Calories consumed vs. calories burned?
I weight 143 lbs. I've been tracking my calories (plus carbs, protein, fat) intake religiously for about 3 weeks now. On average I consume 3045 calories per day, and I burn (going off my Garmin Forerunner 305 & Garmin 500) 807 per day, so a net of 2350. I feel good, my weight is crazy consistent but my biggest concern is am I fueling my body (calorie wise) properly after an 1100-1200 calorie burn vs a 600-700 calorie burn to ensure my muscles are rebuilding as much as they possibly can. I'm betting I tend to slightly overeat, for how thin I am I'd rather ensure my body is re-fueled vs. does not get enough to rebuild (or take full advantage of work performed). Maybe I'm splitting hairs here, but I'm curious if there are general guidelines with calories consumed vs. calories burned if my current intention is hold this weight, but ensure my muscles are replenished properly after a work out and hopefully I'm gaining muscle & losing body fat. And I know, I have not even got into the whole % of carb, protein, fat ratio's. In case it helps my average mix is 47% carb, 22% protein, 31% fat.
Thank you,
Jonas McCluskey
Hi Jonas,
If your weight is stable, why are you concerned? Are you seeing negative body comp changes or not the ones you want? Bad workouts due to low energy? Want to put on more lean mass?
As long as you are having excellent workouts energy-wise and getting the body comp changes you're looking for, I wouldn't focus too much on it. Your protein/fat/carb ratio is about where I'd put you. It would also depend on where you are in your season.
Hello Penny,
Thanks for the response. I just want to make sure with all the work I'm doing that I am maximizing my gains with the nutrition I take in. I've never worked this hard before (burning this many calories 6-7 days / week and I wasn't sure if there was a general rule of thumb w/ intake of calories, carbs, protein and fat that should be followed vs. calories burned. I kind of assumed as long as my weight was either holding steady, or body comp was steadily or improving (lean muscle vs fat) I was on the right track, but thought I'd throw it out there.
Plus, it always amazes me the great input I receive from the EN'ers. Where else could I just throw my crazy questions out and have a PhD is sports dietetics respond that morning
Thank you,
Jonas McCluskey
You made me smile. :-)
There are general rules of thumb, but IMHO, there are a lot of factors to consider - weight, goals, where you are in training, illness, injury, etc. If you want to maintain your weight, you don't want a calorie deficit. OTOH, if your weight is stable AND your body composition isn't changing, you may be OK. You may want to get your Resting Metabolic Rate measured so you can dial it in further. If you want to come to Houston, we can measure calories you burn on the bike and on the run at different paces, put you in the BodPod or do underwater weighing, and all sorts of other fun stuff!
Since you weigh 143, my advice would be to eat a cheese burger between 3rd period algebra and 4th period social studies
But during the season you'll see more discussions about post workout refueling -- what, how, when to eat, etc. I'm sure you could find those with a look through this forum.
Good one Rich, thanks for the chuckle! Yup I've been stricken w/ a skinny butt from day 1. I've tried "bulking up" or just gaining weight with no luck
However in Triathlon my skinny butt will = speed with the addition of more lean muscle. It's funny, all the crap I've tried before to gain weight or build muscle over the years at no avail. But swimming, biking and running my butt off for 8 months working towards being the fastest I can be has me bigger and leaner than I have ever been in my life.
But you are the coach, so big sloppy cheeseburger here I come
Good Morning Penny,
I am 6' tall. 39 years old. Sorry for the slow response on your question, I'll keep a closer eye on the thread today.
@Penny Not to hijack the thread but I'm coming to the Woodlands 2.5 weeks early for IMTX to acclimate and train, I maybe interested in coming to visit you , for some of those tests. Can you IM me about cost and options?
I have a bunch of extra pounds you can have if you want them.......
In regards to Ben's comment / question. According to my Garmin's I use during my workouts I burn on avg. 807 / day during training, I have no idea what I burn the other 22.5 hours of the day.
Ah OK that makes sense. But remember besides that 1.5h of training there is also the rest of the day, which is the part which determines your calorie balance. Everybody burns more calories than they take in during workouts,