Whole 30
After my accident in July I had to take time off from training to heal. I also took time off from eating properly. Drank too much beer ate too much ice cream, you know the drill. By the time JOS came around I had gained 17 lbs. my Vdot was down 10 points mainly due to extra weight. Since the start of JOS I have been trying to loose that weight but couldn't get past the 8 lb mark. I was starting to think that I would just have to live with it. Then my daughter started a plan called the Whole 30, thirty days of clean eating. Lean meat, fruits and veggies. NO dairy, grains, legumes, or alcohol and no cheating! 20 days later she was down 12 lbs, the 12 lbs that she had been trying to loose for years. Then my wife started the plan, she has lost 9 lbs that have been eluding her for several years and she looks leaner than I can remember. That was all the motivation I needed, I started the plan on Sunday and as of this morning have lost an additional 5 lbs for a total of 13 lbs since JOS. I have 4 more lbs to loose to get to my normal training weight.. The strength of this plan is, once you figure what to eat its simple. We have made some fantastic recipes and we're never hungary. The plan can be found in the book IT STARTS WITH FOOD, it's an easy read and should answer a lot of your questions about your own struggles with food. Check it out. If you have any other ideas or you are doing this plan, please leave a reply here.
Hey Steve,
Looks and sounds like another re-packaging of Paleo. Paleo eating can be a great way to go. The only issue I find for endurance athletes is that they may run low on workout energy. If you find this happening, add starches before, during, and after workouts (workout fuels are sugar, so not technically a part of the plan). I usually put them in a window of 2 hours before and after working out. That way, you have the extra starches/fuel for your workouts.
When I last did the paleo for 30 days straight, I lost weight (nothing like the poundage you're talking about, as at that time I didn't have much to lose), but felt better all around, my skin cleared up a bit (ex, less oily), and I visited the bathroom more (lots of fiber in those fruits and veggies). I loved it (well, except the bathroom part).
I was training for IMAZ2011 when I went and stayed 90% paleo the whole year (with my 98% adherence "cleanse" in Feb of that year), and had no problem with endurance workouts. BUT, I was still using Infinit for those endurance workouts, so I could get carbs on the fly. I got to the point where I could basically run 90+ minutes without anything but water - loved it. That was my n=1 though.
Hey Steve! I looked into the Whole 30 program a couple of months ago... I started eating a Paleo-esque diet this past August, and have trended more and more Paleo over the past few months (I will have some cheese or yogurt on occasion - which, if I were STRICTLY Paleo, I probably wouldn't be doing according to Loren Cordain or Robb Wolf...  
. Legumes actually aren't part of a Paleo diet - like grains, they contain lectins (the plant's defense mechanism to prevent it from being eaten by predators) and they also contain phytates (anti-nutrients that prevent the absorption of vitamins/minerals), saponins (soap-like compounds that literally punch holes in the intestine, leading to "leaky gut syndrome"), and in the case of soy, phytoestrogens. I DO eat rice, but rarely more than 1x/week with my sushi... I'm going to start experimenting with rice as my primary form of carbohydrate for IM training, though. Gotta replace the whole grain pasta with something! And like Scott, I'm keeping my Infinit - holding on to it for dear life is more like it!
): http://pinterest.com/jsydney07/paleo-clean-food/
I've started to pin recipes I've found to Pinterest (the ONLY use I've found for Pinterest so far!) to keep them all in one place... You can check it out here if you're interested (there IS cheese involved!