Saddle issues
This topic came up on ST, and I thought I would post it here. I have an adamo racing on my TT bike. I have NEVER been able to get comfortable on it. The relevant langauage follows:
For me, I can ride "perched" off the end of the saddle, but it KILLS the sit bones within a pretty short time. Is that the right place for me to sit? And how long does it take for that pain to dissipate? Anyone have a suggestion as to what a normal progression is for those bones to HTFU? I've been riding my road bike all winter on the trainer, but now want to start incorporating some time in aero. But every time I try it seems my rear betrays me.The Adamo and Cobb saddles definitely take some getting used to the new pressure points up front in an extreme pelvic tilted position, many folks are sore at the contact pressure points at first but if you're sitting as far forward as you should on these saddles, which is all but falling off the front of the prongs, there really shouldn't be any contact at all up the center or forward of those distinct prong contact points.
The double point pressure soreness from saddles like the Adamo typically goes away after a week or two of riding if the saddle isn't overly uptilted but if you're riding perched right up off the front as intended there should be no pressure whatsoever up the center of your perineum or your 'taint' and only the dual pressure points side to side to deal with. For some folks there can be some side chafing against your inner thighs and zip ties to pull the prongs closer together can help here.
Saddles are so personal ... But I really tried to like the Adamo (2 versions) last year ... But I just found them too wide for me, ending up with more sores, and not sure its related to the saddle but I suffered some pretty severe sciatica last year. Upon switching back to Cobb sciatica slowly dissipated , no more sores, feel better. Musta been hitting a nerve somehow???
Here is a vid from Todd at TTbikefit
FWIW I do not ride a road bike so everytime I'm on a bike its the same seat and position. I do a fair amount of my FTP and all of my V02 from a sitting position, but have no problems , staying aero for anything .90 and below...
Good Video Steve... Hope that helps you Chris.