JOS Week 11 Bike
Four weeks to go, folks!
We've got three very hard weeks left, then week 14 backs off a little, has a bike test, and a suggested running race at the end. Time for everyone to figure out where you are mentally and physically, and do what you need to in order to get the best work in for these last few weeks.
As always, better to back off a couple of days than it is to drive yourself into a hole. But if you're ready, these last hard weeks are also great mental training. Tough stuff.
On the bike, Week 11 looks a lot like Week 10, with a couple of increments (quoting advanced plan)
- Tuesday is 12'(4'), 20'(4') 12' at FTP/Z4. You can make that last one 13' if you want to match last week's total!
Brick run.
- Thursday is 15 x 1'(1') at 120%/Z5 in three groups of 5. For those on the 110% plan, it's still 4 x 5'
- Saturday is 90' with 2 x 20'(4') at FTP/Z4 with another 12' just for fun. Finish it up with a quick Z2/Z3 brick or longer run another time.
Have a great week!
Looking forward to sunshine training.
10'(4') @z4 – NP: 204 (IF 1.02), VI 1.00
18'(4') @z4 – NP: 204 (IF 1.03), VI 1.00
10' (4')@z4 - NP: 203(IF 1.01), VI 0.99
Good start to the week!
Next week will be my last week, and then I'll transition to the Full plan for CdA. Tired, but I feel ready to start stretching it out.
Knocked out today's WKO @ 5:45 AM GMT + 1 (in Deutschland). Rocked 1 X 15', 2 X 10' done at .97, .97, and .95 IFs. Followed up with a 15 minute brick. Able to hang on much better and stay in aero bars much longer with new FTP. After reading posts from you all, successfully implemented today's workout utilizing info discussed specifically by Carl N. (swapping order of reps for mental edge) and Rich/others about ideal cadence. Truth be told, I could sit all day and read posts and just soak up all that info. Thanks you guys! My basement is officially an EN Pain Cave
Have a great day!
I went and rented Premium Rush so hoping it is good. I am going to do what I usually do and turn the intensity down on TR to .93 and shoot for the moon hoping for a .95 or better. I have to start later all this week d/t moonlighting in the Pediatric Emergency Room all week.
Fingers Crossed and please send a few good vibes my way
OOOOF! Feelin' the pain after a nice run focus week in FLA. Still trying to wrap my legs around that new FTP.
Did 10'-18'-10' @ .99, .95, and .95 respectively. That last one I had to break into two 5's with a 30 sec break as my HR was waaaay too high. Bed early tonight as I still need to recover on the sleep front. That which does not kill - makes you STRONGER!!
FINALLY hit all bike targets post-FTP bump! Woooohhooo! Had planned on doing 18', 10', 10' but since TR is 10-18-10, I did it that way.
10' @ .976IF, 18'@ .955IF, 10'@ .955 IF. Nice change from previous bike WKOs where I'd be OK ont he first interval then struggle to stay aove .90IF for the balance. Even threw in a few minutes in Z3 to round it out to 15miles.
2.5 miles on the TM in about 30mins. Just short of Z1 but not too shabby.
I worked from home today so I was able to start my WKO at 5:30 instead of the usual 6:30-6:45. Makes a big difference. I hate not being able to relax until like 8:30... Hang out with the wife for an hour and half then to bed is lame! *rambling over*
Now that was a good ride! Much, much better than this weekend's slog-fest. Up at 5:00, on the bike by 5:45....
I wasn't expecting it to go this well. One change I made from last week was that I listened to my 'Threshold Test' playlist once I started the 20min interval.
Workout 1
FTP's....20 min@1.008, 20 min@.996, and 12 min@1.02
Entire workout : RIDE #1
Duration: 1:30:08
Work: 1307 kJ
TSS: 130.8 (intensity factor 0.938)
Norm Power: 250
VI: 1.04
Distance: 28.614 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 397 240 watts
Cadence: 30 115 75 rpm
Speed: 0 22.2 18.9 mph
Workout #2
Entire workout:
Duration: 30:25
Work: 390 kJ
TSS: 33.5 (intensity factor 0.818)
Norm Power: 218
VI: 1.02
Distance: 9.183 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 531 214 watts
Cadence: 40 114 83 rpm
Speed: 0 25.8 18.1 mph
Then did the 40 min EP glad this is over!!!! BOOM
One thing i remember from week 5 is that is when I started to feel like I was getting stronger, so I'm thinking since I just finished week 10, that's another bump I'm feeling. WHo knows? But whatever works, right?
Managed IFs of .994 / .994 / .999 for all 3. Then grabbed the flashlight and did a 25 min brick run. Left hip not happy on run. Seeing chiro Wed am - we'll see what he's got to say about it.
2nd bike wko w/new Adamo Prologue seat - so far so good.
The ride is really boring to look at. But that's good. :-)
Got in a little high cadence work in the warmup before my usual indoor mashing.
12/20/12 as 248W, 249W, 247W on a 248 FTP.
Overal 0.92 IF for 73 min. Very happy with this today.
Knocked out a quick brick run then had to run off to a meeting!
The run was my first run since Saturday's half marathon and I was not running my best for sure. I was about 20 sec/mile off my normal pace for a brick run and my cadence was ~2-3 spm lower than usual. My right hamstring was a bit tight too so I elected to call it a day after 25' of the 30' scheduled.
Bike – overall 80', NP 230, IF 0.905. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
12'(4') @z4 – NP: 258 (IF 1.015), VI 1.00, HR 157/167, cad 90
20'(4') @z4 – NP: 254 (IF 1.000), VI 1.00, HR 164/174, cad 90
12'(2') @z4 – NP: 254 (IF 1.001), VI 1.00, HR 165/172, cad 91
4' @z3 – NP: 223 (IF 0.879), VI 1.00, HR 151/160, cad 87
Run – overall 3.59 miles in 25:09, avg 7:01/mile:
Split........Distance........Avg Pace
10'/18'/10' at: .96, .94, .96. Only had time for 2 min cool down and ran into the shower still huffing and puffing.
I found out the third interval that it was easier at a lower cadence so will be putting that knowledge to use on saturday's effort
I figured I change it up a little bit since I've been doing the 3x (5 x 1/1). One of my favorite workouts is the 6x5' (5'). I started 110% and went up to 115% (275, 276, 278, 279, 282, 290). Set new personal bests for 2 and 5 minutes.
warmed up 20 min- came in at .74
12' @ .97
20' @ .97
12" @ .97
1:16 in .88
HOLY CONSISTENT. The numbers jump all around as I ride then I download it and they are all 186W. MY FT is 191. I am very pleased with the workout.
We then ran easy for 28 minutes in her freakishly hilly neighborhood.
It ended up never raining- go figure.
Then I went straight to my friends house who lost her husband Monday and hung out with her for 3 hours. I have Friday off this week too so she and I and her 16 year old son have planned to go Mountain biking. GREAT THERAPY. Steve will go with me but hang with the younger son and play video games. Doing all we can to love on this family. I rarely mountain bike so this is more of a lesson from the expert( my friend) to me and her son. We can manage but it is not pretty. My friend on the other hand is an elite mountain biker. Tiny and fast as heck up the climbs and bombs down anything. No fear.
Goal for 1.20% is 320.....Went: 320,330,320,321,323,327,325,331,334,333,320,327,328,321,321,327
Entire workout :

Duration: 47:56
Work: 646 kJ
TSS: 70.5 (intensity factor 0.944)
Norm Power: 252
VI: 1.12
Distance: 14.741 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 399 225 watts
Cadence: 44 110 77 rpm
Speed: 0 22.4 18.4 mph
Ride #2
Ride #2
Entire workout:
Duration: 1:00:25
Work: 767 kJ
TSS: 68.6 (intensity factor 0.829)
Norm Power: 221
VI: 1.05
Distance: 18.211 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 334 212 watts
Cadence: 30 107 84 rpm
Speed: 0 20.7 18.0 mph
Bike #3
Duration: 58:51
Work: 794 kJ
TSS: 72.1 (intensity factor 0.861)
Norm Power: 230
VI: 1.02
Distance: 18.158 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 402 225 watts
Cadence: 32 125 84 rpm
Speed: 0 23 18.5 mph
Totals for today:
Todays #'s
Total of 51.20 miles in 2:47, burned 2800 cals, Overall IF .935, TSS 244, NP 234, ave cad 81, and ave watts/kg 3.24, ave speed 18.42.......thats a boom!!!
(Your IF can't be right...2.75 hrs at 0.93 means FTP isn't right...looks like it's based on an FTP of about 250 W...which is probably where you were a few weeks ago. I suspect you're closer to 270 FTP and the right IF is closer to 085 - 0.86 IF.)
My indoor century ride is April 7 but I have a crit next week! Looking forward to both.
My current FTP set both in wko and Trainer Road is 267. Hoping for a 275 here in a few weeks when we test again. I'm happy with my vDOT and will not be trying to push that up the rest of the OS. Ready to start working on some endurance and speed though in the water.
In the end, it was all good:
Did 4 x 5' at 274, 277, 275, 279 W (FTP of 248) with 4' rest
I had 5' more to get to an hour, so I did one more, but sitting up at 275. Next week, I'm going to go for 5 x 5'
Something funky on the HR strap again. I was registering heart rates like 50-60 during the work seems like it starts funky and stays there until something "catches" and then it it did in the last 15 min or so. I gotta find my gel and see if that solves the problem.
Our temp nanny didn't know not to touch the thermostat and had cranked the heat in the basement...I cracked the window after the warmup (the impact of which can be clearly seen on the temperature chart). Today I moved up to 4x5' but unlike William I went with 6' recoveries in order to finish the final interval at exactly 60' (now reading William's post I feel like a real wimp!!). Unlike last week where I went with a lower cadence on the later intervals and had an easier time, today I went with a high cadence for intervals 1-3 then a lower for the first half of interval #4 at which point my legs were screaming and I flipped to an easier gear…and saw my power fall off a cliff. These are very tough workouts but I like them. I think they are much more effective than the shorter VO2s. I am pretty worried about my ability to complete 5x5' of them when the plan flips up to add the final one. Once again I was also able to hit z1 in all of my recoveries.
Bike – overall 60', NP 232, IF 0.912. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
5'(6') @110% – NP: 281 (IF 1.106), VI 1.00, HR 155/162, cad 93, recovery @ NP 175
5'(6') @110% – NP: 284 (IF 1.118), VI 1.00, HR 159/167, cad 94, recovery @ NP 172
5'(6') @110% – NP: 286 (IF 1.125), VI 1.00, HR 162/169, cad 94, recovery @ NP 168
5'(-') @110% – NP: 286 (IF 1.127), VI 1.00, HR 162/171, cad 91