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Most Embarassing Gym Moment?

I had a swim workout a few years ago where I forgot a towel. So I stood in front of the paper towel dispenser, and a very angry 80-year-old Russian doode, drying myself off in the buff. What's your worst gym moment?




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    Yeah, same thing as Patrick, except I had one of those swim chamois with me. I couldn't wring it out fast enough.
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    Well I cant top that... but mine was an ego crusher....

    I was benching one day and felt good so I added a little more weight on the bar and that was apparently the straw that broke the camels back.
    My then 155 pounds (back when I was huge hahaha) was stuck laying under a 215 lb bar on my chest asking the huge guy next to me to HEEELLLPPPP! ( ibet it looked like a bad movie scene!)
    note to self when working out at the gym with heavy weights have a a spotter even if you dont hink you need one!
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    I went to the gym and showed up for a weights class out in the gym floor. me and my GF were reading what equipment we needed... 10lb weights, stability ball, etc. and then a "booty bar"... I didn't know what a booty bar was and neither did she? so we had to ask and the teacher a woman just stared at us..... you mean a "BODY BAR"??? oh yeah, we laughed at that one.... BODY bar... we giggled throughout the whole class. or the time that I showed up for a stability ball class.. yes one hour using that thing.. and while doing some sort of backbend thing.. I just rolled off the thing. the ball goes one way and I go another all to this soothing music... and I start laughing on that one too. I have also done the paper towel dry off thing cuz I forgot my towel, had my swimsuit die on me.. you know when it stretches out? and you just can't figure out how to get out of the lane to get to your towel fast enough!, forgotten all manner of clothing and have stopped in at Target to buy some, and with preschoolers, two of them.. would go swimming and then have to shower with them, that was the funniest of them all, trying to keep them in tow while actually trying to shower. whew. or just taking your daughter into the ladies dressing room and trying to tell her to NOT say anything about people's different sizes!!
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    Back in my former days of powerlifting, I was getting ready for my turn and had put some Icy Hot on my shoulders and then thought before I put on my suit I better relieve myself. Well Icy Hot and Privates DO NOT MIX very well  I was near tears and doing a 2 step.


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    This one involves a speedo.

    My spandex shorts had reached their expiration date and there were no new ones at the store I went too, but there were speedos.

    Well, I've never worn one, nor did I ever have the right to where one, but I needed something to swim in that day so I got them.

    I was about 20lbs heavier than I am now (all chest and biceps mind you ) and I was not fooling anyone including myself.  However, it was a quick walk to the pool from the locker room, so no big deal until the day I had to wait for a lane.

    Of course, there was a huge swim practice with lots of parents in the bleachers and I swear I had a sign on me that said, 'hey, look at this fat bastard in his speedo, WTF was he thinking?'

    I had one of the Y towels which is like a dish towel, so I couldn't wrap that around me, so I just hid behind the bleachers as best I could until a lane opened up.  10 minutes was a lifetime.


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    I am not a morning person.  The only workout I like to do early in the AM is swimming because the water wakes me up, but 2 years ao in the OS I went to do a Dreadmill work out before work.  Well my towel fell from the holder and...well I tred to pick it up goig full speed on the treadmill.   I was shot off the back like nbody's business.  Somehow I managed to not break my Arse but I made a huge noise I hink everyone at the Ystopped to see what  was doing.  Igot back on the treadmill andwent for aboutnother 5-10 mines efore sneaking out.

    I have forgotten my lock combo after swimming and spent 30 minutes tryng to get into my locker.  l almost walked home in a jammer!


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    These are making me laugh!! keep em coming!!
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    Loads of embarrassing gym moments but two come to mind immediately:

    I'm running on the treadmill and feeling great, beautiful girl gets on treadmill beside me, now I worry that I'll fart, this worry causes my stomach to get “gassy, and then the anxiety of trying to keep butt cheeks tight causes a short high pitched trumpet to sound. Of course, I hit the stop button immediately and go through a long and extensive investigation of the grip on my running shoes that have obviously just squeaked!! So, embarrassing - never happens when there is noone in the gym!

    Same gym – I'm running fast with treadmill on max doing an interval. A gym ball rolls slowly up to the back of the treadmill and touches the belt. This stops the belt dead but I continue running fast and wrap myself over the top of the display then quickly bounce back upright just in time to see in the mirror where the ball had gone – it has launched into the air and hit the big guy at the free weights on the back of his head. He turns and I wave at him in the mirror then prepare to be beaten to a pulp because he thinks I threw the ball at him. I think I squeaked then as well!

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    I almost have tears in my eyes now!! laugh out loud....
    oh what about the time I was swimmin and really got into my zone but swam in the next person's lane!! boy was I confused ... or what about the time I didn't quite get the circle swim thing and ran right into the oncoming swimmer and her teeth left a mark in my nose! ouch. I was getting beat up at Masters swim! the time I attempted flip turn and somehow ended up grazing my shoulder on the bottom of the pool and snorting water in my nose! ouch.
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    This is not necessarily a gym embarrassing moment but years ago, in the midst of some summer partying in the heartland area of IL, I headed off to relieve myself and peed directly on an electric fence.

    It only left a slight mark on my already fragile psyche.
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    OMG I am laughing so hard my stomach hurts. Phew , I needed that laugh.

    I have shared this before but here goes: another treadmill story, at the gym running fast on the TM at like 9 mph, my friend gets on next to me and he is chatting away, I look over to answer him and lose my footing and go down on my knees catching the rails, I try 3 x to jump back up and keep running only to be knocked down again, my friend hanging over his TM trying to pick me up, I finally have to let go and get shot off the back at warp speed. So freaking embarrassing and painful. Why the heck we could not remember to hit the big red stop button is beside me.

    Still laughing about The Halligan and Chris Smyth....
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    Ive got two for you. Last year when we were training for CDA, I was in the middle of one of those 2.4 mile swims when I had the urge to let gas pass. Mind you, this is coming from the guy who is in love with his Brussel Sprouts. I had been letting em rip in the middle of the lane for a bit, but the building gas would get stuck in my shorts and create a bubble butt. No one could tell, but it was throwing my stroke off! So I thought, well, I will just try to rip on as my butt is pointing up during a flip turn. Worked like a charm and it sort of became a game for the last 500 yards. So..of course it was only when I finished that I noticed all the parents and kids from the swim class sitting 2 feet from the pool edge. All I could do was stretch my arms and say, "Ahhhhhh."

    Second incident involves the classic spandex shorts. I knew I was reaching the end of my current short's lifespan, but I kept putting it off. Finally, one day after a good swim, I was folding my shorts in front of me when I noticed I could see the guy next to me through them. Raising an eyebrow, I stuck my hand in the crotch and "approximated." Was like an orange in a panty hose. No wonder all the old ladies in water aerobics were smiling...

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    this...is...AWESOME! Thank you all for sharing!!!
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    One of the treadmills at our office had gotten this weird nose so in our attempt to figure it out we decided that the top plastic part had gotten loose. Our solution was weigh it down with a wooden box full of leg weights and plates (probably 40-50 lbs in there). Worked like a champ!

    Fastforward a year and I'm running during my lunch break with a gym full of people and patients. The box comes loose, hits the belt and proceeds to sweep both of my feet out from under me. Pretty much face planted on the treadmill and then both myself and the box promptly got shot off the back into the fridge we had behind it for ice.

    Suffice it to say I had to extend said lunch break to go get some stitches in my shin from where the box hit me.


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    While not a gym moment but embarrassing to say the least, so lets set the stage.

    I work in a beach community (Revere Beach) and one of my duties is I am in charge of the MTB unit.

    So Stud Muffin Officer all tanned and in his nice bike uniform, cool shades is cruising the beach, keeping the peace comes upon scantly clad young ladies  Said young ladies wave and say hi, Said officer being friendly turns and waves and says hi, Officer runs into the back of a parked car, we won't  mention who that officer was

    Guess that ruined the moment.


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    This is a pre-workout story, but early morning, in a daze from a bad night of sleep, I pass the entrance to the men's locker room. Unbeknownst to me I turn instead into the ladies locker room. Of course, perfect timing that there is a lady taking off her shirt. First thought in my mind was "man, that dude has some serious moobs. Oh crap, that's not a dude! So sorry." Rest of workout, kept expecting management to come kick me out as a peeping tom.
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    Clinton- I've had that same experience in reverse. For some reason I can't remember, I had to head to a pool that I was not familiar with for my morning swim. After the swim I picked up my bag and walked into the locker room which passes by the open stall showers first. I got about half way down that shower line before I realized there were a few extra things hanging around that didn't belong in a ladies room. I looked up in total shock directly at one of the guys and he gave me this HUGE smile, waved, and said "no problem- you can join us!" EEEEEEEEK. I turned and ran as fast as I could in those shower shoes! Thankfully I didn't fall on my way out!

    I'd forgotten all about that moment- thanks for the memories......I think!
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    ROTFLMAO! I am work and this has tears running down my face. I am trying to remember what I have done, but since I haven't belonged to a gym for over 15 years, I can not think of anything.
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    Well, there was the time I was waiting at a light on my bike. It was rush hour and there was a large crowd across the road to my left, they were waiting to cross the street. When the light turned green for the cars going the same direction as me, I attempted to go. It was slightly uphill and I could not get into my Look pedals. In slow motion I rolled forward, kicking viciously at the pedals as I fell over in front of the stopped cars and crowd. I had made it just a few feet, so I got up and walked back to where I had come from. As I glanced up, the crowd across the street began to applaud, so I took a bow.

    I have hated Look pedals ever since. Guess what I have on my TT bike... an accident waiting to happen... again
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    @Nemo: Wait! That was you!!! I still have your left shower shoe!

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    A young gal passed out after running on the treadmill. I work part time as a paramedic for the city the gym is in. I got off my treadmill to help her, the ambulance had been called I gave a quick report to the crew who I of course knew they took her away I went to get back on the treadmill I was previously using. It was still running, I didn't realize it. I fell off of it and scraped up my leg. It sucked.
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    there seems to be a treadmill theme!!! ouch.
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    Not necessarily a embarassing gym moment but it is probably in the running for stupidest way to burn SAU's! Woke up last week at about 3 am and was wide awake and knew I wasn't going to get back asleep so I decided to get my ride in on the trainer. Hit the basement and all was well until I realized at 4:20 that I better get my A$$ upstairs and turn off my alarm that was set for 4:30. I have one of the most annoying alarm clocks that escalates in volume if you don't turn it off until I can literally hear it standing on the street in front of the house. As I snuck back in the room to turn it off I am standing there hitting buttons and all of a sudden I hear the lovely voice of my DW "you're about 20 minutes too late A$$hole". Oops!
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    ouch on the alarm!! you just cost her at least an hour of sleep!! I suggest a cute little watch.... and a card that says "for all the TIME you have spent on me" or some such with Time as the theme....ooooh, honey you are in the doghouse!! Dan, very funny on the treadmillm and Nemo too funny ... I was still hoping for the retell of the other outside shower incident! m
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    Oh Marianne, that outside shower story stays in the Womans Forum!!!!
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    Posted By Nemo Brauch on 12 Feb 2010 07:45 AM

    Oh Marianne, that outside shower story stays in the Womans Forum!!!!
    You going to make us search for it aren't you?
    May as well fess up!


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    I don't have many gym moments but I have cool treadmill moment.

    In March-August 1998 I was deployed with the 11th MEU on board the USS Denver and USS Tarawa. I was a Marine artillery officer attached to a infantry company as Forward Observer and Over the Horizon Navigator. they were the small boat raid company of the MEU. You know, 110 Marines in 20 rubber boats. Freeze your ass off in the dark for the 20 mile trip in, land on a beach, cliimb up a cliff, in the dark, assault a target, exfil out to the boats and freeze again (soaking wet this time) during the transit back to the ships. I was responsible for navigating them to/from the target, and controlling air, mortars and naval gunfire during the assault.

    Anywho, not much for a guy like me to do on the boat during the transit to the Sandbox other than run around the flight deck with a gasmask on, lift 2hrs a day, and teach armor ID, how to control artillery, mortars and air to 18yo Marines, and sleep 10hrs a day in the "horizontal time acceleration chamber."

    The "flag bridge" was where they parked the treadmills, a spin bike and rowing machine for use by the officers. Pretty sweet setup with a huge set of windows nearly the length width of the boat. So we were somewhere in the Pacific between Hawaii and...whatever...sailing west at about 3pm and I was running on the treamdill on the flag bridge. The sun was low enough that it was casting cool shadows on the swells, lighting up the spray, but high enought that it wasnt in my eyes. 15ft swells perpendicular to the bow as far as the eye could see, with the horizon going to forever in all directions. I remember thinking:

    1. I'm on big ass boat that's the size of about nothin' in this ocean. The Pacific is BIG...crazy big. A whole insignificance-of-man moment.
    2. This is a very cool view/experience that very, very few people ever get to witness.

    I just ran and ran and ran.

    Got another story about swimming in the Gulf of Aqaba and being pulled into a bass boat by guys with machine guns...but I'll save that one for later


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    I was waiting for point #3, as you are in the zone and this big 15 ft swell knocks you off the treadmill and boat, requiring you to swim to the nearest island.
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    Out on a long run in the middle of nowhere and have to go #2 so I find a bush and do my thing and of course no tp behind this bush so grab some"leaves"  and  finish my run.  Next day, major itch on the back side.  Posion Ivy all over my rear!!  Can you say clueless?

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    I was swimming laps at the pool a few years ago and realized I was being pointed out as the example of the "bad swimmer" to private swimming lesson. Awkward. Coach could've at least given me a few pointers.

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