it worked out, I ended up taking a 90 second break in my third 15' set, so the wko looked thike this:
FTP 248
15' #1 247
15' #2 242 (includes 15-20 sec of zero from swiching TV...)
9' 245 (bit of a struggle....)
6' 248 (better!)
Overall 225 W NP for 73 minutes.
Uneventful brick run slowly ramping up the treadmill:
PS TSS is all wrong on that display because I reset the Garmin and forgot to put my FTP back in. The default is "only" 200 W. Along these lines, I'm getting them to replace my watch over an elevation malfunction. I'm hoping this fixes my footpod glitch, too. We'll see.
I honestly could not have went another minute....the white towel, dry heaving, shaking quads were WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
249 NP, 212 AP, 0.99 IF
Today was the hardest one yet. That second 20 minutes was a grind. It felt like the fluid was just getting thicker and thicker. With 19 minutes left I knew I could not make it. Just one minute more. At 18 minutes left I knew I could not make the full 20 minutes. Just one more minute. I kept this going one minute at a time until I got through the second 20. After the cool down I knew there was no way I could get my run in. I did it anyway.
Seems someday the training just goes like that.
Way to fight through it Kim! Very inspiring!
It's pretty amazing what you can accomplish when you break it down to small chunks. I was dreading this one all week. Mentally I hold myself back, so I'm glad these workouts are pushing me out of my comfort zone.
I am transitioning like others to GF so did 2x15' with a 2x20' for thur. Hats off to those who did 3x15 or 2x20 with new zones.
I had a disaster last Sat with barely making the pre-test z4 numbers. So glad it was fatigue as I found my mojo last night and IF'd .98 x2. Looking forward to the 2x20 thur and then onto GF which seems to be 3 weeks of 2xVo2 and FTP+Vo2 on sat much like previous OS plans.
Just a word of advice, particularly for those who (like me) or are either a little older or a little more experienced (meaning closer to your potential).... be careful how many times you totally slay yourself. There's a limited number of those for most of us. Remember that the improvement comes while you are recovering from the hard workout, not during the workout itself. :-)
I even bought a second bike trainer so they can do it side by side. :-)
I just got off the phone double checking that they had 95% FTP numbers written down for their 4 x 10' workout this afternoon. LOL
They can dust me in the pool, but at least Dad still has an impressive FTP compared to his 12 year olds.
Am I missing something? I guess just mentally unsure I can do it.
Also - I thought I read somewhere where FTP is about the pace you could maintain for 1 hour. Is that correct because I am pretty sure that would not be possible for me.
Thanks for any help.