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2013 Spring Referral Drive


We are re-launching our 2013 referral program, aka the Spring Referral Drive (please go here to read the original details). Short story is that your friend gets one month of membership free, a $109 value, and you get a free month of membership if they decide to join! There is no limit to how many athletes you refer, you get a free month each time, so do the math on your savings if you refer 2, 3, 4, 5 or more of your friends to EN! 

  • Refer your friends to EN by having them email us at friend@endurancenation.us. They'll create a trial and get a FREE month of membership (essentially a 30-day trial), and will then be billed $99 every 4wks vs the current rate of $109. They save over $200 on a year of EN membership!
  • if they decide to join the Team, we'll give you one month of FREE membership at your current billing rate
  • There is no limit to how many friends you can refer. 

This drive will end, and your friends must create their trial membership, before April 15th. After April 15th your friends will pay $109 vs $99, but all other details of the program will remain the same. 

Again, just have your friend(s) email us at friend@endurancenation.us and we'll take care of the rest. They'll receive an email from us with instructions and they will be able to create their trial membership right away!  

Thanks again for your support!



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